Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's The Difference With The Green Xanax

In the land of cherry

We leave our vehicles in the parking lot of the Port of Conflans Ste Honorine, for a moment along the banks of the river and reach the heart of the city where we find the tower Montjoie the St Maclou castle and priory .

Namely: Conflans enters history in 721, when Thierry IV, King of Neustria, signs a deed in his fortified camp of Conflans. The 11 and 12th century, the lords Beaumont Montjoie are building the tower and the church of St Maclou. This time, the tower remains. A priory completes the medieval city. The Montmorency dethrone the Beaumont in 1268 and retain their power until 1632, when Henri II de Montmorency was beheaded. The wealth of these gentlemen from the exploitation of land (agriculture and vineyards), but also through law (tax on goods transported by the river). Starting 18th, careers develop, leading to the construction of highway bridges and railway lines in the 19th. Thus, the city is changing. In 1869, Jules Gévelot rich industrial cartridge manufacturer, gives a neo-renaissance in the priory and the fact of a larger body of building a porch with pierced wing in return. In 1882, Simon Ambrose Chapellier 50000Frs supply to the city to build a new town hall, Place du Port. In 1910, while the field is built Théméricourt, M Matignon buys land there and built the castle terraces. Mansion, and religious institution, during the war kommandantur 39-45, boarding school skippers, women's college, the building became home of the young in 1982. The electricity can in 1927 while the agricultural landscape gives way to industry. Châtau The Priory is transformed into a museum of inland waterways in 1969.

We leave the city through the streets of monks. In its extension, we enjoy a beautiful river view. Survivors arrived in the fields, we follow the track to reach Herblay. We discover the old hall after Chantepuis street, then we take the path leading to the pool of Montigny. In the old neighborhood, near the cobbled street, stands the remains of a tower and Castle clinic. Curiously, the walls of the houses here often contain a statue of the Virgin. We leave the village to cross the county and we let it slip down a slope appreciable. Almost at the bottom left, Anatole leads us to the church of St Martin Montigny les Cormeilles. We go down the main street to reach the peak of Cormeilles .

Namely: to Herblay , St Martin's Church is high in the 11th century and rebuilt in 1535 and 1869. After living in the vineyard, the economic activity developed around the exploitation of limestone, gypsum and sandstone. In the 19th, the arrival of the railway enables the entry of many painters and bourgeois. The poet Paul Fournier built at the site of the castle from the 16th, a house enriched with colorful decorative elements. Old walls still tower, the ramparts and cobbled streets. Montigny also benefits from the presence of gypsum in its territory, and began to turn in the production of plaster and tiles with its many furnaces. With the opening of a railway station in 1847, it adds a nail factory and several brick factories. The steeple of St Martin's Church is the only remnant of the church of the 18th, abandoned because the building was rebuilt in the 20th.

A Once past the park of the mountain, the wood is disfigured by digging a career. This requires us to bypass some very hilly not to fall into his bowels. Fortunately, our efforts are rewarded a little further: Sannois mill, windmill 18th, stands on the hill planted with vines, while the Moulin de la Galette houses a restaurant. Below, a manor recently rehabilitated. We cross a large cemetery, then go over the highway to follow Dr. Roux in a suburban street. We borrow a maze of quiet streets and arrive at St Gratien, saved little by urbanization. Remain the church the mayor, and a few mansions ... Just after we visit Enghien les Bains: Scottish castle, home of lake, casino , St Joseph ...

Namely: Sannois is a village during the Hundred Years War, but through his coaching and his vineyard, the village suffers a rapid development. In 1664, it is for the Montmorency and became a duchy. Nobles and wealthy citizens come then stay there. Thus, the banker of Queen Marie de Medicis, the countess and Madame d'Argenton Houdetot, muse of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Alas, the phylloxera destroyed the vineyards in the 19th century. Most farmers will then launch in the production of fruits and vegetables, while others will work in factories producing plaster. St Gratien is probably even older due to a large fish pond. Long, the village of agricultural produces a wine known as the Piccolo. Repeatedly ravaged during the Middle Ages, the town knows a lull in 17th when Marshal Catinat retired to the castle of his grandfather. The Marquis de Custine and Princess Mathilde stay there regularly, attracting many Parisians. The princess is finally building a house nearby to spend the summer. The castle park is gradually subdivided, and a new town hall, built in the center was inaugurated in 1909. Enghien develops on the opposite side of the fish pond dug by the Montmorency. In 1766, a priest discovered a source of sulfur water near the lake, but it was not until 1821 that Péligot launches thermal activity after recovery from Louis XVIII. Hotels and villas are built on the perimeter while the small lake. The church was built thanks to Moreno de Mora family. Louis Philippe d'Orleans, Charles X, Alexandre Dumas, Giuseppe Verdi began to frequent the city, whose growth accelerated with the arrival of the railway in 1846. In 1851, Jules Robin Mayor, and Emile de Girardin, a journalist, are building the castle in Leon waterfront, to receive many personalities. In 1870, Auguste Villemessant, founder of the Figaro, obtained permission to open a casino while the church is finally complete. Meanwhile, the Scottish castle is built for the Countess of Xaintrailles before being occupied by the mayor. In the manner of factories from the 18th, he is built like a theater set romantic.

