Sunday, May 2, 2010

How To Chain Pokemon In Soul Silver

Rémarde and Barley, a story

Dourdan We leave from the north to catch the trail of the Pays d'Hurepoix. After passing the hamlet Rouillon, we let the goat dazed and continue our way between the Mines and Monvalle. We soon arrive at St Cyr sous Dourdan, after crossing the Rémarde inflated by the Gazebo. Here, we take the time to appreciate a superb and Jubilee Church St Cyr .

Namely: the village's history dates back to prehistoric times, but it is from the 9th century that history is written with the fiefs of Bandeville, Béchereau , Bistelle, Foisnard the Barochers, the Lodges and the Tower of St Cyr all depend Monthléry or Rochefort. In 1236, Simon has a simple Bandeville fortified house with dovecote and garden. In 1530, Thomas Rappouël, notary and secretary of the king and his room, takes the field, it enlarged the castle, creating a park and then rebuild the church in 1540 in flamboyant Gothic. Besides, Charles Le Prevost shaved tower of St Cyr and build a new manor house in 1610, which remains almost the entire frame. But in 1618, Thierry Sevin, President of the Parliament of Paris, completes the unification of Bandeville buying the Tower of St Cyr. He built a new castle in 1622, erected soon marquisate 1682. Count Alexander James Pourtales bought the estate in 1806. His descendants still own. Away from it all, the village is very little affected by economic developments of the 19th and preserving its rural character and residential, it has attracted artists like André Dunoyer de Segonzac.

We follow the course of the river through the Val St. Germain. Shortly after the mill at Granville , we came close to mirroring the Chateau du Marais . We walk along the walls at a distance, before climbing the hill of pines to reach the heart of St Maurice Montcouronne.

Namely: the 12th century the valley, as well as St Maurice, is the monks of the Abbey of Vaux Cernay. The swamp is drained, the first lord moved there in 1282: John of Saint Germain. The latter has already Montcouronne St Maurice, near here. At the end of the 15th, the heir of John Vignay retrieves an area ravaged by civil war. His son Anthony will deliver the order and built the Chateau du Marais. Having bought Montcouronne St Maurice, Jean Hurault, counselor to the parliament of Paris acquired the Marsh in 1516. It enlarges and beautify the park. The whole rest of his family owned until 1706. In 1767, the treasurer general of artillery Jean Lemaitre buys the field. From 1772, he swallowed his entire fortune to rebuild the castle in a neo-classical architect John Benoit Vincent Barre. The lobby, largely openwork and crowned with a dome, is inspired by Palladio. In 1784, his niece, Madame de la Briche, retrieves and stores it until 1899. Then the couple Castellane seeks to revive the marshes before the wife does not supply the Talleyrand family. Since the end of World War II, the descendant Violette de Talleyrand Perigord restores and manages the Marais. Meanwhile, during the revolution employed by a company of saltpetre leaching of land, the church of St Maurice Montcouronne suffered heavy damage. Made for worship in 1890, it was restored and embellished. The village also benefits from the presence of the rich industrial family Dervillé. His son Stephen is Chairman of the Board of Directors in the company of the railroads. In 1900 he built a laundry in the town center.

We find the Gr111, we take up Arpenty. From there we descend to the withholding of Morocco, then we cross the river to go along mounds Reault. In the end, we turn to Moret. Later, Madeleine guides us up at St. Yon, who offers us his blessing near the door of Bourdeaux .

Namely: the existence of the site of St Yon goes back to the Paleolithic era. In the 5th century, a parish is erected. From the 9th, the lords of the Marcoussis Montlhéry and built a fortress there to deal with the Norman invasion. Subsists in the door Bourdeaux, at the water's edge. The Leprosy of the Madeleine is built near during the 14th, to accommodate patients from surrounding villages. Property of John Montagu in 1388, the town returned in 1472 to Louis Malet de Graville, admiral of France. In succession, the estate passed to Balzac ENTRAGUE in 1660 and between the marquis of Baville owned by William Lamoignon. The church was rebuilt in the 12th 17th and 19th.

Vixen Hearing the screech down the hill, we go to meet him. A Breux at the foot of the mill built in 1380 and enlarged in the 17th, we take the Gr1 leading us in front of St Cheron, nestled on the hill opposite. Shortly after we round the Guillotière to join the Mesnil. After the light wood, we go down to see the Church of St. Anne .

