Saturday, April 24, 2010

Waterproofing Paint Shoes

Evo Morales: the chicken with hormones makes homo.

End of the World Conference of Peoples on Climate Change and Human Mother Earth, who has just taken place in Bolivia. The final speech, which is worth its weight in peanuts, combines the most pessimistic of the IPCC to address the most anti-capitalist radical (we would live "terminal crisis of the model of civilization based on the submission and the destruction of human beings and of nature, which accelerated with the Industrial Revolution "), advocates the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Mother Earth, and requires" developed "they assume the cost of hundreds of millions of climate migrants who will soon arrive.
Le Monde sees a generous " popular appeal to a court climate," where victims of climate change are finally heard. Several South American newspapers were on their side, good idea to raise a few sentences Evo Morales who jammed a little. This is not because he is Bolivian, union, indigenous, left or anything that would not have the right to dig his speech: here is the most baked.
- " The chicken we eat is full of female hormones. Because of this, when people eat these chickens, they have deviations in their masculine identity ," says Evo, while hormone-treated beef prematurely develops chest Girls: So we should "eat only animals with Creole," homegrown, non-GMO. Because it is well known, the chicken with hormones causes homosexuality.
- " Baldness, which seems normal, is a disease in Europe, they are almost bald. It is because of what they eat . While among indigenous peoples there is not bald, because we eat more. In fifty years everyone will be bald "in Europe, according to him.
- "Our potatoes from [= native, homegrown, strain] is satanisée" Dutch potatoes arriving in Bolivia contain hormones of fish and must be peeled because their skin contains poison concentrated, while the Bolivian potatoes can be eaten with the skin.
- Funnier still, a diatribe against the Coca-Cola, a traditional symbol of U.S. imperialism: from Evo, plumbers would use the Coca-Cola to unclog toilets , so it contains chemicals . Itself would have fallen sick after drinking Coke in years 1990, when he is so well chicha, then surely this is not a natural and healthy. This theory as Coca Ram pipe is known, there are also many other urban legends about Coca-Cola : Fiat workers would use Coke as a solvent on the assembly line, it would dissolve a piece of meat in three days, or contraception would ...

The rest of the speech is in keeping. Evo Morales has also created the Department of Mother Earth, and several members Bolivian proposed his name for the Nobel Peace Prize. But of course! Sacred Evo: if there not, it should be invented.

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In Peru, the historic leader of the Shining Path claimed the right to marry (The World)

They announced for several days and have put their threat into execution. The leader and founder of the guerrillas of Shining Path, Abimael Guzman , and his companion, Elena Iparraguirre began, Tuesday, April 20, a hunger strike in their respective prison. "They will now no solid food and not drink as liquids, " reported their lawyer Alfredo Crespo .

Imprisoned for eighteen years, leaders Historical Shining Path, the Maoist armed movement to the origin of internal conflict that caused the disappearance of nearly 70 000 people in Peru between 1980 and 2000, protesting against the Peruvian authorities that would prevent them from marrying. "They want to formalize the relationship they have since 1989, but authorities do not give them the necessary documents to complete the administrative formalities, "said Alfredo Crespo.Une charge denied by Ruben Rodriguez, the head of the National Institute Prison (INPE), who claims to have acceded to the request of the prisoner, while the Minister of Justice Victor Garcia assured Tuesday that the rights of the guerrilla leaders were respected.

several months ago that the lawyer has announced the commitment for Abimael Guzman, 75, to marry his girlfriend, number 2 of the guerrilla movement, Elena Iparraguirre, 62. Together they led the "people's war" against the Peruvian State and ordered the murders and bloody attacks that have characterized the action of the Shining Path for nearly two decades.
They were also set September 12, 1992, when police raided the home where Abimael Guzman was hiding. An arrest which marked the beginning of the fall of the guerrillas.
since Judged guilty of aggravated terrorism against the state and qualified homicide, the leaders of Shining Path are serving today, each in turn, a sentence of life imprisonment. "They was sentenced to a custodial sentence, but have rights like all prison Niers the world, "insists Alfredo Crespo believes that the rights of the guerrilla, in solitary confinement since 1992, are violated. "It is impossible to marry, he was denied permission to receive visits or books, " denounced the lawyer.
The couple has not seen since the end of his trial in October 2006 and communicate from writing. "As an unmarried, we should have a right to family visits. But authorities do not give me permission to see Abimael because they say I'm not married to him. Thing they require no other prisoners of this country, "complained Elena Iparraguirre Tuesday on RPP radio that she contacted by telephone from prison.
A meeting between the two former officials of the armed movement could it not be considered a strategic meeting rather than a romantic date? "The law is the same for everyone," said the former leader. Whatever the things were made, they were considered by the state and we were sentenced (...). The war in Peru lasted twelve years and ended. "

