Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can I Fake Tan After Waxing


Top Essarts to start! Leaving the station, we borrow the aqueduct Lartoire . A few steps away, through the bare branches, we see the castle Lartoire rising after his pond. Soon we turn to the cellar to reach Auffargis, where we find the church of St Andrew .

Namely: Auffargis the story begins in prehistoric times, and the Gallo-Roman, an iron deposit is exploited. In the middle ages, three-quarters of the town are owned by the Abbey of Vaux Cernay. The first manor was bought in 1388 by Regnault of Angennes. It will build the mansion of the recipe to accommodate the procurator fiscal. The manor became royal property in 1707 through the count of Toulouse. The church collapsed, a new building was built in 1793, according to plans by Daniel Ramee. The clock is the work of Frestel in 1857. The mansion became mayor school in the early 20th century and rectory in 1878, and finally the post office.

We follow the ru Vaux flowing past towering buttes. We are trusting in Gr1, we continue towards the Abbey of Vaux Cernay . Opposite the beautiful ruins, we got into the wood of the old plug to reach the plain of Massicoterie.

Namely: the abbey was founded in 1147 by the Cistercian Congregation of Savigny in Avranches. The abbey prospered, the convent buildings were enlarged in the 13th century. But the monastery suffered from war and epidemics during the 16th and the remoteness of the abbot of his community accentuates the difficulties. After a renewed dynamism in the 17th, the abbey became national property during the revolution and is used as a stone quarry. In 1874, the Rothschilds acquire the remains. They transform the convent buildings remaining in the castle, construct new buildings and neo-gothic build a building to house the fountain St Thibault, known for promoting female fecundity. Their heirs regain field 3000ha in 1903. Employees engaged in maintenance, benefit from exceptional social conditions. However, the second world war has put an end to this golden period. The Rothschild left the abbey, while the statues of Versailles and the Louvre are hidden. The estate was bought by Amiot, manufacturers of aircraft and ships. The site is transformed into tourist area in 1988.

Once past the Fonciaux we descend to Fourcherolles remaining left hand. Near the farm in Valencia, we cross the field to join the Romery Mousseau. Then we round the wood of the comb to get the mill up to nine, behind the Castle Court Levis. By road, we reach Girouard, before returning to the castle of La Boissiere Beauchamp. From here we can see the mansion Recipe .

Namely: Levis is mentioned for the first time in 774 in a written document of Charlemagne. The lords are based several religious institutions, especially the Priory St Pierre (9th century) and Abbey of Our Lady of the Rock (13th). The land of Boissiere is mentioned from the 16th. A mansion built in low land serves as home to the farmer's first castle. At the same time, the village consists of several hamlets is attached to the royal domain in 1721, before returning to the Count of Toulouse. This rebuilt the castle in the early 19th Boissiere and gives the recipe name to the manor. The farmer is indeed responsible for collecting revenue from its lands. The Benedictine Priory St Pierre was destroyed and only the 13th chapel was spared and used as a barn. The village economy is based on horticulture, grain production and livestock.

The path of the golden gate leads us closer to the source of Yvette. Having hit bottom, we go up the coast to go to the Vaujoyeuse Chapel Layes . For Malassis, we prefer to find Gandinis our starting point.

Namely: Layes the chapel was erected in 1204. It was originally dedicated to St Evroult, protector of farm animals. The chancel and bell tower escape the ruins and are restored in the 20th century. As to manor Gandini, it houses two long columns from the fire burned the Tuileries Palace in 1871. These fluted columns with Ionic capitals, designed by Philibert Delorme in 1515, adorn the garden, overlooking the valley.

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