Thursday, July 29, 2010

3 Days Late Cervix Is High And Soft


Can I Fake Tan After Waxing


Top Essarts to start! Leaving the station, we borrow the aqueduct Lartoire . A few steps away, through the bare branches, we see the castle Lartoire rising after his pond. Soon we turn to the cellar to reach Auffargis, where we find the church of St Andrew .

Namely: Auffargis the story begins in prehistoric times, and the Gallo-Roman, an iron deposit is exploited. In the middle ages, three-quarters of the town are owned by the Abbey of Vaux Cernay. The first manor was bought in 1388 by Regnault of Angennes. It will build the mansion of the recipe to accommodate the procurator fiscal. The manor became royal property in 1707 through the count of Toulouse. The church collapsed, a new building was built in 1793, according to plans by Daniel Ramee. The clock is the work of Frestel in 1857. The mansion became mayor school in the early 20th century and rectory in 1878, and finally the post office.

We follow the ru Vaux flowing past towering buttes. We are trusting in Gr1, we continue towards the Abbey of Vaux Cernay . Opposite the beautiful ruins, we got into the wood of the old plug to reach the plain of Massicoterie.

Namely: the abbey was founded in 1147 by the Cistercian Congregation of Savigny in Avranches. The abbey prospered, the convent buildings were enlarged in the 13th century. But the monastery suffered from war and epidemics during the 16th and the remoteness of the abbot of his community accentuates the difficulties. After a renewed dynamism in the 17th, the abbey became national property during the revolution and is used as a stone quarry. In 1874, the Rothschilds acquire the remains. They transform the convent buildings remaining in the castle, construct new buildings and neo-gothic build a building to house the fountain St Thibault, known for promoting female fecundity. Their heirs regain field 3000ha in 1903. Employees engaged in maintenance, benefit from exceptional social conditions. However, the second world war has put an end to this golden period. The Rothschild left the abbey, while the statues of Versailles and the Louvre are hidden. The estate was bought by Amiot, manufacturers of aircraft and ships. The site is transformed into tourist area in 1988.

Once past the Fonciaux we descend to Fourcherolles remaining left hand. Near the farm in Valencia, we cross the field to join the Romery Mousseau. Then we round the wood of the comb to get the mill up to nine, behind the Castle Court Levis. By road, we reach Girouard, before returning to the castle of La Boissiere Beauchamp. From here we can see the mansion Recipe .

Namely: Levis is mentioned for the first time in 774 in a written document of Charlemagne. The lords are based several religious institutions, especially the Priory St Pierre (9th century) and Abbey of Our Lady of the Rock (13th). The land of Boissiere is mentioned from the 16th. A mansion built in low land serves as home to the farmer's first castle. At the same time, the village consists of several hamlets is attached to the royal domain in 1721, before returning to the Count of Toulouse. This rebuilt the castle in the early 19th Boissiere and gives the recipe name to the manor. The farmer is indeed responsible for collecting revenue from its lands. The Benedictine Priory St Pierre was destroyed and only the 13th chapel was spared and used as a barn. The village economy is based on horticulture, grain production and livestock.

The path of the golden gate leads us closer to the source of Yvette. Having hit bottom, we go up the coast to go to the Vaujoyeuse Chapel Layes . For Malassis, we prefer to find Gandinis our starting point.

Namely: Layes the chapel was erected in 1204. It was originally dedicated to St Evroult, protector of farm animals. The chancel and bell tower escape the ruins and are restored in the 20th century. As to manor Gandini, it houses two long columns from the fire burned the Tuileries Palace in 1871. These fluted columns with Ionic capitals, designed by Philibert Delorme in 1515, adorn the garden, overlooking the valley.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Propo-n/apap 100-650 Dosage For Adult

Larissa Riquelme

It seems that what he had learned from the 2010 World Cup , apart vuvuzelas was the unconditional support in Paraguay Larissa Riquelme , who had promised to pose nude if they win (and kept his word despite the defeat of his team). This is sufficient to ensure global visibility, especially during holiday media.
said Larissa then made a mini tour in Brazil and Peru, to participate in various events and "make photographic productions" in each being greeted by a crowd. The messages of support and expressions of love are multiplying, and that's where I'm coming.

