Thursday, July 1, 2010


Core Poissy

We take our departure at the foot of the grant Poissy. Weaving through the old neighborhoods, we discover many architectural beauties: College, Abbey gatehouse , old market ... but also the beautiful park Meissonier.

Namely: Poissy has always been a privileged location between the Seine and the forest of St Germain and Marly. Royal City from 1297 until the 14th century, it is also a religious city until the revolution (Dominican convent, the Capuchins and Ursulines). The church is built in the 12th to the canons, the location of the church founded by Robert II the Pious, then right next to the Royal Castle. Philip the Fair, who erected there a monastery for Dominicans. The assembly is completed in 1330 during the reign of Philip VI of Valois. The walls are high after the Hundred Years War. Meanwhile, the choir of the church is rebuilt, the side chapels were added in the 15th, while the gate is pierced in the 16th. The priory church is highly degraded by lightning in 1695. The nuns being evicted during the revolution, the buildings were sold as national property and demolished with the exception of the gatehouse and two towers (Toy Museum), but also of the barn. The Ursuline convent was rehabilitated housing before becoming a workhouse in 1810, a military hospital in 1814, then house arrest in 1821. Inmates learn a trade while being paid to prepare for their reintegration. The college is again restored by Augustus Goy (1825-1835) and then by Viollet le Duc, which gives it a medieval look (1844-1869). The village has several farms and fields for for grazing animals awaiting cattle market. Indeed, as evidenced by the old octroi built in 1832, thanks to its market, supplying the capital in Poissy butcher's meat until 1867, making it also a market town. If the market was destroyed in 1881, the award is made to become housing and tourist office in 1982 and tourism office in 1992. Become industrial in the 19th, the city is now home to agribusinesses and mechanical.

To leave town, we drive along the track and enjoy a nice view over the Ile de Migneaux. Then we round the invisible castle Acqueville to ascend to the cliffs. Hence, we turn towards the castle Coudraie , then go over the highway. Having spent the pound, we arrive at where we follow the Orgeval Castle Béthemont transformed into golf. Then we cross the clay pits to reach Villennes. The farm Marolles mound overlooking the sheep no longer hosts. Only a few sculptures testify to their past presence. We go through the Clos de Beaulieu down towards the village. Down the coast, we enjoy the old houses built on along the hillside. Several kilometers, the surprises are linked: churches, castles, manors , parks ... Medan is probably the most beautiful jewel.

Namely: Villennes belongs to the family early in Poissy, which has already Acqueville lands. The church, built in 1007, passes under the dependency of the old Abbey Neauphle then Coulombs. The steeple was rebuilt in the 16th century. At the same time, Jean Brinon inherits the castle by marriage. Jacques Bourdin, lord of Medan, acquired it in 1556, then the area falls into the marquis Pierre Gilbert de Voisins in the 18th. This also recovers the stronghold of Marolles. But the revolution ousting his property and he was guillotined. The farm was sold in 1795. Castle Villennes is destroyed during the 19th century, while the heirs settle in the outbuildings, part of which disappeared in 1919. Jean Baptiste Paradis financier acquires Villennes Park in 1864. He does it turn into a romantic garden, the landscape Vare, co-author of Planning the Bois de Boulogne. A cave with waterfall is constructed and a fake river. His daughter Mary Henrietta inherited in 1871. It Count Labenne wife and the steward of the castle, Louis Auguste Dupont. Sold in 1893, the park is subdivided to accommodate the Parisian bourgeois. The cave is saved by Lyonnaise des Eaux. The church was restored in 1978. As for Medan, the abbey of St. Germain des Prés has a mansion there, a few houses, St Clair, a mill and lands. All passed into the hands of the old Abbey Neauphle. The Lord William Perdrier it built a hunting lodge in 1494. His little son, John Brinon, will welcome Ronsard. He restored the church in 1635 and the manor in 1636, while Gilbert de Voisins had added a large wing to the mansion. Both lordships have met several times: in 1499 by marriage in 1556 by the exchange in 1744 by inheritance. Maurice Maerterlinck became owner in the 19th and literary continue to meet there, especially around Emile Zola. With the success of the stunner, it offered in 1878 a small house near the railway. He enlarged in 1879 and 1885 (Germinal). At his death, his widow donated it to public assistance. Abandoned after a fire in 1956, Park Manor is subdivided and the frame is assigned to Smad Henry, physician and entrepreneur, who publishes the newspaper Combat until 1974. Sold at auction, it is restored in his 16th appearance. A tower surmounted by a lantern and a dovecote restored by Jean Bourdin are the only remains of the adjoining farm. The girl Zola manages to transform the family home into a museum in 1984 after 40 years of waiting.

Before crossing the river, we find the church of St Etienne perched on the hill Vernouillet, then we are closer to the Seine along the pond Gallardon that hosts many swans. On the other side, is Triel with his anthology of beautiful homes. But his visit is the subject of another getaway. We are continuing our way back down south to cross the land vegetable sadly abandoned.