After following the street Mora, then the passage Dubuisson, we follow the seams. Soon we turn to the Mourning bar where we find the Church of our Lady . From there we head north to join Groslay a moment and admire the church dominates the village. In climbing a hill again, we appreciate the shade of an unspoiled, then we enter Montmorency, who presents Collegiate , castles , walls and fountains ...

Namely: Mourning arises in the Carolingian period through successive pilgrimages to the miracles that occurred at the tomb of St Eugene. In the 11th century, Montmorency offers church to the monks of the Abbey of Saumur, who set a priory flourished. The looting of the middle ages do not preclude the construction of numerous mansions from the 14th, then homes of pleasure from the 16th. The church was rebuilt in 1858 by architect Blondel. Until 1909, the vineyard is a rich agricultural, so the sound quality rivals the burgundy wine. After the phylloxera epidemic, the village is losing its aura, especially since it is affected by the explosion of a German bomber over the church. As for Montmorency, the place is devastated by the invasions of Normandy and Germany during the 9th and 10th century. Many religious congregations then settled on the field, while Louis VII big shaved the castle of Montmorency. Those following the rebuilding in the 12th century and promote the development of the village through the creation of a important market. Became a barony in 1303, the area is deserted by the Lords in 1358 during the peasant revolt, and the castle destroyed by the Hundred Years War. The college was built in 1515 at the request of Guillaume de Montmorency, who wishes to make a burial for his father, John II and his descendants. Inaugurated in 1525 after 10 years of work, it was completed in 1563 at the behest of Anne de Montmorency, his heir. Indeed, William was beheaded by order of Richelieu in 1551 and the field returned by marriage to his sister and her husband, Henri de Bourbon, Prince de Conde. Shortly after, in 1589, the inhabitants were massacred by the Leaguers. In 1630, while Notre Dame is threatening to collapse, Duke Henri II de Montmorency opened his chapel to parishioners. The calm and Cherry finally settled became known thanks to the Marquise de Sevigne. In 1709, Pierre Crozat, a rich financier, built himself a house near the college, an area which already has one. Alas, this new castle was demolished by subsequent owners. (Do not remain as the orangery, now a music school, built in the rococo style initiated by Borromini). Intellectuals find themselves in the Hermitage which saw Jean Jacques Rousseau in 1756. This is where it falls for Ms. Houdetot. Berthe Barillier, successful novelist, sits on the opposite sidewalk, in a hotel Italianate. The stud fountain that gives birth to ru the same name, made famous by Jean Jacques Rousseau, in a confession of anecdote that Ms. Houdetot is heroin. But his enthusiasm earned him exile in 1762. Built for the banker Isaac Leopold Sée Cuvillier according to plans, a new castle will replace the old building acquired by Crozat. At the center of town, Nicolas Louis Goix rich bourgeois Parisian, is building a mansion in 1788 on a 13ha park. Leopold Castle is Sée acquired in 1886 by Adele Livingston Sampson, she resells it to her husband, the Duke of Dino. Park Goix is purchased in 1859 by Émilie Rey de Foresta, which makes subdivision in 1862. The city becomes fully residential and is home to the Duchess of Berry, Louis Blanc, Claude Michelet, Richard Wagner ... In 1905, the town gets the castle and installed his Municipal Museum and the Jean Jacques Rousseau.

We now head north to discover the Montmorency Fort . Then following the slopes of the forest, we reach the church of St. Medard to Andilly then we go to Montlignon, where stands the church St Andrew . Then we head through the old orchards that abandonment and urban nibble ever. In Castle Rubelles , we turn right to ascend to the old town of St Prix, his church and his views.