Seeing this picture, very large number of Peruvians have the same reaction, express the same wish. I had already heard the same thing in similar situations, eg when Leys Suarez had asked naked on the Peruvian flag. It is therefore a structure of Peru, which the French would not think spontaneously. What this picture inspires you so? If you had one sentence to say in Larissa, what would it be?

For many Peruvians, the case is heard throughout.
And repeated inflammatory statements, passionately

"Larissa, what I want be your cell phone! "

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mold For Making Lead Sinkers

Meanders Seine

We leave the Croix de Noailles to ride through the woods with our bicycle. We soon to visit Poissy, to discover the traces of its history: college, grant, gatehouse, barn ...

Namely: Poissy enjoys an ideal location between river and Royal City. Once the canonization of his grandfather, St. Louis in 1297, Philip the Fair erected a monastery at the site of the church founded by Robert the Pious and build a leper in the southwest of the city. After the lepers, the venue hosts sick and elderly. Entrusted to the Dominicans, the site of the college, entrusted to architect William of Sens, lasted until 1330 and the boundary walls were built after the war of one hundred years. The choir was rebuilt in the 14th century, and the side chapels added in the 15th. If the first nuns are of noble origin, as follows (Capuchins, Ursulines) are of diverse origin. Also at that time, the canons should they be housed at their expense. In 1695, the leper is attached to the Hôtel Dieu. During the revolution, the monks were expelled and their buildings gradually sold as national property, and then demolished. After signing the Concordat of 1801, the priests are paid and housed by the city, this until 1905. The college, much worse, is restored by Augustus in Goy 1824 and by Viollet le Duc in 1844, while the leper is abandoned. The rectory serves police before being returned to the parish. Meanwhile, and until 1867 the land used for grazing around for cattle awaiting fair for the Paris market. In the 19th century, industrializing Poissy by its proximity to Le Havre via the Seine. To the north, settled agri-food companies, mechanics, car factories and their subcontractors. The gatehouse of the old Abbey withstood the upheavals of the city to be transformed into a toy museum in 1976. The barn used for storing crops, is acquired in the 20th century by the current families and Gros, Clos for their farm. Bombed during World War II, what remains is used by the city for exhibitions.

Fleeing the leper, we cross to reach Aigremont Beauregard, a former vineyard, which retain 18th castle converted into homes for the disabled. Hence, we reach Montagues and after the junction of the plain, we enter the forest of Marly following the Gr1. We left the remains of Retz, engulfed by vegetation, then the coupons new road before descending to the lovely Chapel of St. gem. save our forces, we avoid the village and the mill bifurquons Feucherolles to win the creameries, then Flambertins. The Gr1 leads us to the mill Orgeval installed near Broths.

Namely: to Feucherolles , the chapel was built on the orders of Robert 1st in 1033. This royal edifice receives Queen Blanche of Castile, kings Henry IV and Louis XIV. Abandoned, it was rebuilt in the early 20th century. The town is trying to give him a cultural assignment. A Orgeval , occupying the old mill 4ha, has been rehabilitated into a hotel and restaurant 4 stars.

Before reaching the Elm Gauthier, we go back to Montamets. In the plain, two rus give birth to the stream of Orgeval. Going back to Bures, we discover the castle of Val Joli then we head to the Clémenterie and Marolles farm. Point of cheese here, no matter what the sheep were shorn skirted the hills. After a steep slope, we find Villennes sur Seine.

Namely: Villennes is part of the chatellery Poissy whose family owns the land Acqueville. The first parish was built in 1007. Priory became thereafter, the church of St Nicolas was partially destroyed during the Hundred Years War. In the 15th century, Lord Henry Perdrier is building a hotel (the location of the town hall). His son, Jean Brinon, completes the 16th, while his nephew (the same name) it receives Ronsard. The church is seen with a steeple. Then Jacques Bourdin runs the town. It has the stronghold of Marolles buys Gilbert de Voisins. The latter also acquired the castle and erected in the village marquis. Revolution guillotine the Marquis in 1793 and seized his property. Marolles farm was acquired in 1795 by Henry Lelarge who is a farmer. In 1843, the train serves the town. The following year, two trains per day provide the transit of cattle market at Poissy. The castle was razed degraded by the heirs who settle in the outbuildings. Ruined, they sell to Jean Baptiste Paradis in 1864. This has transformed the park into a romantic garden, under the auspices of architect Vare. In 1871, his heiress sold the estate in 1893. The park is immediately subdivided for rich Parisians, with a first house at the left of the station. The romantic garden only remaining cave consists of natural and artificial stones. Of the three existing towers originally only one of Acqueville continues to resist time.

