Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sketchbook Vs Painter

Grand Conde

To start this grand tour of Conde Vesgre on, we start from the church of St Martin the charming village of Bourdon.

Namely: after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Gauls settled at the confluence of the Vesgre and its rus. In the 6th century St Germain evangelizing the people of Conde. This village is then up to the abbey of St. Denis - who also owns Bourdonné, then returned to the village of Montfort dukes, from 1317 to 1789. Yolande, Comtesse de Montfort and Duchess of Brittany, led Bourdonné. However, Charles I of this Cocherel, adviser to the king, we must first chapel completed in 1646. The new church built in the 18th century includes completely. The entry that opens onto the square is the old door to the dead. His vault to Philibert Delorme was once decorated, paneled battens and sustained girders. The castle surrounded by wide moat was built between 1607 and 1612 to Mr. Cocherel. In 1733, his heirs have built a chapel on the edge of the water, and it was immediately blessed by Mr. Jean Dutartre. José Maria de Heredia wrote his last sonnets before dying there in 1905. Altered in the 18th and 19th, the castle and its outbuildings are now owned by the sister of Charles Aznavour. Although invading by the Prussians in 1815 and 1870, Bourdonné has developed around the manufacture of lime. Meanwhile, Conde is chosen by followers of Charles Fourier to test a model of social organization by installing phalansteries, which explains the various species of trees including pine and fir trees.

We head wood sparse and quickly gain the hamlet of Hales. Before leaving him completely, we sink beneath the branches. Here, hardwoods fade the benefit of softwood and sometimes sandy soil hinders our progress. After Bocquet, we catch up the path of red buttes. The dolmen of Pierre Ardoue offers us a moment's respite to gather our forces. On the other hand, we enter St Leger en Yvelines to see its church St Jean Baptiste and old houses which ourlent the high street.

Namely: the dolmen, collective burial, is unique in the department. The burial chamber was emptied in the 17th to serve as a sheepfold. Originally, the dolmen stones based on 4, but 2 have collapsed inward. Existing in the Gallo Roman, the village has a church in 1026 by Robert the Pious. In the 12th, the domain is owned by Philip Augustus, before returning to the Duke of Montfort. Through the marriage of Anne de Bretagne with Louis XII, St Leger joined the royal domain, which is then given by Andre Francois 1er de Foix, who built a stud farm in 1535. In 1548, Henry II entrusted Philibert Delorme to build a castle to replace the feudal structure. Louis XIV purchased the stud farm in 1668 and made by Jean enlarge Fieve. New horse farms in addition to the field. Then Louis XVI says the Duke of Chevreuse in 1692, the lordship of the domain. In 1706 it was sold to the Count of Toulouse, which integrates the marquis of Rambouillet. In 1715, the stud is transferred to Normandy. The church is seen embellished saddle covered with a bell tower and breakthrough in twin bays lancets, and the only timber-framed house became royal property in 1764. Despite the restorations, it has retained its facade, very rare in the township. The trim under the roof represents the Pits of Montfort, a town which was then attached St Leger. At the same time, a presbytery offered to the priest in 1776 by the inhabitants of the town. Built near the church, it is sold during the revolution. St Leger then returns to the Duke of Penthievre, before being acquired by the king in 1783. Napoleon recovered in 1805. The castle was destroyed at the end of the 19th. Not remain the domain of the gate onto the road Houdan. He lost his bow but has retained its decorative checkerboard, extremely rare in the southern department.

Staying on the right hand, we still enjoy some very pretty buildings, then we look to Montpas. From there we follow remote swamps of Vesgre. Despite the damp places, a few noble houses dot the valley in the palm of vegetation: the Planet castle and stables, the castle Rouvray ... We pass the Sergontières Mesle then, and come to Adainville. Here we find the church of St Denis and school 1867.

Namely: church, rebuilt in the 15th, is the possession of the Abbey of St Denis from the seventh century. A polygonal stair turret is attached to the bell tower for access. The school built in the 19th is typical of the era. It includes a classroom, the teacher housing, a weathervane and a steeple. Another curiosity to discover Adainville: farm six willows, uncharacteristically, is always transmitted to daughters of the family since 1820.

We continue in the direction of Breuil and join the country Gr. After Chaudejoute, we climb the hill of La Ferriere. Arrive at St Como, we continue straight ahead to win Houdan , the city gate Epernon.

Namely: the site is occupied since the Palaeolithic period. In the 10th century, the city belongs to Montfort. Delivered to the English in 1098, the town is then connected to Britain through the marriage of their daughter Yolanda Duke with Arthur. The King of France confiscated their several times following alliances between Britain and England and Charles V supply to the constable. Houdan is then made to the English in 1432, before being taken over by Charles VII, who donated one of his squires, Giraud Pallière. The city developed around the fairs of St. Jacques and St. John the Baptist. The church was built thanks to money traders. Altered several times, it reflects the changing styles of the 16th: Gothic and Renaissance. With the marriage of Anne of Brittany and Louis XII, the city becomes king. Louis XIV exchange lands Chevreuse cons County Montfort erected into a duchy. Luynes family gets the area and keeps it until the revolution. The wool trade became the specialty shows, and then changes the making of cloth for military uniforms. After a thriving business, Houdan declined after the First World War.

Vesgre After crossing, we follow St. Matthew guides us on a moment Trail country. Then we descend to the Maulette castle built in the 16th century, rebuilt in the 17th and 18th. From here we skirt the meadow Cayenne, then the marsh Bourel marked by the river overflows. We pass the Boulay and bifurquons St Agnan the cross, which makes us avoid crossing Gambais. We will visit the house Landru and Castle Neuville next time! We return to the Vesgre lead to the back of the castle Bourdonné. A few pedal strokes, and we return to our starting point.

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