Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sample Wording For Wedding Program Thank You

Promenade naturalist

We start this walk from the St Christopher Châteaufort.

Namely: the name of this town comes from the presence of three castles - La Motte, Marly, the dungeon, constituting a veritable fortress in the 11th century. The village developed on the promontory overlooking the valley Mérantaise. The priory church of St Christopher is high at this time. In 1118 the manor was conquered by Louis VI and remains the main royal property until 1692. It is then transferred to the ladies of St Cyr by Louis XIV. During the 15th century, a large farm is built north of the village to farm the land of the plateau. The parish of the hamlet of Trinidad is attached to Châteaufort during the revolution. A town hall school was built near the village center in 1866. She then welcomed two classes, but also a prison, located at the rear of buildings. In 1880, the castle Gavois is built on the site of old buildings on the tray out of the village. A historic event took place over the town in 1909: Adolphe Pegoud it makes the first parachute jump in the world. Architect Henri Paul Nenot is committed to improve the castle in 1910 with the addition of terrace and pavilion to the east. It now houses Yves Lecoq. Meanwhile, the school was enlarged between 1910 and 1912. Moreover, as with any stronghold, the village contains a network of underground tunnels that relay once castles and the church. Another underground also allowed to link in Versailles and coaches Chevreuse. The tunnel which passes under the school on a length of 9 meters is one of the best preserved to date.

After skirting the grounds of the castle Gavois , we follow a brief moment the county, then we turn off the farm Thuit The Neighbours, before falling to the south . We borrow a logging road that allows us to reach the Bel Air neighborhood of Villiers le Bade. We cross the village, past the house Faujita .

Namely: the 13th century, halfway between the plains and the valley, Villiers has 10 fiefs, including those of Presle and Neighbors. The abundant population here stands up to his lords until the Hundred Years War, which drastically reduces the number of inhabitants. These rebuild the destroyed village, but in debt, they are rejected on poor land by the new aristocratic bourgeoisie. In 1640, Michel Lucas built a castle on the ruins of the medieval stronghold which he maintains the ditches until 1809. This lord is here courtroom and a jail fits into his building. In 1765, the castle consists of a main building with two wings wing back garden and as much on the court. Built in sham, only its surface is brick and stone. A fruit is installed at the site of the former farmyard of the small adjoining farm, and it includes housing gardener's shed and a stable of 24 horses. A terracotta head in the entry points. Its decor shear date of 1850. Besides the home gardener's greenhouse. In 1765, the garden is huge crossed several fairways tree drawn in a star around the pond. Farm Vandame absorbed the small farm. In the park, a garden outlook elongated stretches, while the vine occupies the slopes to the Warren. The wealthy ownership gradually all the best land: top plowing enriched by the royal channel and down the meadows, with the slopes, woods, grapes and strawberries. Neighbors of the farm crops Thuit handles of the tray. Beet gradually invades the plain, while the violet and strawberry stand in the valley. St Christopher's Church was built in 1848 on the ruins of the ancient church Benedictine priory of the 12th century, destroyed during the revolution. His chair was rescued from Port Royal in 1702. The bell and two windows dating from 1850. Foujita home, built at the same time, was home to two families of workers and tenants who work on farms Vandame. From the 19th, appear vacation homes. The area of the castle was sold during the 20th, and its archives, covering six centuries of its history, disappear during the sale. Fujita, a Japanese painter, bought his house in 1959 and transformed it into his studio and home. The door to the street, comes from Spain. Since 1991, the house became a museum.

We go round the farm Vandame adjacent to the Château de Villiers, then we go to the Bonnard valley bottom of which stands the castle of the e Barrere. Further, the course of our walk Mérantaise refreshes. Here and there in the meadows, horses feast on young grasses. Having passed the mill nine we head into the woods to the bottom of the cure. Here we go round the old sandstone quarry, then val Crake brings us back to the stone bridges. Arrived in the plain of the Warren, we find the ruins of Chateau d'Ors . Nearby, the restored mill gives us the image of a peaceful hamlet. We enter the regional nature reserve where we take our time at leisure to explore plants, insects and birds.

Namely: the field is located in the valley bottom. The first known owner is a citizen of Paris in 1339. The 19th century castle was destroyed in 1946. Remain the common castelfortaine renovated by the association. The chapel and the bridge over the river stretch are restored by the municipality. The mill and its annexes, rehabilitated by Park Chevreuse Valley, host exhibitions related to sustainable development. The reserve occupies the site of the castle and Ors vast landscaped surroundings. In 1988, the municipality acquires the area becoming Voluntary Nature Reserve in 1995 under the leadership of the ADVMC (Association for Defence of the Valley Mérantaise and Environment Châteaufort). Since 2001, Highland cows ensure environmentally sound management of grasslands in the reserve. The field surveys conducted during the summer of 1998 have clarified the rich heritage of the site: ash, hornbeam, rivulets, sources, 332 plant species (23% of the flora Paris region) of which 17 are notable for the IDF (the prickles Fern, Dryopteris the scaly sedge and together), 430 species (13 mammals including 7 bats including Bat of the rare Bechstein, 350 insects (including 2 species of the "Fauna-Flora-Habitats Lucane the kite and butterfly tiger moth, 5 protected species in Ile-de-France Cordulégastre ringed the Scale mottled red, the Praying Mantis, the Conocéphale graceful Panagée the cross-bearers and 16 species of critical ZNIEFF whose bloodied Desert) 50 breeding birds (including the Grey Wagtail and Kingfisher), 9 amphibians and reptiles, 7 fish (brown trout).

Once back on our path, we head towards the castle Geneste. The wood of the Trinity gives us another opportunity to pick up some food plants to prepare our evening meal. We thank God for this generous gift, making us quickly to the St Christopher which dominates the village. One last hello and give the valley now, we're back on the place where we must leave.

Overview This release: Walk naturalist


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