Chrystal Barber

Even if the new looks very interesting, there is, basically, nothing new . Guzman has formally asked to marry Elena Ipaeeaguirre, "Comrade Miriam," since at least four years after the prison rules, prisoners have married the right to see him once a week. But then, for safety reasons (transport weekly from one prison to another being not sure), this would require them together again, what the authorities do not want.
Guzman conducts hunger strikes whenever he wants to improve his conditions of detention since the late 1990s, he made at least one year. It occupies it. Apart from that, he expects much more of life. If he had died fighting the Peruvian State, he was a martyr, but after his capture he finally agreed to work with Fujimori and calling for a truce, and has lost all credibility. As the trial mounted immediately after capture was tainted by suspicions of non-partisanship, a review took place in 2006 to be the clear legally, and since even the non-governmental human rights have nothing to say. Guzmán published a few copies of his "legal defense policy" last year, Puno y letra. But it's long, 18.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sample Wording For Wedding Program Thank You

Promenade naturalist

We start this walk from the St Christopher Châteaufort.

Namely: the name of this town comes from the presence of three castles - La Motte, Marly, the dungeon, constituting a veritable fortress in the 11th century. The village developed on the promontory overlooking the valley Mérantaise. The priory church of St Christopher is high at this time. In 1118 the manor was conquered by Louis VI and remains the main royal property until 1692. It is then transferred to the ladies of St Cyr by Louis XIV. During the 15th century, a large farm is built north of the village to farm the land of the plateau. The parish of the hamlet of Trinidad is attached to Châteaufort during the revolution. A town hall school was built near the village center in 1866. She then welcomed two classes, but also a prison, located at the rear of buildings. In 1880, the castle Gavois is built on the site of old buildings on the tray out of the village. A historic event took place over the town in 1909: Adolphe Pegoud it makes the first parachute jump in the world. Architect Henri Paul Nenot is committed to improve the castle in 1910 with the addition of terrace and pavilion to the east. It now houses Yves Lecoq. Meanwhile, the school was enlarged between 1910 and 1912. Moreover, as with any stronghold, the village contains a network of underground tunnels that relay once castles and the church. Another underground also allowed to link in Versailles and coaches Chevreuse. The tunnel which passes under the school on a length of 9 meters is one of the best preserved to date.

After skirting the grounds of the castle Gavois , we follow a brief moment the county, then we turn off the farm Thuit The Neighbours, before falling to the south . We borrow a logging road that allows us to reach the Bel Air neighborhood of Villiers le Bade. We cross the village, past the house Faujita .

Namely: the 13th century, halfway between the plains and the valley, Villiers has 10 fiefs, including those of Presle and Neighbors. The abundant population here stands up to his lords until the Hundred Years War, which drastically reduces the number of inhabitants. These rebuild the destroyed village, but in debt, they are rejected on poor land by the new aristocratic bourgeoisie. In 1640, Michel Lucas built a castle on the ruins of the medieval stronghold which he maintains the ditches until 1809. This lord is here courtroom and a jail fits into his building. In 1765, the castle consists of a main building with two wings wing back garden and as much on the court. Built in sham, only its surface is brick and stone. A fruit is installed at the site of the former farmyard of the small adjoining farm, and it includes housing gardener's shed and a stable of 24 horses. A terracotta head in the entry points. Its decor shear date of 1850. Besides the home gardener's greenhouse. In 1765, the garden is huge crossed several fairways tree drawn in a star around the pond. Farm Vandame absorbed the small farm. In the park, a garden outlook elongated stretches, while the vine occupies the slopes to the Warren. The wealthy ownership gradually all the best land: top plowing enriched by the royal channel and down the meadows, with the slopes, woods, grapes and strawberries. Neighbors of the farm crops Thuit handles of the tray. Beet gradually invades the plain, while the violet and strawberry stand in the valley. St Christopher's Church was built in 1848 on the ruins of the ancient church Benedictine priory of the 12th century, destroyed during the revolution. His chair was rescued from Port Royal in 1702. The bell and two windows dating from 1850. Foujita home, built at the same time, was home to two families of workers and tenants who work on farms Vandame. From the 19th, appear vacation homes. The area of the castle was sold during the 20th, and its archives, covering six centuries of its history, disappear during the sale. Fujita, a Japanese painter, bought his house in 1959 and transformed it into his studio and home. The door to the street, comes from Spain. Since 1991, the house became a museum.

