Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rhyming Sayings For Halloween

The Nobel Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa gave a speech Tuesday at the Nobel Prize for Literature. On this occasion, here's a fresh interview with Jean-Pierre Elkabach:

In fact, I pointed out in part because Nicolas Canteloup them very well imitated both, taking the tone and wording elkabachienne any questions, as far as the charming accent Mario Vargas Llosa in French. Very good!

Topsy Turvy Hair Tool

Public transport is improving in Lima!

Two projects should improve the transport conditions (quite deplorable, it is true) in Lima:
- El tren eléctrico , white elephant of the first term of Alan Garcia and promise campaign of ... 1985 must be completed under the current term of office (until 2011, so). This is a kind of suspension railway, which connects downtown to the neighborhoods south of Lima (Villa El Salvador), more recent urbanization and strong demographics. The journey to the center could take 30 minutes instead of two hours combi . The first section is 90% completed, some is already in service, after many delays.
Work has really taken over that past year. Lima then lived for almost 20 years with this unfinished business, a bit surreal. Here are some photos (2009) to illustrate ...

- El Metropolitano . Second major project, now launched, which works well and meets many people, this is an innovation for Lima noted. The Metropolitano is ... buses bellows, which run on bus lanes! He had to think!
The Tren Eléctrico is a project of Ministry of Transport, while the Metropolitano depends on the city of Lima. Always trust the local authorities to manage projects urban transport.
Unlike combis and microphones, the kingdom of informal and criollada, the Metropolitano is modern, clean ... primermundista whatever. There is more boleto they give you (or not) at a rate approximate, but pass, as in France. More boarding in the street to the whims of drivers, but tiled stations. This little spot of group Chapillacs Los Because of the demands for the project since the arrival of Metropolitano, everything is easier!

As stated seriously slogan: "The Metropolitano arrived, progress has come! "

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Average Womens 5k Times

Administration and Policy in the sixteenth

Reflection on the policy in Peru in the sixteenth century, the question of time and courage in decision-making. Three sites in particular: to impose the authority of the king to end encomiendas , manage and administer the men. It is in decisions about 1570 as the face of the Viceroyalty of Peru was modeled for two centuries ...

1. Impose the authority of the king.
After the conquest of Peru (1532), two opposing models: on one hand the conquistadors , between supporters of opposing Pizarro brothers and Almagro's supporters, often from poorer regions of Spain as Extremadura seek to establish the new world what they could not claim in the former: to create a feudal society, and become lords. Francisco Pizarro distributes titles marquis, duke and governor with a vengeance. On the other hand, the English crown sees this with suspicion, and seeks to break these noble desires. It separates America two, the Viceroyalty of New Spain to the north and the Vice-Kingdom of Peru to the south in 1542. Charles V sends the first viceroy in 1543, which is struggling to impose its authority and is killed by Gonzalo Pizarro in 1546, the conquistadors, now installed, we will not deprive the world they have only themselves same.
The second viceroy will succeed in ending the rebellion, to impose royal authority and centralize the country rather than around Lima Cuzco. The viceroy was Lieutenant personnel of the English king, more than an administrator appointed to manage a territory: it was King. Hence accuracy : Hispanic America was not a "colony" was a territory, ultramarine and without geographical continuity of the kingdom of Spain.
The consequence of this centralization was that reconstituted itself around the viceroy system and spirit of the court, with its label and its relationship to power. A researcher has published in 2007 PUCP Buscando a Rey ("In Search of a King: authoritarianism in the history of Peru"), where he shows how society, the manners and contemporary Peruvian politics can be explained by the original parsonage, this desire to please the king, these letters and petitions where one must stoop, humble, begging for a few bribes. There is some truth in all this!

2. Ending encomiendas
The other major project of the viceroys, to impose their authority, was to attack the privileges of the conquerors, mainly of their properties, encomiendas . English medieval old institution, it was adapted to the new world and established by an enactment of 1503, which allowed the conquistadors to receive a land management and Indians therein, to load for them to evangelize. This had enabled reward the conquerors, by their age and their bravery, but the inheritance of the encomienda froze the company by creating rents and a strong local authority, the encomenderos poorly performing their duty of evangelization and would prefer to use the available manpower for farm work or other, causing the slow decline of the Indians placed encomienda. "New Laws of Burgos," taken in 1542 under the inspiration of Bartolomé de la Casas , abolished the encomienda , but were never implemented because of resistance Local.

The issue was raised by Francisco de Toledo, the viceroy fifth (from 1569 to 1580, 11 years of government). He wanted to eliminate the perpetuity of encomiendas to transfer them to the death of the owner, the Crown. Faced with opposition from encomenderos and the threat of a new uprising, he had to retreat, the issue was debated, we sought to ease tensions, to weigh the pros and cons. The Crown wanted to protect the Indians and weaken the local power, the encomenderos argued that, should they make the property when they die, that does not encourage nor to improve care for Indians (this is not true). The issue of
encomiendas was never really resolved, and scored all the late sixteenth. Toledo managed to impose the transfer at the end of the third generation, acceptable compromise that could occur as a result of diversification of Peruvian society: the arrival of new immigrants, the development of merchants, lawyers, religious orders ... gradually erased the primacy of the conquistadors 'historical' in the hierarchy of society.