Opposite the Island of the dish, we continue to wonder with Castle Medan.

Namely: the 9th century, Medan belongs to the abbey of St. Germain des Pres, which is second in the 12th to the abbey of Neauphle old. From the 15th century, the lordship of Villennes and Medan meet by marriage in 1499, in 1556 by exchange in 1744 by collecting inheritance. The castle built in 1494 for Henry Perdrier returns to his small wire, Jean Brinon. It is with him that the wine village turns to literature. In his mansion, he organizes parties and entertainment for his friends, including poets Ronsard and the Pleiade. The church was rebuilt by St Germain Claude Perrault (brother of the writer) on the old original building. Its facade bears the marks of the revolution. Peter Gilbert de Voisins enlarged the castle 2 centuries later. In 1878, thanks to the success of the drinking den, Emile Zola bought a house in Medan. He did expand on each side by an enormous square tower in 1879 and a hexagonal tower in 1885 (Germinal). He personally takes care of the interior: fireplace, exposed beams decorated with coats of arms, stone floor tile Orientalist, large picture windows to announce that the new art. He writes Germinal and Human Beast, the top floor of the square tower. In this study, the mantel is decorated with lilies and bear a Latin motto: no day without a line, words borrowed from Pliny to the most famous Greek painters, Apelles. This maxim is also adopted by Balzac. After his death in 1902, his widow offers Home to public assistance, but his little girl is transformed into a museum in 1984. In the late 19th century, many writers and artists are found in Emile Zola. Maurice Maeterlinck staying at the castle before it is relinquished. It was taken in 1966 by the newspaper Combat, but sometimes bankruptcy in August 1974. It is then sold at auction and restored to its original hunting lodge of the 16th.

Vernouillet then we reserve Verneuil sur Seine, they also some pleasant surprises, but the excess of Planning invites us to find peace with the the large stone pond . After circumvented, we cross the Seine, and enter Triel sur Seine. We taste the charm of the church of St Martin , water must have a special character here that Pissefontaine not hesitate to remind us on the mound of Bazin.

Namely: the Middle Ages, the parish erected on the promontory belongs to the Abbey of Fecamp. In 1221, Philip Augustus freed the city and give it a seat Provost. A public prosecutor may well be having full powers. The church was enlarged from 1550: a large choir is constructed with an arch spanning the road to Hautil. Gypsum quarries are operated from the 18th and until 1950. But until the phylloxera epidemic in the late 19th century, the wealth of Triel comes from the vineyard. This specialty has attracted many personalities: Octave Mirbeau, Guy de Maupassant, Paul Fort (the prince of poets), Denise Grey, Marcel-Izy Schart (explorer) ... E, 1892, Emile Zola installs Rozerot Joan, his mistress, he can observe from his home in Medan. Home Senet (the river) attests to the popularity of notables for this beautiful city. Amputated of its fleet for the construction of the road iron, the house remains abadonnée from 1956 to 1983 where she is saved by the town that turns it into socio-cultural center. Elsewhere, the house Castelet confirms the residential aspect of the city.

Farther Chanteloup vines, dried, leaves us thirsty. Also descend on us Andrésy to find the freshness of the River King, which comes to enlarge the Oise nearby. We win soon Conflans to cross the bridge spanning the Seine. We can reach the pond Cora. From there, the Gr-country guide us to Pavillon de la Muette . Following the road of the same name, we soon to find our starting point.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Remember Getting High Was Only On Swings Poem

Plateau vexinois

We take time to warm up our muscles a bit in a moment along the banks of the Seine. Then we turn to borrow the inverted ribs that separate us from Hanneucourt. Finally, we win the Castle Farm Barns . The forest takes on the appearance of chaos that we have to face in search of a famous Cross. This leads us to the Charter Castle, built near the Fountain St Gaucher . Later, the castle Brueil in Vexin offered to our curious gaze.