Namely: Montmorency Fort belongs to the defense line built after the Prussian invasion, between 1874 and 1880. Whatever the angle of attack, the assailant is under fire strong. The forts were modernized during the war of 14, but their role is secondary. During World War II, they are overcome of anti-aircraft batteries and serve as ammunition depots, disused. Andilly is dominated manor from 1125. In the late 12th century, their descendants cede the field to Rudolph Andely, but it is the brother Domont that share the land until the 16th. In 1626, the medieval castle (still a pigeon) returns to the family of Andilly Arnauld, whose history is linked to the abbey of Port Royal. The little son Anthony, Jansenist lawyer and doctor of theology, support the polemic against the Jesuits and Protestants. He rebuilt the church in the 16th and placed under the patronage of St Medard, patron of farmers. The bell dates from 1783. The school hall was built in 1889, brick, thanks to the many factories then installed in the region. Montlignon belongs to the Abbey of St Denis from the Carolingian period. A church, built and certified in 1160, serves the parish of Tour and Andilly. In 1294, the Abbey gave the manor to Mathieu de Montmorency IV, who held until 1379. A second stronghold, the possession of Stephen Clerc, grows on the territory. The town unites in 1787 under the name Montlignon, under the edicts of Louis XVI. Therefore, the village becomes resort for many writers, including Victor Hugo wrote his Contemplations. The tragedian, Jean Mauduit Larive, it also installs itself in by building a mill on the heights of the hill. By discovering the many sources on its domain, it tries to develop the park to compete Enghien and lack of flooding the village. In 1836 a royal ordinance makes independent church overlooked the other municipalities. As for St Price several lords and religious communities settled on the field, whose lord Tower which gives the village its name and adopts a church around 1085. In the 12th century, the Benedictine priory oversees the fief Wine Maubuisson, while Mathieu de Montmorency first moves the canons of St Victor Abbey near his castle hunting in 1135. In the 13th, the lords of the Tour de Bailleul and give way to the Lords of Rubelles. They promote the expansion of the Templars, they rebuild the church with a Latin cross. However, the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of the valley keeps vines Land Tour. Castle Terrace is built on the stronghold of Maubuisson Hinselin by clothiers and Lemp, husband successive Jeanne Boursier, which buys a descendant of the fief Rubelles around 1527, shortly after the village of 40 inhabitants does not change its name to St price. It is rebuilding Castle by Henry Cutin. Sold in 1560 to the constable Anne de Montmorency, the field knows of other owners. The village developed through pilgrimages and the church was enlarged collaterals to 1625. Jean Baptiste Dumangin, Professor of Medicine, takes the field Rubelles he destroyed the castle in 1791 (still the temple of love and Fountain 1783). During the same time, the composer of comic opera, Jean Michel Sedaine, bought a house in the village in 1780. He wrote several plays including Richard the Lionheart in 1784 and entered the academy in 1786. Rebuilt and equipped with a park, Castle Terrace returns Ms. Yard Brainville, niece of the last owner. She receives the Abbe Lamennais and Victor Hugo until 1823, then the property was sold in 1841 to Mrs. Villet. His heir bequeathed to house elderly and infirm priests and the area became known as St. Joseph home. Having suffered many wars and revolution, farmers are turning to arboriculture gradually. The town gentrified, fiefs were transformed into a park with rare species, the medieval fountain was restored in 1870 by Julien Ponsin, architect of Montmorency, while the church is lessened the south aisle. Nuns settled in St Joseph's house and it create the Rosary School in 1939, before the building was converted into a retirement home.

We follow an explorer to St Leu la Forêt. In the park, we follow the path, turnips to downtown, then on the way to the station, we cross Gallieni that opens the path to peace. In passing, we find the church of St. Gilles, library, train station ... Further, the path winds through Closeaux houses for us to cross the tracks. the general De Gaulle presents his neighbor who tells us about Octave Chardonnets. Arrived at the county, we turn left onto defected to the big bridge over the motorway.

Namely: St Leu is attested as early as 1122 when Fouchard Montmorency offers blessings to the church of St Martin de Pontoise. In the 13th century, the lords live in the High Castle, near the church. Downstairs, the amount of the fortified house Chaumette, and a leper. On the town, the Cistercian abbey of Notre Dame du Val have vines and a barn, while the Abbey of St Martin Fields is the owner of the vineyard and the fief of Maubuisson. The castle was rebuilt in the High 1645 by Charles Leclerc Lesseville then Lorieul Jean, Sieur de La Noue, built the castle in the Netherlands in 1693. Meanwhile, a church was erected in the village center. Castle Ory (now city hall) was built around 1709. It is complemented by a park, gardens, vegetable gardens and outbuildings. One of them becomes consular house in 1784. Louis Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon 1st, bought the two towers in 1804. He demolished the castle of Haut and settled with Queen Hortense. Their son, Napoleon III, is very interested in the village. The railway appeared in 1876, causing a change in the population and housing estate areas. Center of the square, a fountain empties its water sandstone from the 14th. She is immortalized in painting the Queen Hortense Dabos distributing soup to the poor in 1812. But the fountain was replaced in 1895 by a statue of reaper, a tribute to farmers. Napoleon III rebuilt the church according to plans of Eugene Lacroix.

Once in the valley, we reach the castle Boissy . This former hunting appointments until the revolution belongs to the Prince of Conde. Rebuilt in 1793, it was bought in 1835 by Ferdinand Lefevre, Parisian notary. His descendant, Jean Bertrand Lefevre-Pontalis, is now the only heir. At the end of the park, still the old icehouse 18th, while the adjacent pond has disappeared. Leaving the forest we find ourselves propelled into the new city. To avoid the worst, we follow the Impressionists and the scribes who walk on the green fairways. We cross the road that crosses the bridle path and use the latest heinous than rural people from polluting their professional waste: used tires, bags of concrete ripped open, broken sinks, woodwork ordnance ... Local authorities do their job very badly and nature suffers the ravages of mankind. What a scandal! Soon the highway compels us to seek a passage. On the other hand, abandoned land express their grief. Powerless, we reach Conflans veins where, after having approached the castle terraces , we find our starting point.

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