3. Manage and administer the population.
Last major project, the management of men.
At the social level, the initial policy was to separate the company into two distinct communities, the "República de Indios" and the "Republica de Españoles". The civilization was urban, the Spaniards founded cities (Trujillo, Lima ...) in the years 1530-1540 for themselves, and began to regroup under the Viceroy Francisco de Toledo, Indians of " Discounts. In the Caribbean, Mexico or Peru, city and cuts were ordered in a checkerboard pattern, with a geometric path organized around a central parade ground, while the European cities of the time were more irregular, enclosed, narrow streets and labyrinth. But the separation never worked, and the towns became the scene of miscegenation between Spaniards, Indians and blacks, resulting in a very wide range of situations (mestizo, mulatto, zambo , cholo, etc..) That we associate values social.
Economically, the main concern was to ensure the administrative operation of silver mines: Potosi, Huancavelica ... While the Indian population declined, due to disease, ill treatment, leaks and suicides, the generalization Toledo mita, a system of forced or compulsory labor. Each reduction, village or community should contribute troops to workers ( mitayos ) by rotation for use in mines. The administrative history of the last thirty years of the sixteenth century is a succession of reforms to broaden the recruitment base, reduce escapes from Indians, miners together ...

The Viceroyalty of Peru in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, has largely lived on the foundations and structures placed between 1540 and 1580. Forty viceroys of Peru have followed from 1543 to 1824, appointed and dismissed by the English kings, who ruled from the Consejo de Indias , but never went to the New World. The viceroys were sent, sometimes with a clear mission statement, which they reported to the king, but the slowness of communications gave them great freedom, and he sometimes took several years to run an application or transmit data . Faithful to the king, often good managers, their administrative decisions have been reaching up to today. For example, to better manage these vast territories, they created eight Hearings gradually, sort of jurisdiction of the courts of justice: Panama, Lima, Bogota, Charcas, Quito, Chile, Buenos Aires, Cuzco. Six of the eight hearings today are the capitals of South American states.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Paint Colors With Wallpaper Bord


Seen on the competition site photo of National Geographic :
Photo No. 25: a llama on a hill of Chavin de Huantar in the sun. Photo by John Palmer Gregg.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What To Write In A Wedding Card.

New Adventure Pezweon

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Man And Woman Ejaculating

Andean Baroque music

I realized too late that the presence in the program Alliances resonance, the presence of Javier Echecopar in Paris. The name meant nothing to me, since I discovered it was a great classical guitarists of Peru, which deserves some developments.

best known traditional Andean music with pan flutes, and tambourines quenas, we must not forget that the period has also developed English baroque music, especially in the eighteenth century. The Jesuit Domenico Zipoli, who arrived in America in 1717, was the first European musician to settle on the continent. He wrote several parts for reductions (Jesuit Missions), which had some success, but died less than ten years after his arrival.

Baroque music was popular in the reductions, but also the court of the viceroy of Peru, Personal Representative of the King of Spain in Lima. Here is a sonata in A minor composed in the eighteenth Lima, Javier Echecopar interpreter in one of the chapels of the Church of San Pedro , the Jesuit church of the capital, completed in 1638, one of the most richly decorated in the capital.

To continue this theme, a Chilean group like: Barroco Andino , which performs baroque tunes combining Andean and European instruments. It's original and mind-blowing it: here's Turkish March by Mozart in a new light!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Counter Offer Letter Claim Sample

Nobel literature is at last! - Attributed to Mario Vargas Llosa

one who was an "eternal suitor" at the Nobel for literature has finally get it. I can not say much more than this article in Le Figaro today which I yield the floor, waiting to provide a little more material. Congratulations to the novelist.
Oh, and for the exhibition House of Latin America, here.