Namely: first written mention of Brueil in 832, as belonging to the abbey of St. Denis who had built the first church. It is given to the priory of St Lawrence by the archbishop of Rouen in 1145. During the first half of the 13th, Sir Hugh Brueil is lord of the place, which depends County Meulan. But the town is fragmented and from 1697 to 1790, the town depends on the deanery Magny before being attached to the Canton of Limay in 1803. In the meantime, two castles are built on the town. That the Charter is built and enlarged throughout the 19th century. As for the fountain, the legend says that Gaucher is put out to nurse in the Charter. At his death in 1140, Canon Aureil responsible for the cure and the Priory of Gargenville, built a chapel at Chartres and actually lead a procession on the day of the Ascension from the miraculous spring. The restorations carried out on various buildings in the 20th turn out the Romanesque nave of the church, whose steeple is spared.

Following their ascent on the board, we cut to reach the Gr2 farm Damply and gutters mill that feeds Bernon. And after a new effort, we reach the castle Jambville .

Namely: farm Damply , which belongs to the municipality of Montalet, is built in the 18th century. Feature vexin, it now houses restaurants and flea market. As for Jambville , the village is mentioned for the first time in the 11th century, a gift to the abbey of Coulombs. This church built in 1023. Queen Blanche of Castile made the rebuilding in 1148, and have a steeple. Unless this is the fact of Agnes Montfort was erected 16 towers of the same style in the Vexin. Under the old regime, the fee belongs to the lord of Mézy. It was built there the first castle, which serves as a base to another, built in the 14th and redesigned in the 17th. During this time, a nave was added to the church. In 1765, the estate was purchased by the Marquis du Tillet, who sold it in 1775 to Thomas Maussion, deputy to the States General from 1789. He developed the park including a Greek temple portico. But accused of conspiracy against state security, it quickly beheaded.

Taking Bout d'en Haut, we win the bout Guyon avoiding Pissot. Arrived at the farm Hazay , we are on the path of Groseillers. No fruit to taste here, but high heather and a red mouth that devoured all our strength. Fortunately, Avernes allows us to recover our spirits from the St Lucian .

Namely: place has been occupied since Neolithic times. A church, built in the 12th century, was rebuilt in the 13th before being burned in 1434, then again rebuilt in 1491 thanks to Catherine of Hardeville lady Avernes. A Calvinist temple is high after 1563, while Catherine de Medici had banned the practice of religion reformed Meulan. The church was again destroyed in 1590 (religious wars). Rebuilt, it became the temple of reason during the revolution (see carved porch). At the same time, the Prince de Montmorency Tingry, owner of the castle built in the 17th, it is stripped. In the 19th, the town is growing a little with the quarry, but they are gradually transformed into ponds. The charm the place attracts the novelist Joseph Kessel coming to rest in his home country, and the publisher Calmann Levy, who bought the castle, before handing it over to an orphanage, who in turn sells to a specialized school. Alas, the original buildings are denatured by successive occupants.

On leaving, we choose to follow the course of Aubette, we crossed the ford just after Théméricourt. Another beauty we looked a bit further: the chateau de Vigny and St Gildard .

Namely: testified that the village is 960 by the Archbishop of Rouen Hugh II. In 1504, Cardinal Georges d'Amboise first bought the estate and built a castle on the site of the ancient lords of the manor. The building then passed to the constable of Montmorency in 1555 and then to Rohan in 1694. But that Count Philip Vitali who had restored and rebuilt in 1867 by architect Charles Henri Cazaux (adding the square tower and chapel). It was he who rebuilt the church of the 12th, which threatened to collapse.

Continuing south, we avoid to stay on Longuesse the banks of the Aubette. There, the Gr1 Sagy and leads us to his beautiful church of St Sulpice . Continuing our journey, we'll soon hand the Maroches Manor and the church of St Peter of Condécourt. Since the sablons, we look admiringly on Chateau de Villette, flanked by his two water bodies.

Namely: Sagy , which has been occupied since Neolithic times, is spared by the invasions of the Middle Ages and the wars of religion, due to its position away from roads. The church, built in 1071, was ceded by the Bishop of Rouen to the abbey of St. Denis who remained until 1551. Threatening to collapse, it was rebuilt during the 19th century. Not until the 13th century that are listed on the lords land Condécourt . Yet there is already a church built in 1148. One of their descendants, Esq Guesclin of companies, is sommelier Charles V. At the site of an ancient fortress, the Château de Villette was built in 1663 according to plans by Francois Mansart. It is completed by his nephew, Jules Hardouin Mansart Jean Dyel, president of the Cour des Aides of Normandy, Ambassador of France to Venice. In 1786 Sophie de Grouchy, owner's daughter, married in the chapel of the Marquis de Condorcet in the presence of La Fayette, their witness.

