Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Muvies Infantiles En Espanol Free


We start along the park of the castle of La Part Dieu, and then we pass the area of Chateau de Villiers before reaching the Seine.

Namely: from the Carolingian period, Poissy enjoys an ideal location between river and Royal City. Very religious town until the revolution, Poissy account when several Dominican convents, Capuchins and Ursulines. In the 18th century, the squire John became lord Caboud de Villiers, property located between the Priory and St Louis area Migneaux. In 1814, the property was sold to John Céraphin Gautier, a lawyer, then to Helv Oissel, advise the court of cassation. Their successor, John Frederick Leonce, state councilor, member of Seine et Oise, gave it to her daughter when she married the Marquis de Segur. Meanwhile, until 1867, the lands of the town are mainly used for grazing cattle waiting to show for the Parisian market. In 1928, the chateau de Villiers is sold to families and Savoye Agache who will share the field with the company Kuhlmann. It recovers the building and transformed it into a holiday for children of factory workers. Indeed, in the 19th century, Poissy became an industrial city because of its proximity to Le Havre via the Seine. North of the city settled agri-food companies, mechanics and car factories and their subcontractors. The city bought the castle in 1976.

After skirting the banks of the Seine, we turn off opposite the island of Grand Motteau to cross the park Meissonier.

Namely: from 1845 to 1891 Ernest Meissonier occupies a house in the yard of the Dominican abbey. This painter is installed in the park a wagon for him to see a horse at various gaits. A statue of him, made of cast iron by Emmanuel Fremiet and melted during the German occupation, is replaced by another performed by Antonin Mercie, stone. The city acquired the estate in 1952.

We now ascend the main street running through the neighborhood of the abbey. On remand, we prefer to visit the old town with its gatehouse old, his 19th Hall and Notre Dame College .

Namely: the prison belongs to the Ursulines until 1792, then served accommodation to civilians and military before being bought by the state into a workhouse. In 1814, the facility houses a military hospital, then a house of detention from 1821. Inmates learn a trade. This practice is still relevant today, in order to assist in resettlement. On the sidewalk opposite the museum of the history of the city brings together old posters, portraits, prints, tools and documents referring the city today. Later in the former gatehouse of a monastery built by Philip the Fair in 1297 in honor of the Dominican, is held the toy museum. The construction lasted over 30 years and the enclosing walls are constructed after the Hundred Years War. During the Revolution, the nuns were expelled from the monastery which is sold as national property. Most buildings were demolished in the early 20th. At the heart of the city, stands a long cattle market. With its success, it was enlarged in 1832. The hovels that serve to collect fees of up are replaced by a provision of neo-classical, surrounded by stone markers. A Hall was built to house the calves of the weather. Her frame of 1830 based on 16 stone pillars. Enlarged in 1852, covers the sides based on 26 cast iron columns. The strong market in 1867. The award serves as a housing and cozy lobby, 1884, concerts, exhibitions and awarding of prizes. She has since regained use of the covered market, three times a week. around the hall, the shops have developed. From the Middle Ages, the street hosts the bread bakers in the city, where skylights attic to mount the bags of flour. Further, the college our lady is built by William of Sens in the early 12th century the site of a church adjoining the castle of Robert II the Pious, burned by the Black Prince in 1346 and razed in 1369. His choir was rebuilt in the 14th and the side chapels were added in the 15th. Until the revolution, it is served by the canons, then dropped somewhat. From 1825 to 1835 it was restored by Augustus Goy, then by Viollet le Duc between 1844 and 1869. This gives it its medieval bell tower supporting the tower. Many towers were inspired by his model. This church has 68 gargoyles, 50 decorated. As for the rectory, he hosts the canons until the revolution. After 1801 and until the separation of church and state in 1905, the priests are paid and housed by the municipality near the church. The rectory is used as police and returned to the parish in 1936.

We are moving now toward the forest. Once past the house on the coast of Poissy, we join the Gr1 leading us on our path cross : Ste Anne, St Joseph Noailles, St Simon, Dauphine, Bon Secours, the oratory, the Good girls, not to mention the maid (the oldest of the forest, 1456). Along the way, our procession imagination will lead us almost House education of the Legion of Honour and pheasant.