PORTRAIT - Le Figaro had met last September that great novelist and essayist, former Peruvian presidential candidate and a columnist for power struggles.
"Do you want us to do the tour together?" With an hour ahead of the visit, the great Peruvian writer picked us at the entrance to the Great Exhibition it is devoted , a month before the Nobel Prize for Literature him was finally awarded. He has not changed since the 1990s: just her hair did they get a little snow, but the elegance, usability are always appreciated. At 74, Mario Vargas Llosa is as beautiful as they say. Walking the halls covered with photographs of him in all ages inspired him this comment: "Usually this kind of tribute took place post mortem. I am a guest of stone. "
Two floors of the building, in addition to photos, personal documents, letters, copies of books, reproductions of covers of his books in different languages and even some of his famous collection of hippos inform the visitor about the man and artist. See life as well organized chaos when we know it was fun. He has only one certainty: the literature was "the spine, the nerve center" of his existence. "It was obvious, even unconsciously, from the outset, upon discovery of reading."

child he devoured Hugo, Stendhal, Balzac and Flaubert

was in Cochabamba in Bolivia, where he spent his first ten years in "paradise of childhood." It is only 5 years old he learned to read. Again he contracted a heavy dependence on the subject book as evidenced by a touching letter addressed to the infant Jesus at the approach of Christmas. And then the nest and the status of a spoiled child he passed overnight, to a world of insecurity and authoritarianism symbolized by the appearance of a father he thought dead. This man was not an intellectual saw a dim view of literature and poetry. "For him, the one who was interested could be a deviant. This opposition of my father was an encouragement to persevere in the literary vocation. "Leoncio Prado Military College in Lima, where his father had put it back in thinking the right way, will be at the heart of City and the Dogs first novel by Mario Vargas Llosa. Published in 1961, he will know in the world. For the story, a thousand copies of this book were burned in bonfire in the courtyard of the college. The writer upset already. The story with the father found no happy ending. "It was impossible to rebuild a relationship." Vargas Llosa later learned from his mother that one day the father moved to New York, discovered in Time Magazine, which was his reference, a photo of her son and that he was destabilized.
Fou reading, the young Mario devoured the French writers of the nineteenth century : Hugo, Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert. Quite naturally he enrolled in the late 1950s, a contest organized by the French magazine and won. Its price? A one-month stay in Paris. "Living there in the 1960s was easy and exciting. It crossed Sartre, Camus, Aron, Ionesco and Beckett were played, it was a great time. "By 1966, France discovered City and the Dogs . A year later, the novelist travels to Caracas to receive the award-Romulo Gallegos. Finger, it means the picture that celebrates the event: "You see the old man there. Romulo Gallegos was. When he was informed that the price had just been awarded, he asked that. He was told to him and Mario Vargas Llosa exclaimed: "Why not me?" The poor, he had forgotten that gave its name to the prize. "Mario Vargas Llosa has the same amused reaction citing statements by Fidel Castro about the failure of the Cuban model. "It's pretty pathetic senile obsession of the Apocalypse." He maintained, however, the Lider Maximo, like many of his friends at the time, before breaking in the early 1970s. Policy and commitment are, of course, key moments of the show. That he will deliver to Caracas this sentence written in large letters on a wall of a room: "It must be remembered in our societies what they can expect. They must know that literature is like fire, it means dissent and rebellion that has purpose of the writer is the protest, contradiction, criticism. "

20 years ago, he lost the presidential election against Fujimori Peruvian

fascinated by Sartre, Vargas Llosa has endorsed the idea of responsibility for the intellectual and adopted slogans "To write is to act" and "Words are deeds". Not to the point of getting lost: "I always had a critical spirit that saved me. At the time I lived in Paris, I was left, which does not prevent me from reading the articles by Raymond Aron in Le Figaro . We must never forget that responsibility of the writer does not guarantee lucidity. "He cited different about Sartre who repulsed or his stance in favor of the Chinese Cultural Revolution that precipitated his break with the philosopher. "He was extremely intelligent but he has contributed more than anyone, the total confusion in contemporary politics."
When asked about his experience as a politician and his failure to elect Peruvian president Fujimori to face, there are just twenty years, Vargas Llosa, who has always said that the political career had been an "accident" in his eyes, says: "I regret nothing. I discovered the true reality of politics. There we find the worst ingredients of the human condition. "Serendipity, we stop in front of a window, which displays some of his favorite books. Among them, The Human Condition Malraux, covered with annotations of the Peruvian writer. "Malraux is a very rare combination of human action, intellectual and writer. He arranged to be at the heart of all the events of the century. I remember with great emotion of his speech was a great orator, almost a mystic. And he had this crazy vocation which defended against the spirit of seriousness. "

When asked if he wanted the adventurer Malraux, the writer replied immediately in the affirmative. When told that Malraux has probably been deprived of the Nobel Prize for Literature because of his stance Gaullists, Vargas Llosa, who has understood the allusion to his status as a perennial Nobel laureate held probably too liberal for jurors de Stockholm, se contente d'un laconique : «Je ne crois pas qu'un écrivain doive parler du prix Nobel, ça n'est pas bon pour le style !» La blessure semble pourtant béante. L'écrivain préfère en revenir aux aventuriers comme Malraux ou, moins célèbre, Roger Casement, diplomate britannique qu'il a découvert dans une biographie de Conrad et qui est le sujet de son prochain roman, Le Rêve du celte , à paraître en 2011. De cet homme, qui fut l'un des premiers à dénoncer les atrocités commises dans le Congo du roi des Belges, puis à prendre partie pour les Indiens Putamayos au Pérou et les indépendantistes irlandais, and eventually executed for treason in 1916, the writer says: "He was a hero to me, that is to say not a saint but a man with weaknesses."

