Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How To Draw Car Accident Diagram

Val d'Oise

From Mériel, we spin along the Oise to put us in the legs gently. In front of us rise the slopes of Valmondois. We head north to approach the castle Stors .

Namely: this house is built for family plans Aubespine by Jules Hardouin Mansart. In 1746, the Prince de Conti buys Mrs. Arty. This fact make a lot of work and the redevelopment of the park. At his death, the castle became the resort of the Countess of Boufflers, who receives Horace Walpole and encyclopaedias. Sold to the Comte de Provence In 1783, the area is declared a national revolution, then it passes from hand to hand for half a century. In 1861, Casimir Cheuvreux trader acquires the area 20ha. He is restoring the castle and added land to his property. To maintain its 150ha, he employs a dozen people, and indulges in a collection of orchids is an international success. At his death a little son of Marshal Lannes inherits by marriage. Gustave de Montebello, Ambassador of France, and lived there until the mid 20th century. In August 1944, a bombing deteriorating and destroyed much of the building.

We retrace our footsteps and headed towards the abbey and mill Val via the port to the monks.

Namely: the abbey appears to be the oldest Cistercian abbey of Val d'Oise. Founded in 1125 by monks, it was confirmed in 1136 by King Louis VII. It was rebuilt in 1156, thanks to the donation of a career by Dreux Buff, lord of Mery. Completed by the end of the 13th, the abbey under the protection of the kings of France and the lords of Montmorency and Isle Adam. Greatly destroyed in 1845, are preserved today as a shopping arcade of the cloister and the building of the monks. In his first floor, a dormitory community supported pillars with capitals decorated with foliage. In the 17th century, cells are arranged. As for the abbot, he sleeps in a private room located above the chapel vestry. On the creek from Old Moutier, Father Charles Villiers erected a mill. In 1861, the mill was bought by Cheuvreux, which are transformed into a Renaissance manor. In 1873, their descendant, Madeleine Guillemin, married diplomat Gustave Lannes de Montebello. The mill is then resort Louis's son, then the little son Gerard. The friend of the latter, Georges Duhamel, often comes as a neighbor, and Wladimir Ormesson, husband of his cousin. They come also to hide from the Gestapo. Another building, more modest, serves as accommodation for guests or family members.

After a prayer for future efforts, we go to Adam Villiers, crossing the Pre Collard. A religious building of smaller, lies at the center of town, the church of St Sulpice . Elsewhere, Benjamin Godard house still resonates with musical notes.

Namely: the village is known after the abbey of Val in 1147 in the writings of Pope Eugenius III. The church, dedicated to the bishop of Bourges, is built in the 13th, this time, only subsite that the bell tower supported by buttresses of stone, from the abbey. The building was rebuilt from 1490, and new altars are blessed in 1550. The nave was never completed because of the wars of religion. The polygonal choir, gothic, contains a monumental altarpiece of the 17th century, while a polychrome wooden lectern 18th, from the abbey throne in the nave. At that time, the village is connected to the field of Conti. Thanks to the gypsum content in soil, a plaster factory was founded and operated until 1920. A lace industry develops in parallel with the timber forest. In the street bearing his name, the musician wrote the lullaby Godard Jocelyn and couplets of Vivandière, an opera in 1895. In 1933, the opera singer sings Lucy Arbel's speech at opening of the plate put in his memory.

As the field is rotten before Cross Notre Dame, we spin up quickly Chauvry without detour Béthemont. Unless the delicious goat cheeses made in the village fail to excite our taste buds! Then we use all our strength to face the forest of Montmorency, known for its pronounced relief! Moreover, they put us severely to the test. Fortunately, we find to take a rest at the foot of Castle hunting.

Namely: the Montmorency family has long domain owner. In 1207, Mathieu de Montmorency will receive, on behalf of King Philippe Auguste, the oath of the Earl of St. Paul for two fiefs. Limiting Taverny, two tile factories and a hotel high in the park, by Jacques de Montmorency, from 1392. As for Guillaume de Montmorency, he welcomes Louis XI in his castle, a hunting forest. The hunting lodge, the remains of a home quadrangular, flanked by four towers at the corners dérasées round in 1728. Ancient fortified house, surrounded by a moat of a cycle and two ponds located at the junction of the soils of Saint-Prix, Montlignon, and Bouffémont Domont. He then became property of Conde, Louis Bonaparte, who then acquires under the First Empire. The King of Holland lies there with Queen Hortense and his son, the future Napoleon III. Then the family of Conde takes possession of the castle, which is then transferred to the Baroness Feucheres.

Arriving at the valley bouquet, we turn to see the golf Domont. There, the Picardy draws us into the woods Montlignon. We remain on the heights of Saint Prix and Saint Leu the forest to earn Taverny through the pond Godard. Below, we discover the sanatorium Tuyolle the castle Picet , the Notre Dame de l'Assomption and Tertre Haut .