Namely: cross Noailles is due to Duke Maurice de Noailles who erected in 1751 near the pavilion of the same name. During the revolution, the municipal assembly decides to raze all the crosses. This is broken in 1793 and restored in 1953. The cross Dauphine is built to replace the one erected in 1540 by Henry II. She takes the name of the sovereign, a native of St Germain, while still dolphin. That of virgin owes its name to the fact that Dunois comrade of Joan of Arc, had built in memory of his rehabilitation. Reversed in 1793, she was replaced in 1850. Home education of the Legion of Honor in 1859 settled in the former convent of the lodges. This is the 17th built by Anne of Austria, the location of the Augustinian convent. In 1810, Napoleon 1st bought the building and installed a boarding school, before the architect Coulon not choose for his home education. Expansion work is business from 1836 to 1839 and a chapel added in 1859. As for the pheasant, it is the old farm road in the pond purchased by the Duc de Noailles in 1793 into a pheasant. Sold as national property during the revolution, was acquired in 1817 by Martin Biennais goldsmith cabinetmaker Napoleon 1st. Then the domain expires in 1868 to Felix Fox, Parisian banker. His son George, also a banker, built the castle is the chestnut. In 1939 his heirs gave the pheasant farm in society and participation, already owns the domain Joyenval and the Desert de Retz. The pheasant is the steward's house on three properties.

The Maid no longer, we continue our tour, go round the course and try to see a remarkable oak, before entering the Beauregard area to discover the Le Corbusier house . Maladrerie having been cleansed, we can cross without fear.

Namely: the Villa Savoye was built on the area of Villiers in 1928. Their owners, insurers Paris, involve the architect Le Corbusier to build this house on stilts, with roof terrace. Abandoned at the onset of the war, the villa is looted by the Germans, then by the Americans. Threatened with demolition in 1958 to make way for a high school, she is saved by the intervention of Andre Malraux, who takes an exceptional measure, unprecedented for the work of an architect. Lycée Le Corbusier was built in 1967 on 6 hectares of the area and the villa restored and opened to the public. Founded in the 12th century, the leper is located far from the city on a major road. After the disappearance of leprosy, the sick and elderly are welcomed. In 1695, it was attached to the Hotel-Dieu. The leper remains today as perpendicular chapel and a building. The chapel, consisting of two spans oblong, is the same age as the college, probably made by the same workers whose plant motifs capitals testify to their skill in sculpture.

Nearby, the hospital is located in the grounds of the old castle Coudraie . Hence, we reach the Migneaux and our vehicles.

Namely: from 1811 to 1843, this mansion serves as the country home to a famous of visionary, Marie Anne Lenormand. At his death, the house is sold to Emmanuel Henckel which transmits it to his son George Schmidt. The heirs of the latter, Revillon Brothers, live there for nearly a century. Then the property is occupied by a dog breeding. In 1962, the company bought the 19ha Simca domain, part of which is now occupied by sections of the cultural and sporting ASCAT, the rest having been broken up and sold.

Preview this output: Crucis

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How To Draw Car Accident Diagram

Val d'Oise

From Mériel, we spin along the Oise to put us in the legs gently. In front of us rise the slopes of Valmondois. We head north to approach the castle Stors .

Namely: this house is built for family plans Aubespine by Jules Hardouin Mansart. In 1746, the Prince de Conti buys Mrs. Arty. This fact make a lot of work and the redevelopment of the park. At his death, the castle became the resort of the Countess of Boufflers, who receives Horace Walpole and encyclopaedias. Sold to the Comte de Provence In 1783, the area is declared a national revolution, then it passes from hand to hand for half a century. In 1861, Casimir Cheuvreux trader acquires the area 20ha. He is restoring the castle and added land to his property. To maintain its 150ha, he employs a dozen people, and indulges in a collection of orchids is an international success. At his death a little son of Marshal Lannes inherits by marriage. Gustave de Montebello, Ambassador of France, and lived there until the mid 20th century. In August 1944, a bombing deteriorating and destroyed much of the building.

We retrace our footsteps and headed towards the abbey and mill Val via the port to the monks.

Namely: the abbey appears to be the oldest Cistercian abbey of Val d'Oise. Founded in 1125 by monks, it was confirmed in 1136 by King Louis VII. It was rebuilt in 1156, thanks to the donation of a career by Dreux Buff, lord of Mery. Completed by the end of the 13th, the abbey under the protection of the kings of France and the lords of Montmorency and Isle Adam. Greatly destroyed in 1845, are preserved today as a shopping arcade of the cloister and the building of the monks. In his first floor, a dormitory community supported pillars with capitals decorated with foliage. In the 17th century, cells are arranged. As for the abbot, he sleeps in a private room located above the chapel vestry. On the creek from Old Moutier, Father Charles Villiers erected a mill. In 1861, the mill was bought by Cheuvreux, which are transformed into a Renaissance manor. In 1873, their descendant, Madeleine Guillemin, married diplomat Gustave Lannes de Montebello. The mill is then resort Louis's son, then the little son Gerard. The friend of the latter, Georges Duhamel, often comes as a neighbor, and Wladimir Ormesson, husband of his cousin. They come also to hide from the Gestapo. Another building, more modest, serves as accommodation for guests or family members.