"Mario Vargas Llosa. Freedom and life, "House of Latin America, 217, boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris. Until November 6. The catalog is published by Editions Gallimard.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

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What insania!

I'm asleep they come!
It is with pleasure that I present the site queinsania . This is a bunch of kids in Lima, who make occasional humorous short films. It's amateur "hecho en casa " but there is inspiration, humor and even puns ^ ^. And above all, everything happens in Lima, which allows you to see the city from within, by its youth. The humor of Peru is quite understandable that understands the language, especially since they make a lot of parodies of TV shows. In the videos are, for example:

- The decision Final : what happens there in the head of a young father who's request accounts of a morrow evening too watered?

- A prueba de nada: San Borja . I do not know the show parodied, but the concept of man dropped into hostile territory and must cope. So our hero abandoned in the heart of San Borja, a posh residential neighborhood of Lima street names that change, other both ways, can not find a taxi ... Only way out: join the Javier Prado, Lima broad avenue that runs through from east to west. It therefore follows his adventures in San Borja, interspersed with practical advice and voiceover style "Man vs.. Wild".
The hero: "We must be extremely careful at this intersection where the avenue crosses herself!" Indeed, Avenida San Borja north meeting ... Avenida San Borja north. Surrealism of urban organization. Voiceover: "In 1948, lost a couple came to this crossroads. The total confusion led them to eat each other."

- Dance the fireplace, which dates from last Christmas: filmed on a terrace with all the quality clip of cumbia (that say) 's is a nice merengue gently ribald where Santa Claus a goblin green and Rodolfo reindeer sway their hips in rhythm. A note in the words of the elf, glaring truth that is found in any Peruvian CV: "I am a proactive worker, I am the ideals of the company, I like to meet new challenges, I control ; Windows, Office, Internet ... "

short: it's stupid, but funny. Aprovechen!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Retirement Pay For An E6

Cristal - todas partes

Petit interlude of national unity and cerveza Cristal!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can A Person Have Pet Platypus?

In Ezequiel Arce La familia con su cosecha dads

Since speaks of Martin Chambi, here Ezequiel Arce's family and his crop of potatoes , photo taken in Cuzco in 1939.
This picture is shown in Paris in the subway station ... Parmentier and was also part of the illustrations of the International Year of the Potato, decreed by the UN in 2008 at the request of Peru. IYP (International Year of Potato, of course) was to show the importance of potatoes in the food world: nourishing and easy to grow, they are not traded on world markets, unlike cereals, and are therefore less subject to financial fluctuations. It is impossible to overstate the contribution of the potato to the food sovereignty of developing countries. Proof of its strategic importance, the leading producer is now China!
In this memorable year passed unnoticed in developed countries, it remains the site which has full information about this exciting tuber. And beautiful photos Andean potatoes, extremely varied. In the series

potato, I ask:
- The news in potatoes, blog linked to the world and very enjoyable to watch;
- Mr. Potato Head, the protagonist of the three Toy Story ;
- Quebec expressions do potato, which means fail, miss a shot, failing to stand in boiling water ... ; be out to lunch : to be in error / exit road and not drop the potato : persevere.

Friday, September 17, 2010

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Sumaq Suma, Peru to Paris!

I'm over from celebrations in Paris around the 120th anniversary of the French Alliance of Lima, which we already see the dawn posters on the walls of Paris, which will take place from September 23 to 30 October.
"Peru will be able to give an overview of his greatest talents of the moment in this cycle Alliances resonance, Suma Sumaq, Peru in Paris. From 23 September to 29 October will be presented artists Peru, the best known abroad and who accompanied the French Alliance of Lima in recent years. It contains musicians Susana Baca , The Machete and Javier Echecopar, the circus troupe The Tarumba, the work of Alberto Quintanilla, two young photographers Morfi Jimenez Mercado and Conrado Aguilar and fashion designer Naty Muñoz. Two round tables co-organized with the IFEA (French Institute of Andean Studies) are also scheduled. All these events will take place in different places of Paris. "

The program is available here , with lots of beautiful things.
I've spotted a roundtable on " The Conquest of the Inca Empire " to the Picture Gallery in Paris, October 13 to 19h (entry free, reservation 01 42 68 81 07 or With Bernard Lavallée, Patrice Lecoq and Carmen Bernand in speakers, it was dug up among the best French specialists. ... Besides, he is Bernard's son Daniele Lavallée?
From October 15 to November 13, exhibition of photographic works Morfi Jimenez Mercado and Conrado Aguilar, Gallery Talmart, 22 rue du Cloitre Saint Meri 75004 Paris (entrance free). The first is a 34 year old photographer who took pictures timeless mixture of traditions, memories and modern ... A nice preview on his website:
And finally, the highlight of the festivities: two concerts Susana Baca September 30 and October 1 at 20:30. It pays this time, see program. Susana Baca is the Afro-Peruvian singer the best known, it has also been decorated by France in the Order of Arts and Letters. Afro-Peruvian music part of popular culture on the coast of Peru, and is easily recognized because of its cajon: is a wooden box on which it sits and is the percussion, typical music and Afro-Peruvian Creole. small demonstration with Samba Malato , Susana Baca:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Homeade Babyshowerideas