We go round the farm Vandame adjacent to the Château de Villiers, then we go to the Bonnard valley bottom of which stands the castle of the e Barrere. Further, the course of our walk Mérantaise refreshes. Here and there in the meadows, horses feast on young grasses. Having passed the mill nine we head into the woods to the bottom of the cure. Here we go round the old sandstone quarry, then val Crake brings us back to the stone bridges. Arrived in the plain of the Warren, we find the ruins of Chateau d'Ors . Nearby, the restored mill gives us the image of a peaceful hamlet. We enter the regional nature reserve where we take our time at leisure to explore plants, insects and birds.

Namely: the field is located in the valley bottom. The first known owner is a citizen of Paris in 1339. The 19th century castle was destroyed in 1946. Remain the common castelfortaine renovated by the association. The chapel and the bridge over the river stretch are restored by the municipality. The mill and its annexes, rehabilitated by Park Chevreuse Valley, host exhibitions related to sustainable development. The reserve occupies the site of the castle and Ors vast landscaped surroundings. In 1988, the municipality acquires the area becoming Voluntary Nature Reserve in 1995 under the leadership of the ADVMC (Association for Defence of the Valley Mérantaise and Environment Châteaufort). Since 2001, Highland cows ensure environmentally sound management of grasslands in the reserve. The field surveys conducted during the summer of 1998 have clarified the rich heritage of the site: ash, hornbeam, rivulets, sources, 332 plant species (23% of the flora Paris region) of which 17 are notable for the IDF (the prickles Fern, Dryopteris the scaly sedge and together), 430 species (13 mammals including 7 bats including Bat of the rare Bechstein, 350 insects (including 2 species of the "Fauna-Flora-Habitats Lucane the kite and butterfly tiger moth, 5 protected species in Ile-de-France Cordulégastre ringed the Scale mottled red, the Praying Mantis, the Conocéphale graceful Panagée the cross-bearers and 16 species of critical ZNIEFF whose bloodied Desert) 50 breeding birds (including the Grey Wagtail and Kingfisher), 9 amphibians and reptiles, 7 fish (brown trout).

Once back on our path, we head towards the castle Geneste. The wood of the Trinity gives us another opportunity to pick up some food plants to prepare our evening meal. We thank God for this generous gift, making us quickly to the St Christopher which dominates the village. One last hello and give the valley now, we're back on the place where we must leave.

Overview This release: Walk naturalist

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Undestanding Wella Kp Number System Slash

Three Rivers

Namely: the village is reported as 1100. From the 13th century, it developed thanks to the prosperity of Dourdan, Etampes and Montlhéry. The Gothic church, built at that time, remains one of the finest examples in the Ile de France. Portal dated 1300, like stained glass. The latter, of very good quality, wonderfully demonstrating the talent of the painters on glass, influenced by the Psalters and their miniature gold background. St Sulpice thereto raised a child drowned, many sick and infirm pilgrims began to attend church in hopes of a miracle. The poorest women, the elderly and the infirm are then welcomed to the Hotel Dieu, a charity house built for them. Then then follows a succession of conflicts that ravage the village every time: Hundred Years War, Civil War and War of the Fronde. The church is not immune to bullets of Turenne in 1652. Burned, it was rebuilt by Mr Lamoignon which covers a wooden cradle. Its three levels are outlined in a race cover interior and exterior. The village finally found its prosperity in the late 17th century, around the vineyards. But the revolution in church attacks: his sculptures are heavily hammered. The statue of St Sulpice is beheaded, shot and buried under the second span. Exhumed in 1812, she was re-installed in 1936, thanks to his patron Robert Lanz. During the 19th St Sulpice launches open sandstone quarries in Madagascar, and brought a population of Italian immigrants. Meanwhile, the village hosts many pilgrims. The church was badly damaged, she was among the first listed buildings renovated by the Historical Monuments. Gradually, the village becomes residential.