After a prayer for future efforts, we go to Adam Villiers, crossing the Pre Collard. A religious building of smaller, lies at the center of town, the church of St Sulpice . Elsewhere, Benjamin Godard house still resonates with musical notes.

Namely: the village is known after the abbey of Val in 1147 in the writings of Pope Eugenius III. The church, dedicated to the bishop of Bourges, is built in the 13th, this time, only subsite that the bell tower supported by buttresses of stone, from the abbey. The building was rebuilt from 1490, and new altars are blessed in 1550. The nave was never completed because of the wars of religion. The polygonal choir, gothic, contains a monumental altarpiece of the 17th century, while a polychrome wooden lectern 18th, from the abbey throne in the nave. At that time, the village is connected to the field of Conti. Thanks to the gypsum content in soil, a plaster factory was founded and operated until 1920. A lace industry develops in parallel with the timber forest. In the street bearing his name, the musician wrote the lullaby Godard Jocelyn and couplets of Vivandière, an opera in 1895. In 1933, the opera singer sings Lucy Arbel's speech at opening of the plate put in his memory.

As the field is rotten before Cross Notre Dame, we spin up quickly Chauvry without detour Béthemont. Unless the delicious goat cheeses made in the village fail to excite our taste buds! Then we use all our strength to face the forest of Montmorency, known for its pronounced relief! Moreover, they put us severely to the test. Fortunately, we find to take a rest at the foot of Castle hunting.

Namely: the Montmorency family has long domain owner. In 1207, Mathieu de Montmorency will receive, on behalf of King Philippe Auguste, the oath of the Earl of St. Paul for two fiefs. Limiting Taverny, two tile factories and a hotel high in the park, by Jacques de Montmorency, from 1392. As for Guillaume de Montmorency, he welcomes Louis XI in his castle, a hunting forest. The hunting lodge, the remains of a home quadrangular, flanked by four towers at the corners dérasées round in 1728. Ancient fortified house, surrounded by a moat of a cycle and two ponds located at the junction of the soils of Saint-Prix, Montlignon, and Bouffémont Domont. He then became property of Conde, Louis Bonaparte, who then acquires under the First Empire. The King of Holland lies there with Queen Hortense and his son, the future Napoleon III. Then the family of Conde takes possession of the castle, which is then transferred to the Baroness Feucheres.

Arriving at the valley bouquet, we turn to see the golf Domont. There, the Picardy draws us into the woods Montlignon. We remain on the heights of Saint Prix and Saint Leu the forest to earn Taverny through the pond Godard. Below, we discover the sanatorium Tuyolle the castle Picet , the Notre Dame de l'Assomption and Tertre Haut .

Namely: site Taverny exist before 1000 BC, but his name appears in 754, when Pepin the Short to confirm the belonging to the villa Taverny Abbey St. In 1122, an act demonstrates the power of the lords of Montmorency. The church was built in 1218 in Gothic style at the request of Constable Mathieu II de Montmorency. In 1237, his son, Bouchard IV de Montmorency, fence construction financing glazing. In addition, agricultural activity is growing on the hills with vineyards and the plain with wheat. The town is rich, which explains its important role in the peasant revolt, revolt of wealthy peasants in the 14th century. From the 17th century, the wine gains the lower classes, especially those of Paris. So now how much premium on quality, vineyard and orchards abandoned the hillsides to grow in the plain. From 1806 to 1821, Saint-Leu and Taverny are combined into a single municipality. In 1830, Auguste Godard Mayor Taverny buys treeline, a castle of the 17th. Through his son Benjamin, many musicians live there. The area then extends to the pond. Become property of General St. Hilaire, the castle was bought in 1842 by Mr. Guntberger, manufacturer of bronze Napoleon III, and a lot 8ha. He built his castle in 1853 and sells Tuyolle the High Mound to Count Clerk. The castle then passed through several hands. As early as 1876, rail transport is growing. The vineyard does not withstand competition from the Languedoc. For cons, the proximity of the capital ensures prosperity for wheat, potatoes, orchards and vegetable growing. In 1901, industrial Maxine Clair demolished the old castle of the High Mound to build a new home soon he sells the family Schorestein, manufacturing trucks Willeme. The First World War broke out. The castle serves as quartering troops to pass. In 1920, the prefecture of Tuyolle bought the castle in 1920 to transform it into a sanatorium dedicated to women with tuberculosis. He escapes to a demolition project in 1938 and became a hospital specializing in pulmonary rehabilitation and cardiac rehabilitation. WWII is still disrupting the lives of the town. The French militia moved in the High Castle Mound and trains in the park in 1943 before being driven out by the elite unit of the Gestapo, the permanent Selbstschutz the (school SS). Today the castle houses an association dedicated to the rescue of children.