Song you get your hands

A Song for Communion Mass for your wedding:
You get your hands

Details HERE

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome Greeting Church

The archangels of the Viceroyalty of Peru Felices Fiestas

Over time, memories fade Peru. The sounds and smells of the street, national pride, especially if the focus, moving away a little, while other images or other symbols to represent take over this country and its history.
Something that, for me, is deeply Peru, more than Lake Titicaca, llamas or Pisco are the archangels. Relatively little presence in Western art, archangels have been, instead, a real fascination in the Viceroyalty of Peru, especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth century.

Among the different types, the archangel carrying musket is the ultimate . The musket was a firearm used by very conquistadors. Its representation in painting (while in Europe represented archangels are usually a sword) is an American creation. It probably inspired prints infantry military treaties that circulated in the new world.
The feast of St. Michael , boss of the archangels, was the only day when the Indians were allowed to carry weapons: they marched, dressed as angels as soldiers. A failed attempt uprising in 1750, also planned to take advantage of this holiday, since the Indians had access to arsenals from the previous day.
Enthusiasm for the archangels is mainly due to conditions of evangelization of the New World. Archangels lead the heavenly host, which is based on the outcome of the final battle between good and evil. They also represent the natural phenomena, stars and planets, and probably were grafted on indigenous beliefs by this personification. Another explanation is that the Society of Jesus, founded in 1540 and active in Peru from 1568, an order was too new to have already its own saints: the Jesuits they dedicated their churches so St. Peter, St. Paul, Our Lady of Loreto and Saint Michel. Brotherhoods natives were involved in the management of churches so there was a brotherhood under the protection of the Archangel Michael in Lima, which was able to play.

In Peru today, you can still find reproductions of paintings of archangels in many homes. And for the costume parade tests Interfacultades 2008 at PUCP, entitled "Angels and Demons", the procession was led by the Humanities ... a musket to archangel.

-All these tables are those of the National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Peru -

Friday, August 20, 2010

Quotes In Samoan And Translation

Seine et Oise

We leave the station Triel to reach the banks of the Seine. On the opposite bank, proudly stands the Cathedral of Mantes la Jolie. However, for our trip, we prefer the St Martin .

Namely: after numerous battles between Norman and Capetian Parish Triel finally annexed to the royal domain in 1109. The city, freed in 1221 by Philippe Auguste, which is attached to the provost depend also common Andrésy, Careers, Denouval, Conflans, Chanteloup, Maurecourt, Vaulx, Verneuil and Vernouillet and this, until 1900. A church was erected on the hill and then enlarged in the 15th and 16th. Under the arch of 1550, passes the King's Road which leads to a ford. Much later, a suspension bridge was inaugurated in 1838. Only way to cross the Seine, this access fee is destroyed by the French in 1940 to halt the advancing Germans. Over time, economic activity revolves around the quarrying of gypsum or plaster (18th in 1950) but also of the vineyard (dispersed by phylloxera). Therefore, writers - Guy de Maupassant, Paul Fort, Rozerot Jeanne (mistress of Zola), an actress - Denise Grey and explorer - Marcel Izy Schart, settled in the city. Home Senet illustrates the charm of the bourgeoisie built at that time. Built on a spacious park for mayor in 1895, it was bought by the town in 1983 and converted into a socio-cultural center. On the banks, the home Castelet also illustrates this type of sophisticated villas.

We then go back to Fontenelles bifurquons to skirt the dangerous forest of Hautil. From its heights, we enjoy a beautiful view of the meandering river. Afterwards, we went around Vaux sur Seine win the castle park located near Fort Beauregard cow. We cross the woods to lead the Castle Menucourt placed near his pond. We also appreciate his St Leger before continuing our journey towards Courdimanche.

Namely: Menucourt is mentioned for the first time in 1201 in a document to the abbey Ressons. The fee is then up to Hugh de Breuil, Viscount Meulan, then it passes from hand to hand until Chassepot Beaumont, lords from 1656 until revolution. Through the intervention of the municipality, the family can retain its property until 1838. During the 19th, the millstone and gypsum are mined in the forest of Hautil. Meanwhile, tile and pearling occupy the former peasants who struggle to survive with the culture of pears sold at the Halles de Paris. The population of the land seized in the late 20th century with the new town of Cergy Pontoise.

