Wednesday, April 14, 2010

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Three Rivers

Namely: the village is reported as 1100. From the 13th century, it developed thanks to the prosperity of Dourdan, Etampes and Montlhéry. The Gothic church, built at that time, remains one of the finest examples in the Ile de France. Portal dated 1300, like stained glass. The latter, of very good quality, wonderfully demonstrating the talent of the painters on glass, influenced by the Psalters and their miniature gold background. St Sulpice thereto raised a child drowned, many sick and infirm pilgrims began to attend church in hopes of a miracle. The poorest women, the elderly and the infirm are then welcomed to the Hotel Dieu, a charity house built for them. Then then follows a succession of conflicts that ravage the village every time: Hundred Years War, Civil War and War of the Fronde. The church is not immune to bullets of Turenne in 1652. Burned, it was rebuilt by Mr Lamoignon which covers a wooden cradle. Its three levels are outlined in a race cover interior and exterior. The village finally found its prosperity in the late 17th century, around the vineyards. But the revolution in church attacks: his sculptures are heavily hammered. The statue of St Sulpice is beheaded, shot and buried under the second span. Exhumed in 1812, she was re-installed in 1936, thanks to his patron Robert Lanz. During the 19th St Sulpice launches open sandstone quarries in Madagascar, and brought a population of Italian immigrants. Meanwhile, the village hosts many pilgrims. The church was badly damaged, she was among the first listed buildings renovated by the Historical Monuments. Gradually, the village becomes residential.

A near the visit of St Sulpice, we look back along the valley towards Mauchamps Thibaud. Here we see the church of St. Jean Baptiste the 13th century. Curiously, listening if it rains, no sound of rain. We cross several pieces of farm management Chauffour, then descend to Etrechy and St Etienne his bandstand.

Namely: in the late 11th century, the lord Anceau donated his land at the Abbey of Flers in Beauvaisis to found a Benedictine community in Etrechy. Quickly, the monastery became the Priory St Etienne. Louis XI took the land under its protection. A leper is created on the road to Etampes. A church was erected in the priory in the late 12th. Altered in the 13th and 14th, it is distinguished from surrounding churches by the presence of a transept, whose cross is surmounted by a tower with tent roof. In the 15th, the hospital of the order of Malta to build a strong house Roussay, which is still a rebirth. In 1592, became Lord Sully Vaucelles, but it rarely stays. St Vincent Paul is Etrechy during the Fronde and he heals the wounded Turenne. A century later, the hospital property are gathered at the Hotel Dieu d'Etampes. During the revolution, many religious buildings were sold as national property. The village became a place to stay for the burghers of Etampes. The bandstand reflects their taste for leisure. Its architecture provides a range of celebration at the village square. The residential use is confirmed with the arrival of the railway in 1850.

After the Pont Royal, we face the Butte St Martin. It is steep! Le Coudray past, we go back to Valley Barbot and The Touchet, large farm of the 13th century. It would have belonged to the Templars of Chauffour Etréchy. We find the path of countries that follow us until the auction closes to the Bramble, established at the entrance to Saudreville. Can we win the Paradise, where, beside the languid Vixen, stands the church of St Aubin and Castle Villeconin .

Namely: Villeconin consists of the villages of Bois-van, Fourchainville Le Fresne, Montflix, and Villeneuve Saudreville forks. Until the old regime, the history of these places, where four lords reign, is relatively unknown. The church is high in the 12th century. Altered several times, it includes Romanesque, Renaissance and flamboyant. The alluvial deposits brought by the storms have raised the site, which explains the steps to take to church. Inside, the furniture reflects the wealth of the parish. Castle Villeconin the 14th. Property of John Montagu, the Superintendent of Finance Charles VI, the 17th is sold to the family Cochefilet, fine parents of Sully. The area is transformed into a farm after the revolution. In the 18th century, Villeconin has 177 houses, a church, a rectory, three presses, a tile and a lime kiln, bringing together 620 inhabitants. However, most farm owner was the Marquis de Talaru, owner of Castle Chamarande. All land is occupied by fields and vineyards until the phylloxera ravaged the vineyards not in 1861. In 1932, the castle Villeconin regains its original function, becoming the property of Count Jouvencel.