A near the visit of St Sulpice, we look back along the valley towards Mauchamps Thibaud. Here we see the church of St. Jean Baptiste the 13th century. Curiously, listening if it rains, no sound of rain. We cross several pieces of farm management Chauffour, then descend to Etrechy and St Etienne his bandstand.

Namely: in the late 11th century, the lord Anceau donated his land at the Abbey of Flers in Beauvaisis to found a Benedictine community in Etrechy. Quickly, the monastery became the Priory St Etienne. Louis XI took the land under its protection. A leper is created on the road to Etampes. A church was erected in the priory in the late 12th. Altered in the 13th and 14th, it is distinguished from surrounding churches by the presence of a transept, whose cross is surmounted by a tower with tent roof. In the 15th, the hospital of the order of Malta to build a strong house Roussay, which is still a rebirth. In 1592, became Lord Sully Vaucelles, but it rarely stays. St Vincent Paul is Etrechy during the Fronde and he heals the wounded Turenne. A century later, the hospital property are gathered at the Hotel Dieu d'Etampes. During the revolution, many religious buildings were sold as national property. The village became a place to stay for the burghers of Etampes. The bandstand reflects their taste for leisure. Its architecture provides a range of celebration at the village square. The residential use is confirmed with the arrival of the railway in 1850.

After the Pont Royal, we face the Butte St Martin. It is steep! Le Coudray past, we go back to Valley Barbot and The Touchet, large farm of the 13th century. It would have belonged to the Templars of Chauffour Etréchy. We find the path of countries that follow us until the auction closes to the Bramble, established at the entrance to Saudreville. Can we win the Paradise, where, beside the languid Vixen, stands the church of St Aubin and Castle Villeconin .

Namely: Villeconin consists of the villages of Bois-van, Fourchainville Le Fresne, Montflix, and Villeneuve Saudreville forks. Until the old regime, the history of these places, where four lords reign, is relatively unknown. The church is high in the 12th century. Altered several times, it includes Romanesque, Renaissance and flamboyant. The alluvial deposits brought by the storms have raised the site, which explains the steps to take to church. Inside, the furniture reflects the wealth of the parish. Castle Villeconin the 14th. Property of John Montagu, the Superintendent of Finance Charles VI, the 17th is sold to the family Cochefilet, fine parents of Sully. The area is transformed into a farm after the revolution. In the 18th century, Villeconin has 177 houses, a church, a rectory, three presses, a tile and a lime kiln, bringing together 620 inhabitants. However, most farm owner was the Marquis de Talaru, owner of Castle Chamarande. All land is occupied by fields and vineyards until the phylloxera ravaged the vineyards not in 1861. In 1932, the castle Villeconin regains its original function, becoming the property of Count Jouvencel.

On the opposite side of the valley, stands the remains of the tower of the Grange , high au13ème century. We're getting closer after providing a long effort. Attracted by the toast, we head towards the manor Blancheface where we place a snack.

Namely: Blanchefouasse's mansion, built in 1326, was bought by the Hotel-Dieu in Paris in 1663. In 1789 he became a large farm comprising main building, two rooms with low bakery, several rooms with fireplace and loft high above, and great room with fireplace. The ensemble is completed with barns, stables, cow barn, sheep, wine press and fulling, roofs pigs, chicken and pigeon. Many buildings have since been destroyed. The house probably owes its current name of the former Priory Cloister high at the location of the pond.

We leave refreshed before borrowing in light wood, the steep descent that leads to Sermaise. Here, we take the opportunity to admire the Church of St. Anne .

Namely: originally the village grows on the slopes of the right bank of the Barley, but encourage the wetlands population to create settlements on the plateau. These become the seat of the strongholds of Villeneuve, Mondetour The barn Blancheface Le Mesnil ... Twenty-eight private pools and public water supply to residents. Indeed, the wells are rare because of the deep digging (70m). In the late 15th century, the village enjoying a prosperous period and the original church was enlarged. From that time remain the saddleback tower and west porch with round arch, the first two bays of the nave dating from the 13th and 14th. The village is owned by the family of Crosne and Emery. The marquis de Baville surrender to the Hotel Dieu in Paris Sermaise acquired the fiefs, except that of Rachée. In the 18th, Sermaise enlarged his church. The village has five mills and so many vineyards. Carried away by phylloxera in the 19th, they are replaced by vegetable growing, and cereal. Plants installed in the old mills, including Rachée and Notions. But economic development is hampered by the lack of station. The village becomes residential and the rest after the arrival of the railroad.