Circling the golf course, we reach the marshes and then Vauréal Notre Dame de l'Assomption . There, in a covered walkway, lies a dolmen. Further, in the high tops, stands a menhir . Quietly we arrive at Jouy le Moutier, which stretches along the Oise. We discover its superb church of Our Lady of the Nativity . Continuing south, we pass through some woods and fields without ever seeing in the hollow of the hills, ancient mushroom. From there, the Gr countries leads us to the castle Fay installed on the plateau of white ribs. The mound of limestone is its name here!

Namely: to Vauréal , a covered walkway, housing 65 bodies attests to the presence of humans in the Neolithic. The hamlet was established as a parish in 1252 by the Bishop of Paris. The church is 13th burned by the British in 1432 and rebuilt in 1561. The manor, owned since 1644 by Antoine Guérapin, counselor of state, became a barony in 1656. The farmer-general of the king, Mr. Le Bel, acquires and sells the field to the Princesse de Conti La Roche Sur Yon. In 1786, the Marquise de Caumont buys it before it was dismantled during the Revolution. In the 19th, a new castle was built. It belongs to the publisher and Boussod art lover but also industrial Menier. If the vine until the 20th queen, she disappears in favor of the cultivation of fruit and vegetables, before the lands were invaded by the constructions. Jouy le Moutier is as old as Vauréal. The village is attested in the 11th century. Notre Dame de Paris and the monks of St Martin de Pontoise there have vineyards since the Middle Ages. The church, begun in the 12th, is the subject of six phases of construction until the 16th. The wine produced between the 17th and 18th is sold under the name Ginglet to local publicans. The winemakers are often found in the village inn for celebrate St Vincent, patron saint of winegrowers. But competition from wines from noon causes the decline in favor of the vineyard orchards. The castle of Fay, built in 1450, it dominates the town of Andrésy on a park of 40ha. Redesigned in the style of Louis XIII, it belongs in 1789 to Armand Damilliers of Thésigny. During the Revolution, the estate was acquired by Mr. Ste Marie which transforms the English park, fragmented and sells the land. In 1853, Leon is Lepic aide of Napoleon III, who acquired it for sale in 1861 to Gustave Roy, President of the Chamber of Commerce in Paris. The castle remained in the same family until 1973, to be transformed into a residence luxury hotel management.

back down, we will welcome the St Roch the heart of the town of Chanteloup, which boils down to only two long streets (Drinker and Petit Chanteloup). The church was built in 1514 for the Archbishop of Rouen, but it was not until 1708 to see her wearing slate. By taking the path Pissefontaine we find Triel.

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Plain Jouars

We start this tour at the foot of the church of St. Medard go towards La Muette. Along the coast Elancourt, we discover the old orphanage Assumption before joining the nine mill then Polançon firm that operates the valley still. Arrived at the Lock, we look back on the mound to dominate the Castle Pontchartrain at the bottom of a large driveway.

Namely: Elancourt has been occupied since Neolithic times. Over the years, the town hosts the Roman road linking Paris to Dreux, then a system of channels serving the royal chateau of Versailles. The church is built in the 10th century in Romanesque style and restored by the original Knights Templar in the 13th. We find traces of their passage on the domestic capitals and keystone of the edifice. In the 19th, Father Méquignon founded an orphanage acknowledged public utility in 1866. The venue will host 300 children who represent one third of the population. In 1869, a laundry was built on the ru Elancourt, but its use is subject to a fee of 20 cents collected by the keeper. A distiller settles at the laundry during the winter to prepare the plum brandy. Economic activity revolves around farms, mills, farms wine over 4 villages: the Launay, the village, Little and Great Villedieu. Then the construction of the new town's population exploded, pushing away the farm. The orphanage now houses children with social problems. As for Pontchartrain, the place is inhabited since ancient times. A castle is mentioned first in 1325. In 1595 it was acquired by Antoine de Buade Frontenac who is transformed, then bought in 1609 by Paul Phélypeaux, secretary of state, who added a chapel. Louis II de Pontchartrain hired Le Nôtre in 1693 to create the park. Sequestered during the revolution, the castle is purchased by the Osmond family, before falling to Henkel Donnersmark then to Dreyfus from 1880 to 1932. At the foot of the hill was built the village of Les Bordes. In the 18th, the road is too dangerous Neauphle, Frederic Maurepas deviates by Bordes. This axis supports the development of the village through the activities of post-horses and inns relay. Later, famous restaurants attract visitors this weekend after the Second World War. Between 1994 and 98, the farm lands of Ythe are the subject of major excavations to have been at the crossroads of major routes including Paris Beauvais Orleans and Dreux. Archaeologists found traces of a sanctuary with Celtic temple, lime kilns, pottery kilns and metal workshops

We then cross the room in the cooler to reach ruins of the farm Ythe . From there, we win on the Smith Mauldre across the rocks. In the village, time stopped around the St Leu and St Gilles castle.