Namely: site Taverny exist before 1000 BC, but his name appears in 754, when Pepin the Short to confirm the belonging to the villa Taverny Abbey St. In 1122, an act demonstrates the power of the lords of Montmorency. The church was built in 1218 in Gothic style at the request of Constable Mathieu II de Montmorency. In 1237, his son, Bouchard IV de Montmorency, fence construction financing glazing. In addition, agricultural activity is growing on the hills with vineyards and the plain with wheat. The town is rich, which explains its important role in the peasant revolt, revolt of wealthy peasants in the 14th century. From the 17th century, the wine gains the lower classes, especially those of Paris. So now how much premium on quality, vineyard and orchards abandoned the hillsides to grow in the plain. From 1806 to 1821, Saint-Leu and Taverny are combined into a single municipality. In 1830, Auguste Godard Mayor Taverny buys treeline, a castle of the 17th. Through his son Benjamin, many musicians live there. The area then extends to the pond. Become property of General St. Hilaire, the castle was bought in 1842 by Mr. Guntberger, manufacturer of bronze Napoleon III, and a lot 8ha. He built his castle in 1853 and sells Tuyolle the High Mound to Count Clerk. The castle then passed through several hands. As early as 1876, rail transport is growing. The vineyard does not withstand competition from the Languedoc. For cons, the proximity of the capital ensures prosperity for wheat, potatoes, orchards and vegetable growing. In 1901, industrial Maxine Clair demolished the old castle of the High Mound to build a new home soon he sells the family Schorestein, manufacturing trucks Willeme. The First World War broke out. The castle serves as quartering troops to pass. In 1920, the prefecture of Tuyolle bought the castle in 1920 to transform it into a sanatorium dedicated to women with tuberculosis. He escapes to a demolition project in 1938 and became a hospital specializing in pulmonary rehabilitation and cardiac rehabilitation. WWII is still disrupting the lives of the town. The French militia moved in the High Castle Mound and trains in the park in 1943 before being driven out by the elite unit of the Gestapo, the permanent Selbstschutz the (school SS). Today the castle houses an association dedicated to the rescue of children.

We then Bessancourt veins. Through the village, we take a look at the Notre Dame , then we go back to the forest, until Chateau St Jacques converted into stables. Gr a country then leads us up and Frépillon St Nicolas . By opting for wood Garennes, we spend close to a mushroom , before leading to the castle Mery sur Oise.

Namely: the village was born a monastic village created by the abbot of St. Denis. After 883, the community moves on Mery. Abandoned by the monks, the village became the property of Lord Buff in the 12th century, and then is transferred from 1375 to Orgemont Stone, advisor to Charles V. There he built a country house in which his son, Claude, makes changes in 1583. Meanwhile, the castle welcomes Henry IV and his mistress Gabrielle d'Estrees and Antoine de Saint-shamans who woos sister, Angelique Abbess of Maubuisson. It then Shaman's son St Francis and his widow, giving the castle its classical 17th. The adjustments are made after 1735 in the way of Mansart and Le Nôtre. The gardens are designed by Buffon. The castle was looted during the revolution. Viscount Pierre Chretien Lamoignon which is restructuring the park by the architect Berthault, while the Viscountess de Segur Lamoignon heiress Orgemont, renovated the castle. The village is gradually expanded with the quarrying of stone delivered to the great works of Baron Haussmann, prefect of Paris. Pierre-Christian Segur-Lamoignon, son, built a school in 1876. On land purchased by the City of Paris, the installation of the farm model most modern France was born in 1900 in Haute-Borne. It involves many farm workers from Britain, Poland, Spain, and later from Turkey and Portugal. No longer exist now that the stables located at the end of Castle Park. During WWII, the Germans use galleries of their careers to unload ammunition trains safely.

We go round the park to reach the banks of the Oise and then Mériel with his church St Eloi, the house Gabin.

Namely: between the 14th and 15th century, the Meriel is torn between Villiers, lords of L'Isle-Adam, and Orgemont Abbey du Val. It finally Stors who runs the village, including the powerful Duval family, close to Charles IX and Catherine de Medici. Early in the 18th, the The Aubespine built their castle, while the hamlet is attached to Villiers-Adam until 1713. The church, built in the early 13th century, remains Schedule a chapel of the Church of Villiers-Adam. In 1715, the nave was added to the building and the assembly is placed under the patronage of St Eloi, before hosting four tombs from the Abbey du Val in 1792. The princes of Conti, lords, in turn, regularly Mériel stay until 1789, Stora was sold to the Comte de Provence in 1783 subject to usufruct. In the early 20th, the owners of the domain of Stors still play a leading role in village life. From time to time, Montebello, descendants of Marshal Lannes, are staging magnificent hunts. Jean Moncorgé, "said Jean Gabin spent his childhood in a house while working length. He returns frequently, until the death of his brother-boxing champion in 1955 (Jean Poesy). A star of silent movies, Cecile Sorel, married to Count de Segur, also resides there.

Overview of this release: Val d'Oise


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