After crossing the Barley, we are climbing to new reliefs, those Timber Bretonnière. We catch our breath a little more away in the woods of the Marais, under the cool canopy of chestnut trees. Without joining the Rémarde, we continue on the road towards the castle Baville , which we give an admiring look.

Namely: in 1625, Christian Lamoignon began to be building a castle on the ancient manor of Baville. The construction style of Louis XIII comprises a main building with two floors, flanked by two side wings terminated by a flag protruding, forming the courtyard. Boileau, Racine, Madame de Sevigne, Regnard, Flechier frequent the castle. Mr Lamoignon fact develop a park with grottoes, statues and flag craft. His son, Francis, built in 1677 two wings of the castle. The little son, Christian Francis, built in 1769 the joint in front of the castle. The assembly then forms a stately home, worthy of a big family. But in early May 1789, he ended his days in a cave in the park. The estate was bought in 1791 by Ms. Roslin d'Ivry, then resold to Saulty family, still owns. By destroying the left wing of the castle, they have built an orangery.

We spend the new house and farm of the Folleville. At the entrance of Breuillet, the pavement is not disjoint and we can safely let it slide to the bottom of the valley. Here, we distinguish soon Breux and chapel. Cosnardières arrived at, we head south to join Feugères by road. Too bad it's so hard to see the castle Segre since the road that takes us back to St Sulpice.

Namely: in 1733, the farmer-general Andre Soucy Haudry buys fied Segre. He erected a castle instead of a previous flag. He praised the Marquis d'Argenson in the spring of 1748. His daughter, Madame de Montulli, inherits and in 1772, her husband rented the castle to Count Blot. The latter's wife emigrated in 1792 and benefits from the absence of Mr Montulli to take away all the furniture. Sole owner in 1802, Mr. de Montulli sells it in 1808 to the Marquis de la Garde. In 1856, Alphonse Martin Lavallée acquires Segre. His son, Alfonso Peter, there begins his first botanical collections. After two years, about 3000 species which are cultivated. In 1860, the schools begin trees, arranged in line and not in clumps. President of the Horticultural Society, the son Lavallée died in 1884 and bequeathed to the family including Vilmorin, over 6500 plant species, making her the richest collection of woody arboretum in the world. Much of trees has since been transferred to Nogent Vernisson (Loiret). At the end of the park in the hamlet of Feugère, is a hunting lodge in ogival openings. This construction suggests the project of Hubert Robert for the mill of Méréville and the entrance lodge Castle Bandeville.

Overview of this release: Three Rivers

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sketchbook Vs Painter

Grand Conde

To start this grand tour of Conde Vesgre on, we start from the church of St Martin the charming village of Bourdon.

Namely: after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Gauls settled at the confluence of the Vesgre and its rus. In the 6th century St Germain evangelizing the people of Conde. This village is then up to the abbey of St. Denis - who also owns Bourdonné, then returned to the village of Montfort dukes, from 1317 to 1789. Yolande, Comtesse de Montfort and Duchess of Brittany, led Bourdonné. However, Charles I of this Cocherel, adviser to the king, we must first chapel completed in 1646. The new church built in the 18th century includes completely. The entry that opens onto the square is the old door to the dead. His vault to Philibert Delorme was once decorated, paneled battens and sustained girders. The castle surrounded by wide moat was built between 1607 and 1612 to Mr. Cocherel. In 1733, his heirs have built a chapel on the edge of the water, and it was immediately blessed by Mr. Jean Dutartre. José Maria de Heredia wrote his last sonnets before dying there in 1905. Altered in the 18th and 19th, the castle and its outbuildings are now owned by the sister of Charles Aznavour. Although invading by the Prussians in 1815 and 1870, Bourdonné has developed around the manufacture of lime. Meanwhile, Conde is chosen by followers of Charles Fourier to test a model of social organization by installing phalansteries, which explains the various species of trees including pine and fir trees.