Namely: the fief belonged in the Middle Ages to the Mignon family. Their castle stands at the Hunière near the chapel of Ste Genevieve. In the 15th century, the estate goes to Leclerc. John starts the reconstruction of the castle in the 16th. His wife, Marie de Lafayette, made complete by adding a postern to secure drawbridge to the castle. Meanwhile, she is girding wall adjacent properties to protect their citizens religious wars. One of his son, Father Joseph, Richelieu became adviser. Another governor of the Bastille, is still embellish the castle, while two wings were added in the 18th. The property was sold in 1947 in the town of Neuilly sur Seine. Since then, the castle once more private is used for hotel operations and leisure. As for the church, it loses its steeple after a heavy rainstorm during the 17th, but the Chancellor of the Pontchartrain had rebuilt identically. In 1872, the church inherited from the ashes of Angennes, hitherto preserved in the church at Rambouillet. The building was completely rebuilt in 1859 and 1870.

By the pond Hunière , we follow the valley Mauldre hosting the Foxes, vegetable biological father to daughter. Just before the ordeal of the hill of peace, we turn left into Daubers. After a nice downhill, we must go back into the woods Prudhomme. Then following the Pr, we arrive at the pond Courance . But before we sink into the wood of Maurepas, we take a moment to approach the dungeon Chapel and St Saviour.

Namely: Maurepas lands are occupied since the 4th millennium BC. In the 9th century, a family acquires chatellery Malrepast of belonging while at the Abbey of Saint Denis. This family took the name of the village, built a fortified first home, while the peasants are gathering around the chapel St Saviour. In the 11th, the tower was rebuilt in stone, the building of twenty feet high and seventeen feet in diameter is expected to resist the Norman invasions. But the hundred years war was right chatellery in 1346; the Malrepast must leave their land immediately recovered by a lord who engages in robbery from 1364 (Haymon Massy - St. Paul Druss). He was overthrown by the Earl of Arundel, Lieutenant General of England, in 1432. The keep is destroyed in half vertically to prevent its reconstruction. At the end of the 16th, John Frederick Phélypeaux, Count Pontchartrain, restored the chapel. His son, Phélypeaux Louis, Chancellor and Keeper of Louis XIV inherited the chatellery. Local curiosity: in 1790, the priest Daudrieu is elected mayor by the active citizens of the town. Like Elancourt, the slow pace of the village is disrupted by the creation of the new town (20,000 inhabitants in less than 50 years). The ruins of the keep we offer a unique testimony Ile dungeon cylindrical buttresses.

After crossing the forest, we came out on the field of discrete Coudray, then we bypass the Harrington to join our starting point.

Overview This Release: Plain Jouars

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ripped Tore During Brazilian

No rest for False rests

Since Station Chaville, Carnot then we follow Curie to discover the Church of Our Lady . After passing through Stalingrad, we passed a large oak tree that opens the forest. We appreciate his majesty for a moment. It carries out its six centuries! A quick look under the branches, and soon we are going through the neighborhood of the headless woman. Retaining our own, we prefer to cut the county to temporarily regain the forest and around the area of Bramble.

Namely: Chaville early humans were present 8000 years BC. A Roman camp is attested from the 2nd and 4th century. Then around 811, a farmhouse and a chapel were built by the Bishop of Paris, Inchadus. The first lord is mentioned in 1120 and its territory extends over 10ha. In 1348, the village is attached to the deanery Châteaufort and it grows despite the ravages of plague and the English occupation during the war of 100 years. In 1401, became the possession of Chaville Châtelet in Paris. From 1477, the area known a succession of lords. Finally, in 1596, the castle of Simon de Vigny is in ruins. It was bought by Michel Le Tellier. Around 1660, his little son is enlarge the church and the area before constructing a new castle which he sold in 1695 at the Grand Dauphin. An oratory is leaning against the trunk of a large oak tree on the edge of the forest. A pilgrimage is held every August 15. The village is then passed through the centuries without major changes, apart from a murderous occupation in 1870. With the arrival of the train, the castle park is divided and many industries in addition to the brick already present: Laundry, tannery, brewery. The mayor settled in 1910 in a hunting lodge built in 1815 for the Comte d'Artois, who lives there until his accession to the throne in 1824. The abrupt change of the village economy is growing and rapid urbanization erases traces of the past. The old church was destroyed and rebuilt in 1930. A presbytery is assistant in 1952.

Desvallières The path allows us to approach Sevres. We walk along the railway to the north before descending the avenue of a great man. La Villa des Jardies where he lived is still there, quiet and colorful (visit in the afternoon only). We commit ourselves then in the park opposite. On leaving, some we Chick leads to Balzac. With the help of the latter, we soon discover the St Nicolas St Marc . Nearby, a large tulip tree grows to the residence Musset.