Namely: Sermaise grows on the gentle slopes of barley in the valley. But the marshlands encourage people to create many hamlets in the hills: Villeneuve Mondetour Blancheface, La Grange, Le Mesnil or Montflix. Although located along the old Roman road to Chartres, the city is somewhat disturbed by the wars of the Middle Ages. In the late 15th century, a period of prosperity, the church was enlarged. The first two bays of the nave date from the 13th and saddleback tower is older still. The church sees upturn in three new bays and two aisles. The parish is in the hands of De Crosne and Emery. William Lamoignon surrender to the Hotel Dieu de Paris acquired Sermaise certain fiefs, while maintaining that of Rachée. In this tread mill sheet, lies a fountain quickly became famous for its curative powers, which is the delight of Boileau. The son, Christian Lamoignon, embellished in 1786, but in 1825, the miller turned it into laundry after diverted the waters of the benefit of a secondary to an industrial mill. In the 18th, the village has 5 saw mills and viticulture. The church was rebuilt, before an epidemic of phylloxera destroyed the vineyards in the 19th, for the benefit of vegetable crops, while the board continues its development in the cereal and livestock. Factories appropriated the old mills of the Rachée and Haberdashery, but due to train, fail to survive.

By Gr1, we continue our journey across the plain that covers the plate and win the hamlet of La Bruyere, then that of Marchais and farm Jalota. Afterwards, we head sloping gently down the historic heart of Dourdan's St Germain , its park and promenade along the Barley.

Namely: Dourdan develops from the Gallo Roman with the production of ceramics. The territory belongs to Hugh big time who died in 956, before becoming a royal city when Hugh Capet was crowned king in 987. The church of St. Germain is thoroughly revised from 1150 and until the 14th century. Sorely tried by the wars of religion and the league, it was restored and embellished 1641 to 1689. As for the fortress to thwart the ambitions of the lords of the region, it is attested in the reign of Louis VI. Around 1220, Philip Augustus built a new castle to defend the kingdom. Residents can take refuge on the fortified against attack. The defense is provided by circular towers on flat ditches and tiles (similar to the Louvre), reinforced by a gatehouse and a keep isolated. After hosting Blanche of Castile and Louis d'Evreux, Jean de Berry, who acquired it in 1385. Poorly maintained by his successors, the fort became the headquarters of the garrison of Duke Francis Catholic Guise during the wars of religion. But in 1591, Marshal Biron seizes the castle, not without some damage to make him suffer, before returning to Sully and the family of Orleans. Nearby, the Hôtel Dieu (now retirement home) then welcomes passers weary pilgrims, old and destitute orphans of the city. Its resources are derived exclusively from the generosity of local benefactors, including the Duchess of Tuscany and the Duke of Orleans, which allow its reconstruction. Under the old regime, Dourdan became the seat of a bailiwick. Then under the revolution, she became chief town of the district, but the empire the ousting of its importance in favor of Rambouillet. The new bourgeoisie settles yet (Lejars house in the city park, house Juliot house Dujoncquoy called the Warren). In 1853, Father Buffet gives private school boys in the city on condition of instruction by the brothers of Coutances, but following a scandal, replace the secular religion. The school is kindergarten from 1882 to 1963 before becoming the institute Beaulieu, home for orphans and community mental health center. In 1888, the mayor decides to raise the boys' school and primary school and vocational agriculture, building a new building the Parterre on the field, built in 1725 by Michel Jacques Levy, and redeemed by account Verteillac in 1738. Thus, after hosting the Republican Guard during the revolution, Verteillac sells his property to a company whose common becomes the sole shareholder. Meanwhile, another school (George Leplâtre) was in the old house built in the 18th Poussepin. In 1920, the Parterre is transformed into a college Sarcey writer dourdannais, then after a period of abandonment, becomes the college Emile Auvray, the mayor had installed in the park area. At the beginning of the 20th, under the pulse of Lebrun, the city is cleaned up, including the street butchers where cattle are slaughtered in the city. The well field is moved out of town and just a bridge replaced a ford on Barley. Dourdan experiencing a resurgence in the mid-20th through the transformation of the agricultural world, the establishment of an industrial and housing construction.

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