We then Bessancourt veins. Through the village, we take a look at the Notre Dame , then we go back to the forest, until Chateau St Jacques converted into stables. Gr a country then leads us up and Frépillon St Nicolas . By opting for wood Garennes, we spend close to a mushroom , before leading to the castle Mery sur Oise.

Namely: the village was born a monastic village created by the abbot of St. Denis. After 883, the community moves on Mery. Abandoned by the monks, the village became the property of Lord Buff in the 12th century, and then is transferred from 1375 to Orgemont Stone, advisor to Charles V. There he built a country house in which his son, Claude, makes changes in 1583. Meanwhile, the castle welcomes Henry IV and his mistress Gabrielle d'Estrees and Antoine de Saint-shamans who woos sister, Angelique Abbess of Maubuisson. It then Shaman's son St Francis and his widow, giving the castle its classical 17th. The adjustments are made after 1735 in the way of Mansart and Le Nôtre. The gardens are designed by Buffon. The castle was looted during the revolution. Viscount Pierre Chretien Lamoignon which is restructuring the park by the architect Berthault, while the Viscountess de Segur Lamoignon heiress Orgemont, renovated the castle. The village is gradually expanded with the quarrying of stone delivered to the great works of Baron Haussmann, prefect of Paris. Pierre-Christian Segur-Lamoignon, son, built a school in 1876. On land purchased by the City of Paris, the installation of the farm model most modern France was born in 1900 in Haute-Borne. It involves many farm workers from Britain, Poland, Spain, and later from Turkey and Portugal. No longer exist now that the stables located at the end of Castle Park. During WWII, the Germans use galleries of their careers to unload ammunition trains safely.

We go round the park to reach the banks of the Oise and then Mériel with his church St Eloi, the house Gabin.

Namely: between the 14th and 15th century, the Meriel is torn between Villiers, lords of L'Isle-Adam, and Orgemont Abbey du Val. It finally Stors who runs the village, including the powerful Duval family, close to Charles IX and Catherine de Medici. Early in the 18th, the The Aubespine built their castle, while the hamlet is attached to Villiers-Adam until 1713. The church, built in the early 13th century, remains Schedule a chapel of the Church of Villiers-Adam. In 1715, the nave was added to the building and the assembly is placed under the patronage of St Eloi, before hosting four tombs from the Abbey du Val in 1792. The princes of Conti, lords, in turn, regularly Mériel stay until 1789, Stora was sold to the Comte de Provence in 1783 subject to usufruct. In the early 20th, the owners of the domain of Stors still play a leading role in village life. From time to time, Montebello, descendants of Marshal Lannes, are staging magnificent hunts. Jean Moncorgé, "said Jean Gabin spent his childhood in a house while working length. He returns frequently, until the death of his brother-boxing champion in 1955 (Jean Poesy). A star of silent movies, Cecile Sorel, married to Count de Segur, also resides there.

Overview of this release: Val d'Oise

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Red Dots On Palate- Strep

Valley Bus Shelter

After a regard to his St Clair rebuilt in 1902, we crossed towards the Frémainville east. On a street in the old castle of the 17th collapses and falls gently into oblivion. We'll soon be near an old distillery , then we cross the fields where youth plans raise wheat. Next we come to Longuesse, nestled in the hollow of a pretty valley. At its center, the church of St. Gildard rises since the 12th century and watches over the valley. From here we follow the Gr1 leading to Sagy. The village regularly brings together enthusiasts of Lotus, no flowers, but the car! However, we find the church of St Sulpice , while the museum keeps hidden harvest its old agricultural machinery. Yes, it does show that the second Sunday in September, during an annual festival. We are therefore left to join the St Martin Villeneuve. The development of road networks requires us to follow the paths of the field, something they are muddy. Since Gauderer, we descend to the village next to assess the St Gildard and superb Castle Vigny.

