Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dental Hygienist Tattoo

In Peru, the historic leader of the Shining Path claimed the right to marry (The World)

They announced for several days and have put their threat into execution. The leader and founder of the guerrillas of Shining Path, Abimael Guzman , and his companion, Elena Iparraguirre began, Tuesday, April 20, a hunger strike in their respective prison. "They will now no solid food and not drink as liquids, " reported their lawyer Alfredo Crespo .

Imprisoned for eighteen years, leaders Historical Shining Path, the Maoist armed movement to the origin of internal conflict that caused the disappearance of nearly 70 000 people in Peru between 1980 and 2000, protesting against the Peruvian authorities that would prevent them from marrying. "They want to formalize the relationship they have since 1989, but authorities do not give them the necessary documents to complete the administrative formalities, "said Alfredo Crespo.Une charge denied by Ruben Rodriguez, the head of the National Institute Prison (INPE), who claims to have acceded to the request of the prisoner, while the Minister of Justice Victor Garcia assured Tuesday that the rights of the guerrilla leaders were respected.

several months ago that the lawyer has announced the commitment for Abimael Guzman, 75, to marry his girlfriend, number 2 of the guerrilla movement, Elena Iparraguirre, 62. Together they led the "people's war" against the Peruvian State and ordered the murders and bloody attacks that have characterized the action of the Shining Path for nearly two decades.
They were also set September 12, 1992, when police raided the home where Abimael Guzman was hiding. An arrest which marked the beginning of the fall of the guerrillas.
since Judged guilty of aggravated terrorism against the state and qualified homicide, the leaders of Shining Path are serving today, each in turn, a sentence of life imprisonment. "They was sentenced to a custodial sentence, but have rights like all prison Niers the world, "insists Alfredo Crespo believes that the rights of the guerrilla, in solitary confinement since 1992, are violated. "It is impossible to marry, he was denied permission to receive visits or books, " denounced the lawyer.
The couple has not seen since the end of his trial in October 2006 and communicate from writing. "As an unmarried, we should have a right to family visits. But authorities do not give me permission to see Abimael because they say I'm not married to him. Thing they require no other prisoners of this country, "complained Elena Iparraguirre Tuesday on RPP radio that she contacted by telephone from prison.
A meeting between the two former officials of the armed movement could it not be considered a strategic meeting rather than a romantic date? "The law is the same for everyone," said the former leader. Whatever the things were made, they were considered by the state and we were sentenced (...). The war in Peru lasted twelve years and ended. "

Chrystal Barber

Even if the new looks very interesting, there is, basically, nothing new . Guzman has formally asked to marry Elena Ipaeeaguirre, "Comrade Miriam," since at least four years after the prison rules, prisoners have married the right to see him once a week. But then, for safety reasons (transport weekly from one prison to another being not sure), this would require them together again, what the authorities do not want.
Guzman conducts hunger strikes whenever he wants to improve his conditions of detention since the late 1990s, he made at least one year. It occupies it. Apart from that, he expects much more of life. If he had died fighting the Peruvian State, he was a martyr, but after his capture he finally agreed to work with Fujimori and calling for a truce, and has lost all credibility. As the trial mounted immediately after capture was tainted by suspicions of non-partisanship, a review took place in 2006 to be the clear legally, and since even the non-governmental human rights have nothing to say. Guzmán published a few copies of his "legal defense policy" last year, Puno y letra. But it's long, 18.


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