We head wood sparse and quickly gain the hamlet of Hales. Before leaving him completely, we sink beneath the branches. Here, hardwoods fade the benefit of softwood and sometimes sandy soil hinders our progress. After Bocquet, we catch up the path of red buttes. The dolmen of Pierre Ardoue offers us a moment's respite to gather our forces. On the other hand, we enter St Leger en Yvelines to see its church St Jean Baptiste and old houses which ourlent the high street.

Namely: the dolmen, collective burial, is unique in the department. The burial chamber was emptied in the 17th to serve as a sheepfold. Originally, the dolmen stones based on 4, but 2 have collapsed inward. Existing in the Gallo Roman, the village has a church in 1026 by Robert the Pious. In the 12th, the domain is owned by Philip Augustus, before returning to the Duke of Montfort. Through the marriage of Anne de Bretagne with Louis XII, St Leger joined the royal domain, which is then given by Andre Francois 1er de Foix, who built a stud farm in 1535. In 1548, Henry II entrusted Philibert Delorme to build a castle to replace the feudal structure. Louis XIV purchased the stud farm in 1668 and made by Jean enlarge Fieve. New horse farms in addition to the field. Then Louis XVI says the Duke of Chevreuse in 1692, the lordship of the domain. In 1706 it was sold to the Count of Toulouse, which integrates the marquis of Rambouillet. In 1715, the stud is transferred to Normandy. The church is seen embellished saddle covered with a bell tower and breakthrough in twin bays lancets, and the only timber-framed house became royal property in 1764. Despite the restorations, it has retained its facade, very rare in the township. The trim under the roof represents the Pits of Montfort, a town which was then attached St Leger. At the same time, a presbytery offered to the priest in 1776 by the inhabitants of the town. Built near the church, it is sold during the revolution. St Leger then returns to the Duke of Penthievre, before being acquired by the king in 1783. Napoleon recovered in 1805. The castle was destroyed at the end of the 19th. Not remain the domain of the gate onto the road Houdan. He lost his bow but has retained its decorative checkerboard, extremely rare in the southern department.

Staying on the right hand, we still enjoy some very pretty buildings, then we look to Montpas. From there we follow remote swamps of Vesgre. Despite the damp places, a few noble houses dot the valley in the palm of vegetation: the Planet castle and stables, the castle Rouvray ... We pass the Sergontières Mesle then, and come to Adainville. Here we find the church of St Denis and school 1867.

Namely: church, rebuilt in the 15th, is the possession of the Abbey of St Denis from the seventh century. A polygonal stair turret is attached to the bell tower for access. The school built in the 19th is typical of the era. It includes a classroom, the teacher housing, a weathervane and a steeple. Another curiosity to discover Adainville: farm six willows, uncharacteristically, is always transmitted to daughters of the family since 1820.

We continue in the direction of Breuil and join the country Gr. After Chaudejoute, we climb the hill of La Ferriere. Arrive at St Como, we continue straight ahead to win Houdan , the city gate Epernon.

Namely: the site is occupied since the Palaeolithic period. In the 10th century, the city belongs to Montfort. Delivered to the English in 1098, the town is then connected to Britain through the marriage of their daughter Yolanda Duke with Arthur. The King of France confiscated their several times following alliances between Britain and England and Charles V supply to the constable. Houdan is then made to the English in 1432, before being taken over by Charles VII, who donated one of his squires, Giraud Pallière. The city developed around the fairs of St. Jacques and St. John the Baptist. The church was built thanks to money traders. Altered several times, it reflects the changing styles of the 16th: Gothic and Renaissance. With the marriage of Anne of Brittany and Louis XII, the city becomes king. Louis XIV exchange lands Chevreuse cons County Montfort erected into a duchy. Luynes family gets the area and keeps it until the revolution. The wool trade became the specialty shows, and then changes the making of cloth for military uniforms. After a thriving business, Houdan declined after the First World War.

Vesgre After crossing, we follow St. Matthew guides us on a moment Trail country. Then we descend to the Maulette castle built in the 16th century, rebuilt in the 17th and 18th. From here we skirt the meadow Cayenne, then the marsh Bourel marked by the river overflows. We pass the Boulay and bifurquons St Agnan the cross, which makes us avoid crossing Gambais. We will visit the house Landru and Castle Neuville next time! We return to the Vesgre lead to the back of the castle Bourdonné. A few pedal strokes, and we return to our starting point.

Preview this release: Grand Conde