Namely: in 1504, Cardinal Georges d'Amboise first bought the estate and built a castle on the site of a former manor. The building is then up to the constable of Montmorrency in 1555, then to Rohan in 1694 and finally in 1867, Count Philip Vitali. The latter is restored and partially rebuilt by the architect Charles Henri Cazaux. The tower and chapel added to it. The present church replaces the 12th century that threatened to collapse. It is built through the generosity of Count.

We go round the park to go up the hill, and now dominate the valley Aubette. Down the village following the street Achim Abos, we approach the Notre Dame and Castle Théméricout .

Namely: in 832, the village has already nestled on the banks of the Aubette. Conducted by the family of Théméricourt, the village has seen a church, given to the priory of St Lo Rouen. This enlarges the building. In the late 15th century, Théméricourt are building a castle, but they lose the benefit of their lordship Abos, until 1680. The latter built a chapel adjoining the church steeple, and reworked the castle. Louis Chevalier, president of the parliament of Paris, in 1721 remodeled facades. In 1836, the aisles the church were rebuilt and a neo-Romanesque portal was opened in 1868. The castle belongs finally to Jean Claude Duvalier, Haiti's president before being acquired by the Park House vexinnois in 1995. The outbuildings are constructed to accommodate a museum.

We go back on the hills above the valley to enjoy the landscape and we join Guiry en Vexin, where other architectural sights await us: the church of St Nicolas the castle and a former career : Gargantua the puck. Only here!

Namely: the feud, referred to as 680, belongs to the same family until today. The original castle was built in the 15th century manor. The lord and baron John Guiry built the church in 1518. The construction lasted almost 50 years. In the 19th, the Marquis Andre de Guiry is erecting a castle in a style Mansart.

After taking some shots, we continue our tour. Without in either one street leads us to Calvary at the foot of the St Germain Clery in Vexin. Then we will see the building of the castle. We do not fall into the hole Millot and are committed on a country road to reach the Vaneur Plessis, a large farm that overshadows that of Morocco.

Namely: the 13th century church replaced a building given in 1099 at the Abbey of St Martin Pontoise. It is completely revised and partially rebuilt in the 16th. As for the castle building, it is the old family home in Poissy Clery. In 1740, the last heir, Margaret Suzanne of Pintereau of Boislisle, married Prince George Rakoczky, son of the Hungarian hero Francis II, Prince of Transylvania.

Below, the village of Banthelu does not hold long. By the way Magny, we went to the cooper before saying yes, the pretty village we find then. His St Romain is beautiful and lovely old streets of charm, as well as the castle Hazeville .

Namely: manhandled by the Hundred Years War, was Wy built around a hospital and church, founded around 625 by St Romain, bishop of Rouen. Sacred to 1255, the building underwent several rounds of work reflecting the evolution of architectural styles. Nearby, the old rectory dates from the late 18th century. The castle is built for Lefebvre Land Hazeville. It was rebuilt in the 19th by Pierre François Fontaine, architect of Napoleon 1.

We pass by the cross Bouillette and find the fields. After the woods, we turn to the left of Calvary wrought iron. This choice leads us in the former stronghold of Gadancourt.

Namely: taken by the family of Hazeville, the town develops over the brook of Guiry. St Martin's Church built in the 12th was rebuilt after the Hundred Years War, but a bombing in 1944 destroyed the steeple. It is completely restored in 1953. Nearby stands a priory built by the Cistercians, present until 1729. It is then used to prebend the Abbe de Fenelon, nephew of the writer. Today he is one of the outbuildings.

Farther east Avernes presents his St Lucian and castle.

Namely: built in the 12th century, rebuilt in the 13th, that damned church burned in 1434. A newly reconstructed in 1491, thanks to Catherine of Hardeville lady Avernes it rebrûle during the Hundred Years War in 1590. The castle, it is the prince of Tingry Montmorency, then the publisher Calmann Levy, before being transformed into an orphanage and then specialized school whose activity alters its architecture.

We follow the main street and the street from the church to join the wood Galluis. Leaving it, we came out on Frémainville where, after a small tour of the farm Crane, built by Count Vitali, owner of Vigny, we find our starting point.

