Saturday, April 24, 2010

Waterproofing Paint Shoes

Evo Morales: the chicken with hormones makes homo.

End of the World Conference of Peoples on Climate Change and Human Mother Earth, who has just taken place in Bolivia. The final speech, which is worth its weight in peanuts, combines the most pessimistic of the IPCC to address the most anti-capitalist radical (we would live "terminal crisis of the model of civilization based on the submission and the destruction of human beings and of nature, which accelerated with the Industrial Revolution "), advocates the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Mother Earth, and requires" developed "they assume the cost of hundreds of millions of climate migrants who will soon arrive.
Le Monde sees a generous " popular appeal to a court climate," where victims of climate change are finally heard. Several South American newspapers were on their side, good idea to raise a few sentences Evo Morales who jammed a little. This is not because he is Bolivian, union, indigenous, left or anything that would not have the right to dig his speech: here is the most baked.
- " The chicken we eat is full of female hormones. Because of this, when people eat these chickens, they have deviations in their masculine identity ," says Evo, while hormone-treated beef prematurely develops chest Girls: So we should "eat only animals with Creole," homegrown, non-GMO. Because it is well known, the chicken with hormones causes homosexuality.
- " Baldness, which seems normal, is a disease in Europe, they are almost bald. It is because of what they eat . While among indigenous peoples there is not bald, because we eat more. In fifty years everyone will be bald "in Europe, according to him.
- "Our potatoes from [= native, homegrown, strain] is satanisée" Dutch potatoes arriving in Bolivia contain hormones of fish and must be peeled because their skin contains poison concentrated, while the Bolivian potatoes can be eaten with the skin.
- Funnier still, a diatribe against the Coca-Cola, a traditional symbol of U.S. imperialism: from Evo, plumbers would use the Coca-Cola to unclog toilets , so it contains chemicals . Itself would have fallen sick after drinking Coke in years 1990, when he is so well chicha, then surely this is not a natural and healthy. This theory as Coca Ram pipe is known, there are also many other urban legends about Coca-Cola : Fiat workers would use Coke as a solvent on the assembly line, it would dissolve a piece of meat in three days, or contraception would ...

The rest of the speech is in keeping. Evo Morales has also created the Department of Mother Earth, and several members Bolivian proposed his name for the Nobel Peace Prize. But of course! Sacred Evo: if there not, it should be invented.


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