On the opposite side of the valley, stands the remains of the tower of the Grange , high au13ème century. We're getting closer after providing a long effort. Attracted by the toast, we head towards the manor Blancheface where we place a snack.

Namely: Blanchefouasse's mansion, built in 1326, was bought by the Hotel-Dieu in Paris in 1663. In 1789 he became a large farm comprising main building, two rooms with low bakery, several rooms with fireplace and loft high above, and great room with fireplace. The ensemble is completed with barns, stables, cow barn, sheep, wine press and fulling, roofs pigs, chicken and pigeon. Many buildings have since been destroyed. The house probably owes its current name of the former Priory Cloister high at the location of the pond.

We leave refreshed before borrowing in light wood, the steep descent that leads to Sermaise. Here, we take the opportunity to admire the Church of St. Anne .

Namely: originally the village grows on the slopes of the right bank of the Barley, but encourage the wetlands population to create settlements on the plateau. These become the seat of the strongholds of Villeneuve, Mondetour The barn Blancheface Le Mesnil ... Twenty-eight private pools and public water supply to residents. Indeed, the wells are rare because of the deep digging (70m). In the late 15th century, the village enjoying a prosperous period and the original church was enlarged. From that time remain the saddleback tower and west porch with round arch, the first two bays of the nave dating from the 13th and 14th. The village is owned by the family of Crosne and Emery. The marquis de Baville surrender to the Hotel Dieu in Paris Sermaise acquired the fiefs, except that of Rachée. In the 18th, Sermaise enlarged his church. The village has five mills and so many vineyards. Carried away by phylloxera in the 19th, they are replaced by vegetable growing, and cereal. Plants installed in the old mills, including Rachée and Notions. But economic development is hampered by the lack of station. The village becomes residential and the rest after the arrival of the railroad.

After crossing the Barley, we are climbing to new reliefs, those Timber Bretonnière. We catch our breath a little more away in the woods of the Marais, under the cool canopy of chestnut trees. Without joining the Rémarde, we continue on the road towards the castle Baville , which we give an admiring look.

Namely: in 1625, Christian Lamoignon began to be building a castle on the ancient manor of Baville. The construction style of Louis XIII comprises a main building with two floors, flanked by two side wings terminated by a flag protruding, forming the courtyard. Boileau, Racine, Madame de Sevigne, Regnard, Flechier frequent the castle. Mr Lamoignon fact develop a park with grottoes, statues and flag craft. His son, Francis, built in 1677 two wings of the castle. The little son, Christian Francis, built in 1769 the joint in front of the castle. The assembly then forms a stately home, worthy of a big family. But in early May 1789, he ended his days in a cave in the park. The estate was bought in 1791 by Ms. Roslin d'Ivry, then resold to Saulty family, still owns. By destroying the left wing of the castle, they have built an orangery.

We spend the new house and farm of the Folleville. At the entrance of Breuillet, the pavement is not disjoint and we can safely let it slide to the bottom of the valley. Here, we distinguish soon Breux and chapel. Cosnardières arrived at, we head south to join Feugères by road. Too bad it's so hard to see the castle Segre since the road that takes us back to St Sulpice.

Namely: in 1733, the farmer-general Andre Soucy Haudry buys fied Segre. He erected a castle instead of a previous flag. He praised the Marquis d'Argenson in the spring of 1748. His daughter, Madame de Montulli, inherits and in 1772, her husband rented the castle to Count Blot. The latter's wife emigrated in 1792 and benefits from the absence of Mr Montulli to take away all the furniture. Sole owner in 1802, Mr. de Montulli sells it in 1808 to the Marquis de la Garde. In 1856, Alphonse Martin Lavallée acquires Segre. His son, Alfonso Peter, there begins his first botanical collections. After two years, about 3000 species which are cultivated. In 1860, the schools begin trees, arranged in line and not in clumps. President of the Horticultural Society, the son Lavallée died in 1884 and bequeathed to the family including Vilmorin, over 6500 plant species, making her the richest collection of woody arboretum in the world. Much of trees has since been transferred to Nogent Vernisson (Loiret). At the end of the park in the hamlet of Feugère, is a hunting lodge in ogival openings. This construction suggests the project of Hubert Robert for the mill of Méréville and the entrance lodge Castle Bandeville.

Overview of this release: Three Rivers


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