Sunday, May 23, 2010

Erratic Heartbeat Cliparts

forced sterilizations in Peru (1995-2000).

Arte broadcasts, June 4, 2010 at 22:45, a report entitled "Belly women" who referred to forced sterilization, the politics of "reproductive health" Fujimori's second government (1995-2000) .
Over 300,000 women and 30,000 men were sterilized in five years, by tubal ligation and vasectomy, most of the time without obtaining the consent of the people. The doctors had to perform operations allowance per month, and were hastily round the villages to meet their objectives, with little training. Hence some number of complications and sometimes death. Most operations were performed in the poorest departments, with Quechuaphone farmers, often illiterate and without post-operative.

The objectives of this policy were manifold.
one hand, limit population growth: the average birth rate in Peru is 2.7 children per woman, but reached 5 children in areas rural and 8 in remote areas of the Sierra. We hoped to overcome the inefficiency or lack-of-health and social policies, even if the population rose between 1993 and 2007, from 22 to 28 million people;
Moreover, it is in these rural areas that the Shining Path had recruited his troops, and sanctioned its bases and reduced its possible recurrence in the future.
On the other hand, it was part of the economic policy of poverty reduction. Fujimori, who had ended hyperinflation in his first term, was a zealous applicator theories of international development and had achieved good economic results. But growth in per capita income, the only true goal of development and poverty reduction, depends on three factors: technology, the savings rate and population growth . The "Washington Consensus" and the international recommendations in this direction: for that growth benefits the country and raises income per capita, we must welcome foreign capital, birth control ... Demography is more dynamic, more must be an important asset to maintain the rate of income per capita. But most Latin American countries have low savings and strong demographics and growth is not sufficient to increase revenues: this is called a trap poverty, one of the main arguments justifying the development assistance.
Suddenly, the United States, the United Kingdom and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) have supported and funded sterilization campaigns. This involved the millennium goals for poverty reduction ...

Several trials took place in 2009 and 2010, which acknowledged that the campaign did not constitute a crime against humanity, and that there were limitations. The government has never compensated the copyright holders of some dead people (less than a dozen compensation, about a thousand deaths).

Two items to complete this: sterilization campaign in Peru: government scalpel, the Council on the Status of Women (Quebec) on the issue of individual rights and complications due to operations, and Democracy and Globalization Economist Jean-Paul Fitoussi, he recalls, page 5, as Robert Barro (one of the brightest contemporary economists) believed in 1997 that the political system more efficient from the point of view economic, was halfway between democracy and dictatorship. This ensures economic freedoms and property private, without incurring all the disadvantages of democracy (redistribution inefficient distortions caused by pressure groups ...). The Pinochet government in Chile and Fujimori in Peru and were shown an example of just such environments. We are not obliged to follow this reasoning ...


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