We go on the other side of the hill to cross Château Gaillard and take direction from Evecquemont. After discovering the old neighborhood whose Notre Dame we see the veins mushroom in the woods of the Saracens, then take the path of Heaven, to win Meulan. We quickly crossed the town to join the towpath, we no have scored a short stop at the foot of the church of St Nicolas .

Namely: in 1066, the Countess of Meulan reveals the existence of Evecquemont, held by a Benedictine Abbey of Fecamp. The activity revolves around the vineyard. The church was rebuilt in the 13th century and rebuilt in the 16th. The land, cleared by the monks, are dedicated to fast vineyard. Blanche of Castile would have come to pray and Parmentier would have made his first attempts at cultivation of potatoes. Lane dungeon certifies Development the village. In the 17th, the village is dedicated to the exploitation of quarries. But at the end of World War I, abandoned, some are converted into mushroom, with 4 harvests every 10 weeks, 3t of Paris mushrooms per week. It remains today as seven mushroom growers in the Paris region. Of the seven churches that were Meulan , the only remaining church of St Nicolas, built between 1130 and 1150. Facade and bell tower were rebuilt in the 13th and 18th centuries. A chapel was added at the bedside in 1876 and the tower raised in 1889. Collapsed since he expects to be restored. The station was built in 1892 to accommodate travelers on the right bank of the Seine, 50 years later than for the left bank. The difficulties related to the field requires engineers to dig a tunnel under the church. Paradise Farm is built in the 19th. It occupies the entire hill was built in 1970. The town saves a few buildings in 1977 to rehabilitate the space for cultural events.

We go against the church of St Germain of Mézy to enjoy a view over the Seine. Too bad the other side of the river, the Renault factory disfigures the landscape. How awful that these monstrous plants! Further, Apremont gives us a final offer views of the river and the town of Juziers. Here we find the laundry and St Michel , before concluding our tour.

Namely: the town which sprawls on the hillside has been known since the 7th century when it belonged in part to the Benedictine Abbey of St Pierre Valley , near Chartres. In 978, the Countess Letgarde, widow of the Count of Chartres, he sold all his lands Juziers. The priory was founded in 987 by monks of Chartres. St Louis, Blanche of Castile Queen Margaret and stay there on occasion. In the 12th, St. Michael's Church follows the priory chapel. She has one of the oldest elevations at three levels of Ile de France. The priory was burnt during the wars of the League, then abandoned in 1752 and sold as national property in 1793. The Second Empire converts into a country house. In the early 19th, laundries five of the village are covered with the advent of cast iron columns and tiles. In 1899, the mayor is also built to house the school girls and boys, as well as housing for teachers. The Pillars of the 3rd Republic are thus united until 1960.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Core Poissy

We take our departure at the foot of the grant Poissy. Weaving through the old neighborhoods, we discover many architectural beauties: College, Abbey gatehouse , old market ... but also the beautiful park Meissonier.

Namely: Poissy has always been a privileged location between the Seine and the forest of St Germain and Marly. Royal City from 1297 until the 14th century, it is also a religious city until the revolution (Dominican convent, the Capuchins and Ursulines). The church is built in the 12th to the canons, the location of the church founded by Robert II the Pious, then right next to the Royal Castle. Philip the Fair, who erected there a monastery for Dominicans. The assembly is completed in 1330 during the reign of Philip VI of Valois. The walls are high after the Hundred Years War. Meanwhile, the choir of the church is rebuilt, the side chapels were added in the 15th, while the gate is pierced in the 16th. The priory church is highly degraded by lightning in 1695. The nuns being evicted during the revolution, the buildings were sold as national property and demolished with the exception of the gatehouse and two towers (Toy Museum), but also of the barn. The Ursuline convent was rehabilitated housing before becoming a workhouse in 1810, a military hospital in 1814, then house arrest in 1821. Inmates learn a trade while being paid to prepare for their reintegration. The college is again restored by Augustus Goy (1825-1835) and then by Viollet le Duc, which gives it a medieval look (1844-1869). The village has several farms and fields for for grazing animals awaiting cattle market. Indeed, as evidenced by the old octroi built in 1832, thanks to its market, supplying the capital in Poissy butcher's meat until 1867, making it also a market town. If the market was destroyed in 1881, the award is made to become housing and tourist office in 1982 and tourism office in 1992. Become industrial in the 19th, the city is now home to agribusinesses and mechanical.