Namely: the villa is in the 17th century, a simple home winemaker. Transformed in the 18th house in the country for Paris anxious to return to nature advocated by Rousseau, it was bought by Balzac in 1837. His megalomania led him to imagine a setting for his lavish villa: Parian marble, cedar wood, frescoes by Delacroix. And for his garden, he is thinking about building a greenhouse for the production of pineapple. It also plans to sell parcels to be subdivided in the vast land acquired in the immediate vicinity of the railway track. But pursued by his creditors, he fled the house in 1840. At the dawn of the Third Republic, Gambetta, Minister of the Interior and of War, became very popular in imposing an armistice in 1871 to end the war against the Prussians. Tired of his political battles, he seeks a country home to rest and is the home of Jardies chosen in 1878 to settle there with his mistress Leonie Leon. But he died suddenly of peritonitis December 31, 1882, after a gun accident. The emotion caused by his death pushes the heirs to leave his house in the state that decided to stay together in the annual pilgrimage to the Second World War. She is now a memorial site of the Republican veteran, in the garden is a monument erected in his name in 1891 by the Alsatian sculptor Auguste Bartholdi.

We go on the land of the monastery and then we head towards the village of a coquette. At center, the church of St Eugenia we appear calm and serene, like this be preserved. From there, Schlumbergers lead us quickly to the marl. After a few steps, we pass the pavilion Thierry and cross the road to the Empress. We face uneven before attempting a visit to Haras de Jardy .

Namely: Marnes was founded by the Bishop of Paris, Eudes de Sully. A priory founded in 1120 already exists in the east of the hamlet. The church built in 1203 depends on the college of St. Cloud. In 1721 the English Benedictine priory control the and praise the farmer's fields at Clery. In the 17th century, Marnes becomes a pleasant site frequented by great characters: the Minister le Tellier, marquis de Barbezieux and Chamillart financier Law, the monarch Louis XVI, who bought the castle in 1778, then Marie Antoinette. During the revolution, the priory was sold as national property while preserving its agricultural vocation, the church is destroyed and its mayor, the lawyer Linguet sent to the scaffold. The village becomes place of residence between the first and second empire. The town hall was built in 1849 to house the administrative center, a school and an asylum. Villeneuve Castle Pond was successively occupied by Marshal Soult, the Duchess of Angouleme and the Emperor Napoleon III. This formalizes the nickname given to marl: the tune is a credit to the village green since January 1859. In 1860, Napoleon III by rebuilding the church at its expense, the building pays tribute to his wife Eugenie. In 1890, breeder and punter buys Edmond Blanc former priory and turns to accommodate a breeding thoroughbreds. The stud acquired an international reputation before being sold to Marcel Boussac in 1920. Meanwhile, other personalities attending the town: Henri Duparc (composer and Mayor the municipality in 1884), Louis Pasteur, Maurice Chevalier, Thierry Maulnier (Academician). Urbanization has here preserved the park of Villeneuve the pond, the castle was destroyed in 1870.

We then burn a few calories in the forest of Glatigny, come across the forest Pavilion, and all along the cord north we go out on the reliefs of False rests, to arrive, tired before the famous ponds Ville d'Avray . We take this opportunity to also admire the hostel Cabassud and Corot languid house beside the water. To not lose the rhythm, we on our way back down south. We find the station shortly after the Martiniere.

Namely: Ville d'Avray is discovered in the 12th century alone. The village is built in the 14th ward, while the manor belongs to Pierre de Chaillot, and his descendants. The Hundred Years' War devastated the region and pushes them to give way to Celestine. After 250 years of ownership, the monks sell their lands to Louis XV in 1747. The King shall confer with his first valet Marc-Antoine Thierry, bartering Ville d'Avray and cons Vaucresson Guyancourt. Thierry, and become lord of Ville d'Avray, built two schools. In 1784 the lordship became a barony. Thierry shaved the ruined church and build a new one in 1789. Despite its good intentions, he was arrested and guillotined in 1792 for being close to the king. The arrival of the railway in 1839 accelerated the development of the town. Artists are attracted by the beauty of ponds and woods: Alfred de Musset, Frédéric Chopin, Honoré de Balzac, Camille Corot. It has long resided in a house built in the 18th by the pond. This housed the remains Miss dancer opera life, before being sold to the father of the artist as a summer residence. In 1875, Mr. Corot sells his house to the publisher Lemerre, who invited the painter Chabas, Jose Maria de Heredia, Francois Coppe, Sully Prudhomme, Leconte de l'Isle, Alphonse Daudet. In 1884, he withdrew into the kiosk regularly to the hostel to write Cabassud Sappho. During the 20th, the city continues to seduce scientists and writers settle Jean Rostand Edouard Branly, Claude Debussy or Boris Vian. Then from wealthy businessmen and political attend the scene, as Leon Gambetta.

Overview of this release: Fake Rest