Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Muvies Infantiles En Espanol Free


We start along the park of the castle of La Part Dieu, and then we pass the area of Chateau de Villiers before reaching the Seine.

Namely: from the Carolingian period, Poissy enjoys an ideal location between river and Royal City. Very religious town until the revolution, Poissy account when several Dominican convents, Capuchins and Ursulines. In the 18th century, the squire John became lord Caboud de Villiers, property located between the Priory and St Louis area Migneaux. In 1814, the property was sold to John Céraphin Gautier, a lawyer, then to Helv Oissel, advise the court of cassation. Their successor, John Frederick Leonce, state councilor, member of Seine et Oise, gave it to her daughter when she married the Marquis de Segur. Meanwhile, until 1867, the lands of the town are mainly used for grazing cattle waiting to show for the Parisian market. In 1928, the chateau de Villiers is sold to families and Savoye Agache who will share the field with the company Kuhlmann. It recovers the building and transformed it into a holiday for children of factory workers. Indeed, in the 19th century, Poissy became an industrial city because of its proximity to Le Havre via the Seine. North of the city settled agri-food companies, mechanics and car factories and their subcontractors. The city bought the castle in 1976.

After skirting the banks of the Seine, we turn off opposite the island of Grand Motteau to cross the park Meissonier.

Namely: from 1845 to 1891 Ernest Meissonier occupies a house in the yard of the Dominican abbey. This painter is installed in the park a wagon for him to see a horse at various gaits. A statue of him, made of cast iron by Emmanuel Fremiet and melted during the German occupation, is replaced by another performed by Antonin Mercie, stone. The city acquired the estate in 1952.

We now ascend the main street running through the neighborhood of the abbey. On remand, we prefer to visit the old town with its gatehouse old, his 19th Hall and Notre Dame College .

Namely: the prison belongs to the Ursulines until 1792, then served accommodation to civilians and military before being bought by the state into a workhouse. In 1814, the facility houses a military hospital, then a house of detention from 1821. Inmates learn a trade. This practice is still relevant today, in order to assist in resettlement. On the sidewalk opposite the museum of the history of the city brings together old posters, portraits, prints, tools and documents referring the city today. Later in the former gatehouse of a monastery built by Philip the Fair in 1297 in honor of the Dominican, is held the toy museum. The construction lasted over 30 years and the enclosing walls are constructed after the Hundred Years War. During the Revolution, the nuns were expelled from the monastery which is sold as national property. Most buildings were demolished in the early 20th. At the heart of the city, stands a long cattle market. With its success, it was enlarged in 1832. The hovels that serve to collect fees of up are replaced by a provision of neo-classical, surrounded by stone markers. A Hall was built to house the calves of the weather. Her frame of 1830 based on 16 stone pillars. Enlarged in 1852, covers the sides based on 26 cast iron columns. The strong market in 1867. The award serves as a housing and cozy lobby, 1884, concerts, exhibitions and awarding of prizes. She has since regained use of the covered market, three times a week. around the hall, the shops have developed. From the Middle Ages, the street hosts the bread bakers in the city, where skylights attic to mount the bags of flour. Further, the college our lady is built by William of Sens in the early 12th century the site of a church adjoining the castle of Robert II the Pious, burned by the Black Prince in 1346 and razed in 1369. His choir was rebuilt in the 14th and the side chapels were added in the 15th. Until the revolution, it is served by the canons, then dropped somewhat. From 1825 to 1835 it was restored by Augustus Goy, then by Viollet le Duc between 1844 and 1869. This gives it its medieval bell tower supporting the tower. Many towers were inspired by his model. This church has 68 gargoyles, 50 decorated. As for the rectory, he hosts the canons until the revolution. After 1801 and until the separation of church and state in 1905, the priests are paid and housed by the municipality near the church. The rectory is used as police and returned to the parish in 1936.

We are moving now toward the forest. Once past the house on the coast of Poissy, we join the Gr1 leading us on our path cross : Ste Anne, St Joseph Noailles, St Simon, Dauphine, Bon Secours, the oratory, the Good girls, not to mention the maid (the oldest of the forest, 1456). Along the way, our procession imagination will lead us almost House education of the Legion of Honour and pheasant.

Namely: cross Noailles is due to Duke Maurice de Noailles who erected in 1751 near the pavilion of the same name. During the revolution, the municipal assembly decides to raze all the crosses. This is broken in 1793 and restored in 1953. The cross Dauphine is built to replace the one erected in 1540 by Henry II. She takes the name of the sovereign, a native of St Germain, while still dolphin. That of virgin owes its name to the fact that Dunois comrade of Joan of Arc, had built in memory of his rehabilitation. Reversed in 1793, she was replaced in 1850. Home education of the Legion of Honor in 1859 settled in the former convent of the lodges. This is the 17th built by Anne of Austria, the location of the Augustinian convent. In 1810, Napoleon 1st bought the building and installed a boarding school, before the architect Coulon not choose for his home education. Expansion work is business from 1836 to 1839 and a chapel added in 1859. As for the pheasant, it is the old farm road in the pond purchased by the Duc de Noailles in 1793 into a pheasant. Sold as national property during the revolution, was acquired in 1817 by Martin Biennais goldsmith cabinetmaker Napoleon 1st. Then the domain expires in 1868 to Felix Fox, Parisian banker. His son George, also a banker, built the castle is the chestnut. In 1939 his heirs gave the pheasant farm in society and participation, already owns the domain Joyenval and the Desert de Retz. The pheasant is the steward's house on three properties.

The Maid no longer, we continue our tour, go round the course and try to see a remarkable oak, before entering the Beauregard area to discover the Le Corbusier house . Maladrerie having been cleansed, we can cross without fear.

Namely: the Villa Savoye was built on the area of Villiers in 1928. Their owners, insurers Paris, involve the architect Le Corbusier to build this house on stilts, with roof terrace. Abandoned at the onset of the war, the villa is looted by the Germans, then by the Americans. Threatened with demolition in 1958 to make way for a high school, she is saved by the intervention of Andre Malraux, who takes an exceptional measure, unprecedented for the work of an architect. Lycée Le Corbusier was built in 1967 on 6 hectares of the area and the villa restored and opened to the public. Founded in the 12th century, the leper is located far from the city on a major road. After the disappearance of leprosy, the sick and elderly are welcomed. In 1695, it was attached to the Hotel-Dieu. The leper remains today as perpendicular chapel and a building. The chapel, consisting of two spans oblong, is the same age as the college, probably made by the same workers whose plant motifs capitals testify to their skill in sculpture.

Nearby, the hospital is located in the grounds of the old castle Coudraie . Hence, we reach the Migneaux and our vehicles.

Namely: from 1811 to 1843, this mansion serves as the country home to a famous of visionary, Marie Anne Lenormand. At his death, the house is sold to Emmanuel Henckel which transmits it to his son George Schmidt. The heirs of the latter, Revillon Brothers, live there for nearly a century. Then the property is occupied by a dog breeding. In 1962, the company bought the 19ha Simca domain, part of which is now occupied by sections of the cultural and sporting ASCAT, the rest having been broken up and sold.

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