Preview this output: Valley Aubette

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Aladdin Greenhouse Heater

Wood, Fields

Namely: Auffargis is mentioned in a charter of Pippin the Short in 768. It then depends on the Abbey of Vaux Cernay. The manor was bought by Regnault of Angennes in 1388 to enter the domain of Rambouillet. It becomes property of the Count of Toulouse in 1707. The parish church, destroyed in 1793, was rebuilt about 1854 in a neo-Gothic style according to plans by Daniel Ramee. The clock of 1857 is the work of Frestel. Besides, the hotel built in the recipe stone, is the former mansion of the family of Angennes. Having served as mayor and then-school rectory is partly demolished to allow reconstruction of the church. From 1873 to 1941, the Rothschild family resides in this village. She built the Town Hall School in 1878 and in 1882, Baroness buys Abbey of Vaux Cernay and St Benedict's farm. Family finances for all employees, free medical care, building a second school and opens in the farm, a summer camp for underprivileged children. After his final departure in 1955, the village is dedicated to farming and hunting.

Leaving the church of St Andrew , we go to the pond Perray . After a quick glance, we round the cottages to borrow the channel plate, which hides some water. After we find the farm of Coqueterie , then the church of St Gilles .

Namely: in 1661, Louis XIV is concerned to supply water to his field of Versailles. Topographical the Abbe Picard, inventor of the telescope level, allows him to draw gutters to collect rainwater ponds for storage and aqueducts for drains. The resulting assembly can route 13000m3 of water per day. The pond of the tower is the western end of this device that operates by gravity alone. The channel becomes water at the farm. Buried to 4 feet deep, Up by 2.8 m, it sinks to 4m deep and runs over 660 meters. As for the farm, she is one of the last operating farms in the village of Old Church. His name is spelled with two T long evoking chirping of birds, the village had long specialized in the production of pheasants and partridges. The church dates from 1561 and is then attached to the commune Perray. Revised under the restoration, the church is called the day of St Giles, in 1828. In 1849, the portal of entry is supplemented with a protective arch and roof of the tower is covered saddle.

Leaving the village we're heading toward the pond Tower, nestled in the forest of Rambouillet. This pretty waterhole has the advantage of offering a shoreline preserved from urbanization, which gives it a wild charm undeniable. Then we take through the forest roads for timber Senior Besnières. Since the path of the enclaves, we can see the farm Noue the left, and the village of Les Bordes La Celle right. We descend to the village we take time to admire the church of St Germain and Uzes castle.

Namely: the village is mentioned in a charter of Charlemagne in 774. It is then composed of a manor house, two mills and two churches. In 1363, the fee belongs to the family of Harville. The church of St. Germain was built in 1524, with a parsonage adjoining. Around 1580, Claude, Marquis de Palaiseau, erected the castle is in 1713, ownership of Penthievre Bourbons, then of Verneuil. In 1816, the marquis married the daughter of Alvigny Verneuil. Their son sells at Domai Cibiel, member of the Chamber of Deputies. In 1843, the Duchesse d'Uzes installs the trophy hunt crews Bonnelles and initiates the Feast of St Hubert in the wooden roof of the church, shaped cradle overturned typical of the region. In 1902, St Hubert is celebrated in the castle courtyard where stood a stately old elm 290 years.

Following the county, we are approaching the farm flues, former residence of the lords of Bullion in the 14th century. Transformed in the 19th, this former mansion built around a square courtyard Belted stables and barns, while a dove stands, slightly behind the set. Area in pastures, grazing great salers. At the center of the village, we discover the St Vincent to architecture differ widely. However, it is the only 18th to submit a porch, built to house penitents and faithful who came to cackle. We go to the hamlet of Longchen, then discover the farm Fromenteau , large beet alcohol distillery in operation until 1967. Later in the fields at the farm Filolière student its imposing silhouette of the 18th century. In addition to grain and straw, this operation also silk line until the 19th. Arriving at La Ferte, we turn to reach the farm Malvoisine . This fortified manor house, listed in 1210, was rebuilt in the late 15th and reworked in the 17th, while the ditches were redone in 1652. The assembly is attached to the field until the 17th of Dampierre. Since the beginning of the 20th, the farm was converted into a breeding saddle horses for racing and show jumping equestrian center. From there, a steep path takes us into the woods Senlisse. Below, we admire the church of St Denis and amid the plains and along the ru des Vaux, the Castle Court Senlisse .