To leave town, we drive along the track and enjoy a nice view over the Ile de Migneaux. Then we round the invisible castle Acqueville to ascend to the cliffs. Hence, we turn towards the castle Coudraie , then go over the highway. Having spent the pound, we arrive at where we follow the Orgeval Castle Béthemont transformed into golf. Then we cross the clay pits to reach Villennes. The farm Marolles mound overlooking the sheep no longer hosts. Only a few sculptures testify to their past presence. We go through the Clos de Beaulieu down towards the village. Down the coast, we enjoy the old houses built on along the hillside. Several kilometers, the surprises are linked: churches, castles, manors , parks ... Medan is probably the most beautiful jewel.

Namely: Villennes belongs to the family early in Poissy, which has already Acqueville lands. The church, built in 1007, passes under the dependency of the old Abbey Neauphle then Coulombs. The steeple was rebuilt in the 16th century. At the same time, Jean Brinon inherits the castle by marriage. Jacques Bourdin, lord of Medan, acquired it in 1556, then the area falls into the marquis Pierre Gilbert de Voisins in the 18th. This also recovers the stronghold of Marolles. But the revolution ousting his property and he was guillotined. The farm was sold in 1795. Castle Villennes is destroyed during the 19th century, while the heirs settle in the outbuildings, part of which disappeared in 1919. Jean Baptiste Paradis financier acquires Villennes Park in 1864. He does it turn into a romantic garden, the landscape Vare, co-author of Planning the Bois de Boulogne. A cave with waterfall is constructed and a fake river. His daughter Mary Henrietta inherited in 1871. It Count Labenne wife and the steward of the castle, Louis Auguste Dupont. Sold in 1893, the park is subdivided to accommodate the Parisian bourgeois. The cave is saved by Lyonnaise des Eaux. The church was restored in 1978. As for Medan, the abbey of St. Germain des Prés has a mansion there, a few houses, St Clair, a mill and lands. All passed into the hands of the old Abbey Neauphle. The Lord William Perdrier it built a hunting lodge in 1494. His little son, John Brinon, will welcome Ronsard. He restored the church in 1635 and the manor in 1636, while Gilbert de Voisins had added a large wing to the mansion. Both lordships have met several times: in 1499 by marriage in 1556 by the exchange in 1744 by inheritance. Maurice Maerterlinck became owner in the 19th and literary continue to meet there, especially around Emile Zola. With the success of the stunner, it offered in 1878 a small house near the railway. He enlarged in 1879 and 1885 (Germinal). At his death, his widow donated it to public assistance. Abandoned after a fire in 1956, Park Manor is subdivided and the frame is assigned to Smad Henry, physician and entrepreneur, who publishes the newspaper Combat until 1974. Sold at auction, it is restored in his 16th appearance. A tower surmounted by a lantern and a dovecote restored by Jean Bourdin are the only remains of the adjoining farm. The girl Zola manages to transform the family home into a museum in 1984 after 40 years of waiting.

Before crossing the river, we find the church of St Etienne perched on the hill Vernouillet, then we are closer to the Seine along the pond Gallardon that hosts many swans. On the other side, is Triel with his anthology of beautiful homes. But his visit is the subject of another getaway. We are continuing our way back down south to cross the land vegetable sadly abandoned.

Namely: the Middle Ages, Vernouillet is composed of fiefdoms Masinval, the bush, the markers, the lily, Beaulieu and those of the abbeys of St. Denis and St. Magloire. The church was built in the 10th century by the Benedictines. In 1598, part of the territory passed into the hands of Rome. In 1723, a descendant, Louis Pierre, joins the two villages in its marquis. His son squandered wealth, which he sells to some of Randon Lucenay, which second to turn to Tautest Duplain in 1782. He had rebuilt the castle itself, and transform the English park, via his friend the Marquis René de Girardin, who started the fashion Ermenonville. After his daughter Louise, the area belongs to Anne Felicite Doublet Persian, the Comtesse de la Ferriere, then four of bourgeois families. During the 19th century, the village was repeatedly tested by frost, hail, and finally, the Prussian occupation. On the death of the last chatelaine, in 1953, the cash deposits acquired the castle and turns it into a retirement home.

