Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What To Write In A Wedding Card.

New Adventure Pezweon

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Man And Woman Ejaculating

Andean Baroque music

I realized too late that the presence in the program Alliances resonance, the presence of Javier Echecopar in Paris. The name meant nothing to me, since I discovered it was a great classical guitarists of Peru, which deserves some developments.

best known traditional Andean music with pan flutes, and tambourines quenas, we must not forget that the period has also developed English baroque music, especially in the eighteenth century. The Jesuit Domenico Zipoli, who arrived in America in 1717, was the first European musician to settle on the continent. He wrote several parts for reductions (Jesuit Missions), which had some success, but died less than ten years after his arrival.

Baroque music was popular in the reductions, but also the court of the viceroy of Peru, Personal Representative of the King of Spain in Lima. Here is a sonata in A minor composed in the eighteenth Lima, Javier Echecopar interpreter in one of the chapels of the Church of San Pedro , the Jesuit church of the capital, completed in 1638, one of the most richly decorated in the capital.

To continue this theme, a Chilean group like: Barroco Andino , which performs baroque tunes combining Andean and European instruments. It's original and mind-blowing it: here's Turkish March by Mozart in a new light!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Counter Offer Letter Claim Sample

Nobel literature is at last! - Attributed to Mario Vargas Llosa

one who was an "eternal suitor" at the Nobel for literature has finally get it. I can not say much more than this article in Le Figaro today which I yield the floor, waiting to provide a little more material. Congratulations to the novelist.
Oh, and for the exhibition House of Latin America, here.

PORTRAIT - Le Figaro had met last September that great novelist and essayist, former Peruvian presidential candidate and a columnist for power struggles.
"Do you want us to do the tour together?" With an hour ahead of the visit, the great Peruvian writer picked us at the entrance to the Great Exhibition it is devoted , a month before the Nobel Prize for Literature him was finally awarded. He has not changed since the 1990s: just her hair did they get a little snow, but the elegance, usability are always appreciated. At 74, Mario Vargas Llosa is as beautiful as they say. Walking the halls covered with photographs of him in all ages inspired him this comment: "Usually this kind of tribute took place post mortem. I am a guest of stone. "
Two floors of the building, in addition to photos, personal documents, letters, copies of books, reproductions of covers of his books in different languages and even some of his famous collection of hippos inform the visitor about the man and artist. See life as well organized chaos when we know it was fun. He has only one certainty: the literature was "the spine, the nerve center" of his existence. "It was obvious, even unconsciously, from the outset, upon discovery of reading."

child he devoured Hugo, Stendhal, Balzac and Flaubert

was in Cochabamba in Bolivia, where he spent his first ten years in "paradise of childhood." It is only 5 years old he learned to read. Again he contracted a heavy dependence on the subject book as evidenced by a touching letter addressed to the infant Jesus at the approach of Christmas. And then the nest and the status of a spoiled child he passed overnight, to a world of insecurity and authoritarianism symbolized by the appearance of a father he thought dead. This man was not an intellectual saw a dim view of literature and poetry. "For him, the one who was interested could be a deviant. This opposition of my father was an encouragement to persevere in the literary vocation. "Leoncio Prado Military College in Lima, where his father had put it back in thinking the right way, will be at the heart of City and the Dogs first novel by Mario Vargas Llosa. Published in 1961, he will know in the world. For the story, a thousand copies of this book were burned in bonfire in the courtyard of the college. The writer upset already. The story with the father found no happy ending. "It was impossible to rebuild a relationship." Vargas Llosa later learned from his mother that one day the father moved to New York, discovered in Time Magazine, which was his reference, a photo of her son and that he was destabilized.
Fou reading, the young Mario devoured the French writers of the nineteenth century : Hugo, Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert. Quite naturally he enrolled in the late 1950s, a contest organized by the French magazine and won. Its price? A one-month stay in Paris. "Living there in the 1960s was easy and exciting. It crossed Sartre, Camus, Aron, Ionesco and Beckett were played, it was a great time. "By 1966, France discovered City and the Dogs . A year later, the novelist travels to Caracas to receive the award-Romulo Gallegos. Finger, it means the picture that celebrates the event: "You see the old man there. Romulo Gallegos was. When he was informed that the price had just been awarded, he asked that. He was told to him and Mario Vargas Llosa exclaimed: "Why not me?" The poor, he had forgotten that gave its name to the prize. "Mario Vargas Llosa has the same amused reaction citing statements by Fidel Castro about the failure of the Cuban model. "It's pretty pathetic senile obsession of the Apocalypse." He maintained, however, the Lider Maximo, like many of his friends at the time, before breaking in the early 1970s. Policy and commitment are, of course, key moments of the show. That he will deliver to Caracas this sentence written in large letters on a wall of a room: "It must be remembered in our societies what they can expect. They must know that literature is like fire, it means dissent and rebellion that has purpose of the writer is the protest, contradiction, criticism. "

20 years ago, he lost the presidential election against Fujimori Peruvian

fascinated by Sartre, Vargas Llosa has endorsed the idea of responsibility for the intellectual and adopted slogans "To write is to act" and "Words are deeds". Not to the point of getting lost: "I always had a critical spirit that saved me. At the time I lived in Paris, I was left, which does not prevent me from reading the articles by Raymond Aron in Le Figaro . We must never forget that responsibility of the writer does not guarantee lucidity. "He cited different about Sartre who repulsed or his stance in favor of the Chinese Cultural Revolution that precipitated his break with the philosopher. "He was extremely intelligent but he has contributed more than anyone, the total confusion in contemporary politics."
When asked about his experience as a politician and his failure to elect Peruvian president Fujimori to face, there are just twenty years, Vargas Llosa, who has always said that the political career had been an "accident" in his eyes, says: "I regret nothing. I discovered the true reality of politics. There we find the worst ingredients of the human condition. "Serendipity, we stop in front of a window, which displays some of his favorite books. Among them, The Human Condition Malraux, covered with annotations of the Peruvian writer. "Malraux is a very rare combination of human action, intellectual and writer. He arranged to be at the heart of all the events of the century. I remember with great emotion of his speech was a great orator, almost a mystic. And he had this crazy vocation which defended against the spirit of seriousness. "

When asked if he wanted the adventurer Malraux, the writer replied immediately in the affirmative. When told that Malraux has probably been deprived of the Nobel Prize for Literature because of his stance Gaullists, Vargas Llosa, who has understood the allusion to his status as a perennial Nobel laureate held probably too liberal for jurors de Stockholm, se contente d'un laconique : «Je ne crois pas qu'un écrivain doive parler du prix Nobel, ça n'est pas bon pour le style !» La blessure semble pourtant béante. L'écrivain préfère en revenir aux aventuriers comme Malraux ou, moins célèbre, Roger Casement, diplomate britannique qu'il a découvert dans une biographie de Conrad et qui est le sujet de son prochain roman, Le Rêve du celte , à paraître en 2011. De cet homme, qui fut l'un des premiers à dénoncer les atrocités commises dans le Congo du roi des Belges, puis à prendre partie pour les Indiens Putamayos au Pérou et les indépendantistes irlandais, and eventually executed for treason in 1916, the writer says: "He was a hero to me, that is to say not a saint but a man with weaknesses."

"Mario Vargas Llosa. Freedom and life, "House of Latin America, 217, boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris. Until November 6. The catalog is published by Editions Gallimard.