Namely: the village is offered by Charles the Bald to the abbey of St. Denis in 862. Built in the 13th century, the church reveals a keystone of the 16th. Inside, a bench carved out of fantastic animals is a historical monument. In 1556 the village was annexed to the duchy of Chevreuse. But the Court of lordships Senlisse, Malvoisine, the Bar and Broths resist. Manor Court is mentioned Senlisse from the 13th, with a moat and defensive towers. In 1602, he belongs to Balthazar Gouyn then bought by Claude de Lorraine in 1651. From 1739 to 1985, he belongs to the family of Luynes, which benefits the economic development of the village in the 19th, around the quarry. They produce up to 750,000 blocks per year for the development of Paris streets.

Garnes leads to a wood marshals. As it follows the route of Freiberg, until we reach the old village quarries, where we can imagine the rhythmic sound of chisels hitting hard rock and dark. We find the Gr1C, through which we can enjoy the view over the ruins of the Abbey of Vaux Cernay .

Namely: built in the 12th century, the area's thriving Cistercian abbey and monastic buildings were enlarged. But soon all suffering from war and epidemics of the 16th. The system of commendation which removes the abbot of the community exacerbates the difficulties. During the revolution, the abbey was declared a national asset and used as a quarry. Arthur de Rothschild bought the remains in 1874, transforming the remaining monastic buildings and new buildings are constructed in a neo-Gothic. In 1903, Henry and Mathilde de Rothschild inherited the estate which stretches over 3000ha. Their employees enjoy exceptional social conditions. But World War II reduced the activity of the area, pushing the Rothschilds to leave the abbey, after having hidden the statues of Versailles and the Louvre. The Amiot, manufacturers of aircraft and ships, acquire the domain that is transformed in 1988 into luxury tourist structure.

We descend to the valley, cross the ru of Vaux along the massive field and discover the monumental entrance. Further, the mill valley , beautifully restored, still we look forward. We continue our journey to reach through the cross of Auffargis Vindrins.

Preview this output: Wood Fields & Farms

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trailer Cap Snowmobile

farms and fiefs of Gometz

We leave the church Chevry soon to cross the park of Belleville castle and join the madness Rigault who, near the village, is wise for ages.

Namely: in 1634, Belleville appears as a fief with a farm. The first Lord Gilles de Stocky, is an attorney at the Chatelet in Paris. In 1754, Anne Francoise Beasse the brush which he built a shed and a two-storey building. His heir is the building that becomes larger castle in 1774. At his death in 1789, the estate passed to his daughter, wife of Jacques Julien de Fontenay Devin. The affirmation of their loyalty to the nation allows them to escape the regime of terror. During the restoration, they raise two wings surmounted by balustrades, while the central pavilion is covered with a roof Mansart. In 1853, the castle was bought by Count Edouard de Chambray, who rebuilt the farm away from the castle. His son and heir, Raoul, fragmenting the field in 1885, separating the castle farm. From 1922 to 1947, the castle houses a school farms and households deemed Leontine founded by Thome. The City Council bought it in the town of Gometz in 1976, into a cultural center, while the farm land are surveyed by a real estate company.

We circumvent the long react, then walk along the gravel and marl pits, before reaching the outskirts of Molière. Here, a circuit allows us to appreciate the charm of this village, discovering the Church of St. Mary Magdalene . At Target cross, erected in the late 18th century, we follow the Gr11D which leads us to the windmill.

Namely: the church was reported as early as the 11th century. She underwent many changes over the centuries, including the 13th, 14th and 17th centuries. The bell tower, pierced with twin bays in 1821, has 4 bells, one dated 1620. The facade was rebuilt in 1935 and drilled in one eye beef with 1, 5m in diameter. The walls of the chancel are covered with mosaics and seven windows were redone by the master glass artist Raphael Hogger. As for the altar, he is made of pink marble Art Deco style.

Arrived at large spits, we keep our saliva and turn left to approach the farm Pommeret. Further, the black cat waiting for us beside the mules. Seeing neither the one nor the other, we continue our journey along the flags of the farmhouse garden . A Roussigny, we listen: here sings the queen before praying at the convent chilly, former estate of the Carmelites. For we do not too cool, we win quickly recovered from the brush and follow the path to reach lost Janvry. Ah Janvry Castle, the pretty village square with fountain his hall loading the church our lady of Mount Caramel ...