Namely: the Middle Ages, Vernouillet is composed of fiefdoms Masinval, the bush, the markers, the lily, Beaulieu and those of the abbeys of St. Denis and St. Magloire. The church was built in the 10th century by the Benedictines. In 1598, part of the territory passed into the hands of Rome. In 1723, a descendant, Louis Pierre, joins the two villages in its marquis. His son squandered wealth, which he sells to some of Randon Lucenay, which second to turn to Tautest Duplain in 1782. He had rebuilt the castle itself, and transform the English park, via his friend the Marquis René de Girardin, who started the fashion Ermenonville. After his daughter Louise, the area belongs to Anne Felicite Doublet Persian, the Comtesse de la Ferriere, then four of bourgeois families. During the 19th century, the village was repeatedly tested by frost, hail, and finally, the Prussian occupation. On the death of the last chatelaine, in 1953, the cash deposits acquired the castle and turns it into a retirement home.

We survive the path of the dead which leads us to Careers in Poissy. Here, we try to hide where the Church of St. Joseph and Castle Champfleury . Then we decide to follow the old towpath to the north. This allows us to approach the old locks before enjoying the picturesque banks preserved. Before attending the wedding of the Oise and the Seine, our gaze is arrested by other beauties: mansions, pavilions universal church of St Germain ...

Namely: territory of Carrières sous Poissy, Thibault de Marly founded the priory of St Blaise in 1162. But the chapel for Sunday services only built in 1659. Until then, villagers have to walk to Triel. In 1630, Roland Coudray, a wealthy citizen, has built the castle Champfleury. His descendants sold it to Louise de La Bussière Cuvier, then the property passed into the hands of Melanie de la Fare, Marquise de Chavigny Bridges. In the village, the inhabitants live off the cultivation and exploitation of quarries. But the stones are of average quality, careers are gradually abandoned and used as a mushroom. Wholesale operators to share the land. In 1671, Marie Brisset gets half of a farm and a few buildings at a share. Considering the frame uncomfortable, she built the large house on the other side of the road and had bound the two lots by a tunnel. But their property is seized and acquired by Maheu Peranderie which immediately sells them at a bank. A bankruptcy thereof, Pierre Castillon becomes buyer in 1783. In 1816, his heirs sold it to Nicolas Vlim, making several changes. From 1829 the castle known a succession of owners: Bojano Duke of, Earl of Ronceray ... The district is dedicated Grésillons to the breeding of horses (Edmund White in 1885, William Van der Bilt in 1906, Macomber 1919). Van der Bilt, which employs 120 people, is building a castle, now transformed. In 1923, the castle was used for the education of girls of various nationalities, orphans of war. Meanwhile, the arrival of the application after the first world war promotes the rapid development of market gardening. Production is sold to the markets of Paris. The Franciscans settled at the castle in 1933 to provide church services, and ownership is fragmented. The castle now belongs to the administration health. The story of Andrésy back to the conquest of Gaul by the Romans, when Caesar had established a camp on the heights to monitor the valleys of the Seine and Oise. The residents rely on the then bishop of Lutetia. In 829 the bishop of Paris donated the land to Our Lady who should retain for 10 centuries. The church was built in the mid 13th century. The area hosts François 1er which enlarge the building, but Henri IV, Louis XIII and Louis XIV, who built a folly along the Seine. Bonaparte, in turn, loves to hunt with General Lepic. The latter retires here in a castle on the banks of river. Andrésy is also a continuation of the great river port of Conflans, reputed to be an important fishing ground in the early 20th century. The place attracts so bourgeois. In 1904, the mansion was built by Peter Denouval Sardou Sardou's son and chief architect of historic monuments, Hershey Sarah Marsh, senior American personality who died in 1911. During the first war, it housed the Belle Otero some time. In late 1945, the mansion is sold the Union of Jewish orphans to shelter survivors of war and deportation. Then he serves as the seminary of the Salesian Fathers until 1968. Furthermore, the villa Viking is a Norwegian flag presentation at Expo 1900. He served in many films: Three years with Sabine Azema, they only think about here with Claudia Cardinal, is not because we have nothing to say he should shut his mouth by Bertrand Blier. The same time, the Dream Cottage (2 rue Louis disadva) is the home of George Gourlin, mayor from 1919 to 1924. Now separated into two, it includes a Chinese flag from the World's Fair. In 1947, the mayor moved into the villa of Lions, built in the 19th for Jean Baptiste Dosme, designer of the empire. His son is the mayor of Andrésy from 1892 to 1919.

We then cross the two rivers to go in the plain of the pond with ducks. Since the farm dam, we reach the station where we find the Achères Gr countries. We follow the latter to win the forest. Further, the bridge ambassadors allows us to span the ways of great service tree. Following the forest road, we reach the heights of Poissy, then skirt the park, before returning to our starting point, we salute the remarkable oak near the road ladies.

Overview of this release: Core Poissy


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