We survive the path of the dead which leads us to Careers in Poissy. Here, we try to hide where the Church of St. Joseph and Castle Champfleury . Then we decide to follow the old towpath to the north. This allows us to approach the old locks before enjoying the picturesque banks preserved. Before attending the wedding of the Oise and the Seine, our gaze is arrested by other beauties: mansions, pavilions universal church of St Germain ...

Namely: territory of Carrières sous Poissy, Thibault de Marly founded the priory of St Blaise in 1162. But the chapel for Sunday services only built in 1659. Until then, villagers have to walk to Triel. In 1630, Roland Coudray, a wealthy citizen, has built the castle Champfleury. His descendants sold it to Louise de La Bussière Cuvier, then the property passed into the hands of Melanie de la Fare, Marquise de Chavigny Bridges. In the village, the inhabitants live off the cultivation and exploitation of quarries. But the stones are of average quality, careers are gradually abandoned and used as a mushroom. Wholesale operators to share the land. In 1671, Marie Brisset gets half of a farm and a few buildings at a share. Considering the frame uncomfortable, she built the large house on the other side of the road and had bound the two lots by a tunnel. But their property is seized and acquired by Maheu Peranderie which immediately sells them at a bank. A bankruptcy thereof, Pierre Castillon becomes buyer in 1783. In 1816, his heirs sold it to Nicolas Vlim, making several changes. From 1829 the castle known a succession of owners: Bojano Duke of, Earl of Ronceray ... The district is dedicated Grésillons to the breeding of horses (Edmund White in 1885, William Van der Bilt in 1906, Macomber 1919). Van der Bilt, which employs 120 people, is building a castle, now transformed. In 1923, the castle was used for the education of girls of various nationalities, orphans of war. Meanwhile, the arrival of the application after the first world war promotes the rapid development of market gardening. Production is sold to the markets of Paris. The Franciscans settled at the castle in 1933 to provide church services, and ownership is fragmented. The castle now belongs to the administration health. The story of Andrésy back to the conquest of Gaul by the Romans, when Caesar had established a camp on the heights to monitor the valleys of the Seine and Oise. The residents rely on the then bishop of Lutetia. In 829 the bishop of Paris donated the land to Our Lady who should retain for 10 centuries. The church was built in the mid 13th century. The area hosts François 1er which enlarge the building, but Henri IV, Louis XIII and Louis XIV, who built a folly along the Seine. Bonaparte, in turn, loves to hunt with General Lepic. The latter retires here in a castle on the banks of river. Andrésy is also a continuation of the great river port of Conflans, reputed to be an important fishing ground in the early 20th century. The place attracts so bourgeois. In 1904, the mansion was built by Peter Denouval Sardou Sardou's son and chief architect of historic monuments, Hershey Sarah Marsh, senior American personality who died in 1911. During the first war, it housed the Belle Otero some time. In late 1945, the mansion is sold the Union of Jewish orphans to shelter survivors of war and deportation. Then he serves as the seminary of the Salesian Fathers until 1968. Furthermore, the villa Viking is a Norwegian flag presentation at Expo 1900. He served in many films: Three years with Sabine Azema, they only think about here with Claudia Cardinal, is not because we have nothing to say he should shut his mouth by Bertrand Blier. The same time, the Dream Cottage (2 rue Louis disadva) is the home of George Gourlin, mayor from 1919 to 1924. Now separated into two, it includes a Chinese flag from the World's Fair. In 1947, the mayor moved into the villa of Lions, built in the 19th for Jean Baptiste Dosme, designer of the empire. His son is the mayor of Andrésy from 1892 to 1919.

We then cross the two rivers to go in the plain of the pond with ducks. Since the farm dam, we reach the station where we find the Achères Gr countries. We follow the latter to win the forest. Further, the bridge ambassadors allows us to span the ways of great service tree. Following the forest road, we reach the heights of Poissy, then skirt the park, before returning to our starting point, we salute the remarkable oak near the road ladies.

Overview of this release: Core Poissy