Namely: the castle was probably built for John Bailey, Senor de Janvry and treasurer of the Royal Savings. Once entirely surrounded by water ditches, buildings reflect the style of the old regime. A stone bridge of three arches provides access to the courtyard, enclosed by a wrought iron gate. The residential building consists of a main building flanked by two corner pavilions which are attached two wings. They serve as common. An arcade breakthrough in the right wing led to the backyard, surrounded by farm buildings. Another bridge marks the entrance peasant. On the other side of the square, located in the axis of a cart, a hall rises in 1784, the center of a yard, to load the carts away from the weather. Ownership of the lords of Janvry until the 20th century, this operation gathers around its traditional courtyard, a living body and important communications, built in gritstone. Until the early 20th century, a major source of income is by selling hay and straw business in Paris, such as the Icebox of Paris, which ensures the delivery of ice time with carts horses. As for the church, above the entrance gate rustic niche houses a stone statue of a saint. The choir of the church dates from the 13th. Largely rebuilt in the early 17th, its cornerstone is dated 1639. The roof is gabled tower and marble baptismal font retained their red copper cap. The Way of the Cross 14 paintings on canvas is a gift from Napoleon III.

We leave the village towards the Hotel Dieu and we follow the woods towards the fund. Below, we hesitate between the cure and Fountain St Vandrille, and we finally took refuge in the barn. Starved by so much effort, we gain the gâtine to seek some honey. In vain! Just after Villeziers worries us with his play pendants, adjacent to the field of the priest. Finally, Grivery us back to a living soul, even if the castle has disappeared Gaillard, no ghost to disturb our motivation. So it is with pleasure that we go out on the streets of old Gometz the castle, which we discover the St Clair . We take a moment of superb panorama over the valley of Chevreuse. Then we descend the stairs to join the St Nicolas because house red nettle draws our gaze. Further down, we can still admire a pretty village square and a monumental wrought iron gate .

Namely: Gometz the early writings of the castle date from the 11th century and show a castle and a church, located on the road from Paris to Chartres. The fortified village was then part of the defense line south of the capital, Chevreuse Monthléry and Rochefort en Yvelines. It is the steward of Willémus Gomethiaco who is responsible. In 1070, the manor returned to his son William, before being bequeathed to his cousin, wife of Gui 1 of Monthléry. His son, Gui red, then his little son, Hugh de Crecy, are heirs. But it strangling his cousin Milo Bray, lord of Monthléry in 1118, King Louis VI the big withdrew his castle. In 1479, belongs to John Gometz Graville, lord of Marcoussis then to his son, Louis Malet de Graville, admiral of France. He rebuilt the church destroyed by the Hundred Years War, by adding the spire of a turret surveillance. From 1550 to 1601, the domain is owned by the family of Balzac, and Louis Hurault Cheverny actually a county in 1606. The fee remains in the hands of the Counts of Limours until the revolution. the castle and its walls are then dismantled. In 1826 the town bought the rectory and installs its post office in 1919. But the building was not maintained, it threatens to collapse in 1956. The town then offered a long lease (18 years renewable) for the author of the best project to rehabilitate the house. It is the sculptor Daniel Simalla who in 1976, thus makes the colors of old house, a tan stucco wash worked in Italy, with maroon trim. It performs in front of the mosaic nettle red. Below the village, the monumental gate is decorated with the monogram LG. This is the gate of the park an important property purchased in the 19th by Gabriel Lemonnier, jeweler to the crown under Napoleon III. Mayor of the town until 1878, he received in his country home to many artists, including Gustave Charpentier and Theophile Gautier.

We are entering a quiet street to see the warblers viaduct spanning the ru Angouleme and Montjay mound. By taking this work of art, we discover the little Montjay Castle, then cross a park leading us in Bures sur Yvette.

Namely: in the late 19th century, the railway company plans to build a route from Paris to Chartres, and this without crossing. Given the cost of works of art, manufacturers restricting the number by drawing the line far from population centers. But that deterring travelers line built in 1907 is a deficit between 1930 and 1940. Severely bombed in 1944, shows the viaduct of the old railway transformed into green corridor. Montjay on the field, this fee is listed as a manor farm in 1494. In 1738, the castle is surrounded by oaks and elms, he has a farm with meadows, vineyards and woods. In the 18th, it is enriched with a chapel and a pavilion platform of love, where the newlyweds spent their wedding night. Damaged by war, the castle now belongs to the Ministry of Justice and serves on the judicial protection of youth. The farm has been divided in two. Property is part of the parish of Les Ulis who prepared the Scouts and Guides of France.

We must return to Gif sur Yvette and face the mountains of Hacquinière. Fortunately, we find a little rest once they reach the wood. After passing the lake of an ancient Benedictine abbey, we borrow the greenways to join our starting point.